
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

My quest to reclaim the backlog

Getting on top of suggestions, feature requests and bugs

Deploying PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) like an App with Octopus Deploy

Use Octopus Deploy custom step templates and configuration data files (DSC configuration) to deploy your Infrastructure as Code using PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC).

Working at Octopus - a story of silicon and steel

A history of the computers I have enjoyed as a result of the Octopus Deploy computer policy.

Importing variables from SSISDB

Use PowerShell and the Octopus Deploy API to automate importing variables from SSISB

Thoughts from my User Experience Journey

Thoughts and takeaways from my recent journey with the Onboarding team, diving further into user-experience.

October Community Roundup

A summary of blogs and community events for October 2015

Introducing Octopus ID

Introducing our plans for single sign-on and new account features, using Octopus ID.

Introducing Linux Tentacle for Highly Secured Linux Servers

Octopus Deploy now supports Tentacles on Linux

Ask Octopus Episode 31-33 - Incremental changes, using Octopus.Client with different Spaces and Auto Scaling groups with Octopus Deploy

A couple of times a week we meet up and talk about some of the most interesting questions we have gotten and how we went about solving them.

Ask Octopus Episode 34-36 - Server 2008 EOL, Project Templates for specific scenarios & binding Variables to multiple roles

A couple of times a week we meet up and talk about some of the most interesting questions we have received and how we went about solving them.

Worker friendly custom step templates

How to make worker friendly custom step templates.

Ask Octopus Episodes 37-39 - Diagnostic logging, restarting a failed upgrade & deployment channels with child projects.

A couple of times a week we meet up and talk about some of the most interesting questions we have received and how we went about solving them.

Verify AppSettings or Variable Replacement

How to programmatically verify that your AppSettings have a matching Octopus Deploy variable defined and/or verify all variable replacement in files succeeded.

Configuring Octopus Deploy for IPv6

Setting up your Octopus Deploy service to communicate over IPv6 is as simple as doing nothing! Dual mode connectivity has now been enabled to allow Tentacle communications over both IPv4 and IPv6 as default.

Ask Octopus Episodes 40-42 - Data Migration, installing the Linux Tentacle & connecting on-premise servers to Octopus Cloud.

A couple of times a week we meet up and talk about some of the most interesting questions we have received and how we went about solving them.


Multi-tenant regions

A guide showing you how to use tenants to deploy an application to regions using different release rings in Octopus Deploy.

Deploying to a Release Ring

Deploy a release based on tenant tag.

Hardening Windows

With Octopus Deploy you can harden your Windows machines with a runbook as part of a routine operations task.

Tenant infrastructure

Add tenants to infrastructure as part of a multi-tenant region setup in Octopus Deploy.

Creating the tenants

Create the tenants needed as part of the multi-tenant region setup in Octopus Deploy.

IIS Runbooks

With Octopus Deploy you can manage IIS with runbooks as part of your routine operations tasks.

Create packages

Create packages for deployment with Octopus Deploy.

Create packages with OctoPack

Using OctoPack is the easiest way to package .NET applications for use in your deployments.

Include BuildEvent files

Using OctoPack when you have a PostBuild event in Visual Studio and want to include files that are not specifically part of your build.

Troubleshooting OctoPack

Troubleshooting NuGet packages and Octopack

Versioning schemes

Considerations for selecting a versioning scheme for the applications you'll deploy.

Machine policies

Machine Policies allow you to customize the behavior of Tentacle and SSH endpoints like health check settings, machine connectivity, updates and more.

Proxy support

Octopus supports proxy servers to ensure Octopus Server and Tentacle can operate correctly.

NuGet feeds

Configuring NuGet repositories as Octopus Feeds

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