
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Managing credentials in Jenkins

As part of our series about Continuous Integration and build servers, we take a look at the best way to manage credentials in Jenkins with the Credentials Binding plugin.

A first look at Jenkins X

Jenkins X is a complete mental shift from the traditional role of a CI server. In this post, we take a high-level look at Jenkins X and highlight why you need to appreciate it on its own terms.

Database deployment automation using Octopus and Redgate Deployment Suite for Oracle

Octopus Deploy supports many database tools. Follow along as we get a CI/CD pipeline built to deploy a database change to an Oracle Database

RFC: Monitoring and Service Management

What if Octopus could monitor the Windows Services and IIS websites that you deploy?

Deploy to Oracle Database using Octopus Deploy and Redgate

Octopus Deploy supports many database tools. Follow along as we get a CI/CD pipeline built to deploy a database change to an Oracle Database

Chaos engineering and runbooks

Learn how runbooks can enrich your deployments with the Chaos Toolkit.

Active Directory Breaking change in 2019.5

What does the Active Directory breaking change mean for my organisation?

Rolling back a Kubernetes deployment

Learn how to rollback an application deployed to Kubernetes.

The why and more importantly the how of automated database deployment

Why and how your should automate your database deployments

Deploying Spring Boot Applications as Windows Services

Learn how to deploy a Spring Boot application as a Windows service with Octopus Deploy

Top 8 container registries

There are many container registry services, suitable for all different kinds of teams. We look at the top 8 and why you might consider them.

Building the Octopus CLI vNext

Learn about our plans to build the next version of the Octopus CLI.

Tracking your work from code to deployment

A look at the new custom metadata capabilities in Octopus.

Future of Deployment: Nano Server and .NET Core

Nano Server is an extremely small version of Windows Server. .NET Core is a small version of the .NET runtime. Together, I believe they are the future of how applications will run in production.

Why consider database deployment automation?

This post explores why automating scripts to deploy database changes is valuable and some of the benefits of database deployment automation.

Secrets in GitHub Actions

As part of our series about Continuous Integration and build servers, learn how to add secrets in GitHub to use with GitHub Actions, plus how to call them in workflows.

Octopus May Release 3.13

This month's release brings some exciting new features including support for Azure Service Fabric, HSTS, optional lifecycles and performance improvements, among other things!

Improving delivery of your deployment steps

Our new step package framework means we can deliver new steps to your Octopus instance faster and without the need for upgrades. Learn more.

Automated Database Deployments Series Kick Off

Automated Database Deployments Series Kick Off

Deprecations coming in 2024

Octopus will do some spring cleaning in 2024 and drop support for outdated features. Learn which ones and why.

Octopus Deploy version changes for 2018

This post outlines our decision to change versioning strategy for Octopus Deploy to a style matching our iterative, monthly release cadence. It also describes how we arrived at our decision and how continuous delivery has fundamentally changed the way we plan, build, and release our software.


Add domain teams

An example script that adds teams from a new domain to existing Octopus teams.

Sync multiple instances

How to keep two or more Octopus Deploy instances in sync.

Bulk add a project to a list of tenants

An example script that will add a project to a lot of tenants at once.

Change users domain

An example script that changes an Octopus user's Active Directory domain assignment.

GitHub Repository feeds

Configuring GitHub repositories as Octopus Feeds

Change users AD domain to LDAP

An example script that swaps an Octopus user's Active Directory login record for a matching LDAP one.


Octopus Deploy and Bamboo can work together to make automated, continuous delivery easy.

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