
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Top 8 container registries

There are many container registry services, suitable for all different kinds of teams. We look at the top 8 and why you might consider them.

The benefits of containerization

Containers have a range of benefits that help you become more agile in software delivery. Containers are scalable, portable and complement your DevOps processes.

Containers - what you need to get started

A high-level look at what you need to get started with containerization.

Difference between, docker-cd, and Docker Desktop

Learn which version of Docker to install for your operating system.

A beginner's guide to containers

A brief overview at containers covering what they are and why they're useful.

Kubernetes 1.20 is deprecating Docker Runtime: What does this mean?

With the news that Kubernetes 1.20 is deprecating Docker, there has been a lot of panic. This blog post explains what's happening and what you can do to solve the problem.

Modifying Docker images during Kubernetes deployments

With the help of some open source Docker image tools and Kubernetes' mounting options, it’s possible to deploy a single image across multiple environments that include templated files.

What is CNAB?

A look at the Cloud Native Application Bundle (CNAB) specification, what problems it solves, and the pros and cons of the tooling.

Octopus script editor uplift

Find out how we improved the script editor experience in Octopus Deploy.

How to deploy Azure Container Apps

Learn how to deploy Azure Container Apps with Octopus Deploy.

What is multi-tenancy?

We explore the various definitions of the term multi-tenancy.

Why multi-tenancy is a confusing term and what it means to Octopus

Andy looks at why multi-tenancy is a tricky thing to define and how that affected Octopus's messaging.

What are tenanted deployments?

Learn about the benefits and problems of tenanted deployments, plus how Octopus solves those problems.

Introducing Execution Timeouts

Learn about our new Execution Timeouts feature to handle unexpectedly long-running processes.

Dropping support for Windows Server 2003 machines

Octopus Deploy will drop support for targets and Workers running Windows Server 2003 from the 2024.1 release.

Benefits of isolated tenanted infrastructure

Learn the different ways you can isolate your customers' data and why we recommend isolated infrastructure.

Why are there so many definitions of lead time?

Find out why there are multiple definitions of lead time and how you can use them to improve software delivery.

Removing the Azure VM extension for Tentacle

Find out why the Azure VM extension was deprecated and the recommended way to deploy Tentacle Windows VMs in the future.

DevOps uses a capability model, not a maturity model

As DevOps adoption increases, it becomes more likely the certification industrial complex will try to apply the wrong model.

Inside DevOps with Stephen Shamakian

A series where we share lessons learned from those on the frontlines of DevOps. Our next post features Stephen Shamakian, DevOps Senior Principal Engineer.

Using variables for Kubernetes without breaking YAML

Injecting Octopus variables into your Kubernetes YAML scripts is easier to perform with extended support for the existing structured variable replacement functionality.

Choosing a container platform

A look at different container platforms and their suitability.


Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Registry

How to add an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Container Registry as an Octopus feed

Private cloud migration

Guidelines for migrating an on-premises Octopus instance to private cloud hosting

ZipBombs and Octopus Deploy

Octopus Server actively prevents ZipBomb-based denial-of-service attacks using a number of preventative measures.

Managing Octopus subscriptions

Control Center is where you manage your Octopus subscriptions and their associated user access.

OCL Syntax for Config as Code

A description of Octopus Deploy's OCL file format.

Polling Tentacles over port 443

Octopus Polling Tentacles open a connection to the Octopus Server over port 443 to ask the Server if there is any work to do.

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