
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Feature prioritization: do votes trump all?

What factors need to be considered when deciding which features to implement first?

Top 8 container registries

There are many container registry services, suitable for all different kinds of teams. We look at the top 8 and why you might consider them.

Continuous Delivery for .NET Core using Octopus Deploy and Bitbucket Pipelines

Learn how to use Bitbucket and Bitbucket Pipelines to automatically build, test and deploy .NET core apps on code commits using Octopus Deploy

Lessons learned building a Raspberry Pi cluster

Learn how to build and configure a Raspberry Pi cluster for fun and development purposes.

Linting your Kubernetes cluster with Clusterlint and runbooks

Learn how Clusterlint can be built into your workflow with runbooks.

RFC: X.509 Certificate Management

Request For Comment on proposed X.509 Certificate Management

Octopus is your deployment pipeline's quarterback

With the Super Bowl on the horizon, Andy Corrigan explains how Octopus is your deployment pipeline's quarterback

Lessons learned with home automation

Lessons learned implementing home automation.

Inside DevOps with Jason Dunnivant from Olo

A series where we share lessons learned from those on the frontlines of DevOps. Our first post features Jason Dunnivant, Release Engineer at Olo.

Octopus Deploy High Availability

Octopus: HA makes it possible to set up a high performance, reliable Octopus Deploy cluster. This post explains the architecture, and the kinds of scenarios it does and doesn't support.

Easy and secure GitHub integration

We're introducing 2 new features to make connecting GitHub and Octopus Deploy even easier and more secure.

Common deployment patterns and how to use them in Octopus

Deployment patterns are important to any development pipeline. This post looks at some common deployment patterns and explains how to set them up in Octopus.

Safe schema updates - Loose coupling mitigates human problems

On loose coupling and domain-driven development, and how they mitigate human problems that are commonly associated with monolithic architectures.

Library variable set permission changes

Some upcoming changes to how library variable set permissions work

Connect an AWS Account to Octopus Deploy

This post provides a step by step guide for connecting an AWS account to Octopus Deploy.

RFC: Octopus Reactions - Integration toolkit

A proposal for a feature we're calling Reactions. A set of tools to enable event based integration with a wide range of third party products. We'd love you to have your say!

Configuring Octopus Server High Availability using AWS FSx

Learn how to create an Octopus Server High Availability cluster using AWS FSx.

10 of our favorite Jenkins plugins

Jenkins has over 1800 community-created plugins to help with continuous integration. Here are 10 we think are useful, as part of our series about CI and build servers.

Containers - what you need to get started

A high-level look at what you need to get started with containerization.

What are SBOMs?

Find out what SBOMs are, learn about the US government's Executive Order, and how Octopus can help with your SBOMs.

Best practices for CI/CD

8 best practices for CI/CD, using agile, committing code frequently, using Config as Code, keeping builds green, automating your tests, using a feedback loop, and using fit for purpose technologies.


Create and push an ASP.NET Core project

This guide describes how to package and publish an ASP.NET Core project to Octopus from your development workstation.

Running Tentacle under a specific user account

Information on how to run Tentacle under a specific user account.

Permissions for the Octopus Windows Service

Information about the permissions required by the Octopus windows service to operate.

SSH deployments

Deploying software to Linux and Unix deployment targets.

Prevent release progression

Preventing progression lets you block a release of a project from being used in any future deployments.

Providing database performance metrics

How to provide database performance metrics to help the Octopus team resolve issues.

Deploy a Helm chart

Deploy a Helm chart to a Kubernetes cluster.


Adding conditions to steps to define your project's deployment process.

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