
Blog posts

Smoke testing your infrastructure with runbooks

Learn how to use runbooks to perform high level smoke tests against your applications and infrastructure.

Defining a target architecture

How to approach defining a target architecture for your software systems.

Introducing Octopus Cloud

Octopus Cloud has been a while in the making. In this post we look at how and why Octopus Cloud came to be, and what the future may look like

What is the difference between blue/green and red/black deployments?

The term blue/green and red/black are used to describe deployment strategies, but do they mean different things?

The 2022 Accelerate State of DevOps Report

Find out about the release of the 2022 Accelerate State of DevOps report.

October Community Roundup

A summary of blogs and community events for October 2015

Unsupported versions of Windows and .NET

Understand why old versions of Windows can fail to make network requests.

Inside DevOps with Fabio Segredo from Glintt Global

A series where we share lessons learned from those on the frontlines of DevOps. This post features Fabio Segredo of Glintt Global.

A look at the new NGINX VirtualServer and VirtualServerRoute resources

See the features of the new custom resource definitions introduced with the NGINX v1.5 ingress controller.

My First Year Working at Octopus

Rob Pearson sharing what it's like to work at Octopus Deploy and a bit about the company culture.

How we work. Some recent lessons

Some lessons we've learned in the last few months that change the way we work. Plus tools for a distributed team

Build Pipelines and Application Packaging With .NETCore

An adventure in build tools and Octopus tooling to package .NETCore applications

How we work - 2016 edition

An update on how we work as a team to build and support Octopus.

Negotiating with the gatekeepers

Building trust relationships between humans is rarely as simple as comparing thumbprints.

Fast track code promotion in your CI/CD pipeline

Learn how to use pre-approved deployment pipelines to rapidly promote code into production

New in Azure DevOps for Octopus Deploy v6

Find out what's new in v6 of the Octopus Azure DevOps plugin and why we made the changes.

Behind the scenes of the Octopus Extension for GitHub Copilot

Learn how we integrated Azure AI and Copilot when making the Octopus extension.

Safe schema updates - Resilient vs robust IT systems

Learn about the nature of failure in complex IT systems, and the benefits and drawbacks of designing for resilience vs robustness.

Deploying a Java web app with a MySQL backend through Octopus Deploy

This post demonstrates how to deploy a Java web application that uses a MySQL backend using Octopus Deploy.

Implementing DevSecOps to respond to vulnerabilities

As part of our series about Runbooks, learn how to configure your CI/CD pipeline to quickly identify and respond to vulnerabilities.

Deploying TeamCity to Kubernetes using Octopus Deploy

Learn how to spin up a build server on demand using Octopus Deploy and Kubernetes

The DevOps reading list: Choosing your next DevOps book

Your guide to selecting your first/next DevOps book.

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