
Blog posts

Write your own PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) module

How to write your own PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) module

Maintaining your own version of the Azure CLI

Learn how to manage your own version of the Azure CLI and why we no longer support tooling.

Eating our own dog food

How using Octopus to manage Octopus Cloud has helped us eat our own dog food and improve

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

How GitHub Actions is different to traditional build servers

We explore how GitHub Actions, providing Continuous Integration as a Service, is different to traditional build servers.

Why we chose Kubernetes, Linux, and .NET Core for Octopus Cloud

A reflection on the architectural options we considered for hosting Octopus Cloud v2.

Remote Release Promotions RFC

We are designing a new feature to allow promoting Releases between different Octopus Servers (Spaces). You may want to do this for for security, geographic, or other reasons. This is a request-for-comments.

Safe schema updates - Loose coupling mitigates human problems

On loose coupling and domain-driven development, and how they mitigate human problems that are commonly associated with monolithic architectures.

Octopus Workflow Builder feedback

Request for feedback on the early release of a workflow builder.

Security checkup for your Octopus

Take a few minutes to give your Octopus a security health check. We've recently shipped Octopus Cloud alpha which means we took time to look at how to keep a healthy and secure Octopus. You can too!

Octopus January Release 2018.1

What's new in Octopus 2018.1

Why you should track vulnerabilities after deployment

Find out why you should track vulnerabilities after deployment, plus the ways how.

Building versus buying software

Probing the pros and cons of building software yourself compared to buying a product.

Inside DevOps with Matt Ash

A series where we share lessons learned from those on the frontlines of DevOps. This post features Matt Ash, Staff DevOps Engineer at a leading HR software platform provider.

10 of our favorite Jenkins plugins

Jenkins has over 1800 community-created plugins to help with continuous integration. Here are 10 we think are useful, as part of our series about CI and build servers.

Config as Code: What is it and how is it beneficial?

Learn about the benefits of Config as Code and some of the considerations when implementing Config as Code.


How to use custom certificates with Octopus Server and Tentacle

How to use custom certificates with Octopus Server and Tentacle.

Script integrity in Octopus Deploy

Script integrity is an interesting topic, especially in security sensitive situations. This page describes how scripting works in Octopus Deploy, interaction with PowerShell Execution Policies, and how to make Octopus work in restrictive environments.

Getting started

This section provides an overview of Octopus Deploy concepts and links to the relevant documentation, which explore the concepts further and guide you through implementing them with Octopus Cloud or your own self-hosted Octopus Server

Package repositories

Octopus can consume package feeds from the built-in repository, local and remote NuGet feeds, Maven, JetBrains TeamCity, MyGet and Azure DevOps or TFS Package Management.

Octopus Cloud Uptime SLO

The uptime SLO for Octopus Cloud instances

SQL Server Database

Information about using SQL Server Database with Octopus Deploy.

Configurable Timeouts and Session Invalidation

Timeouts and session invalidation can be used to enforce a user to re-authenticate.

Running Azure PowerShell

Octopus supports executing PowerShell against Azure and will automatically import the Azure PowerShell modules if they are available.

Azure CLI and PowerShell Scripts

Azure CLI and PowerShell Scripts allow you to manage your Azure resources as part of your deployment process.

Octopus reporting with an excel template

Octopus reporting with an excel template

Report on deployments using SQL

How to report on deployments using Excel & XML

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