
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Converting many environments to tenants via the Octopus API

Learn how to use the Octopus API to automate the creation of multiple tenants from many existing environments.

Safe schema updates - Near-zero downtime database deployments

This post discusses how we can only deploy often if we can do it without disruption.

Kubernetes deployment strategies visualized

See pods being deployed with either rolling updates, recreates, or blue/green deployments.

RFC: Removing snapshots

Snapshots have been a feature of Octopus since 2012, and they help to ensure that deployment processes are consistent for a given release. In 2015 we added Channels, which appears to make snapshots obsolete. We're considering removing snapshots in 3.4.

Enabling Parallel Deployments in Tomcat with Octopus Deploy

Learn how to deploy multiple versions of your web applications to Tomcat through Octopus Deploy

Azure changes in 3.1

We recently made big changes to deployment targets and Azure cloud services in Octopus 3.0, and it turns out we got our design wrong. In 3.1, we'll be reverting to the 2.6-era way of deploying cloud services. This change will also affect the way we deploy Azure web apps.

Octopus Starter edition: Free for small teams

Octopus Deploy: Starter is a new edition of Octopus Deploy. It allows small teams to run a self-hosted Octopus Server and deploy up to 10 targets, all for free.

Introducing Resilient Tentacle Communications

Learn about our new Resilient Tentacle Communications feature to recover from transient network issues and improve deployment success rates.

Variable Editor: A Journey

An exploration of the improvements we have made to the Variable Editor

New logo

Octopus Deploy now has a new logo, designed by Corey Ginnivan

Future of Deployment: Nano Server and .NET Core

Nano Server is an extremely small version of Windows Server. .NET Core is a small version of the .NET runtime. Together, I believe they are the future of how applications will run in production.

Deconstructing blue/green deployments in Kubernetes

Learn how to manually implement blue/green deployments in Kubernetes and Octopus.

Exposing Octopus variables to a Kubernetes container

Learn how to use the envFrom feature in Kubernetes to pass groups of variables to a container.

Safe schema updates - Strangling the monolith

This post discusses patterns for migrating from a tightly coupled to a loosely coupled architecture.

Octopus 2.0 UI: Angular, Grunt and responsiveness

Some screenshots of the Octopus 2.0 progress

Licensing and support/maintenance changes

Licensing and support/maintenance changes for Octopus 2.0

Database migrations lessons learned

Learn about database migrations and some lessons learned from using them in the Octopus Deploy codebase.

Insights from our Optimizing Octopus webinar

Learn how to keep Octopus running smoothly, and easily see what’s happening, all with a little planning, maintenance and smart use of Octopus features.


Upgrading old versions of Octopus

Everything you need to know to upgrade an older version of Octopus to a modern version.

Upgrading from Octopus 2.x to 2.6.5

Information on how to upgrade from Octopus 2.x to 2.6.5.

Immutable Infrastructure

This guide covers deploying to immutable infrastructure where a new version of the infrastructure is provisioned and the old infrastructure is terminated.

Moving version control

Changing the location of your configuration repository.

Change users domain

An example script that changes an Octopus user's Active Directory domain assignment.

Upgrading from Octopus 1.6 to 2.6.5

Information on how to upgrade from Octopus 1.6 tp 2.6.5.

Upgrading from Octopus 2.6.5 to 2018.10 LTS

Information on how to upgrade from Octopus 2.6.5 to 2018.10 LTS

Recovering after losing your Octopus Server and Master Key

A guide to recovering if the machine hosting Octopus Server dies irrecoverably, and you don't have the Master Key.

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