
Blog posts

Introduction to HCL and HCL tooling

Learn about the different tooling you can use with HCL.

The state of config file formats: XML vs. YAML vs. JSON vs. HCL

Learn about the different configuration file formats that are available and when you should use them.

Shaping Configuration as Code

We've been busy recently building Configuration as Code support for Octopus Deploy. Learn about some of the factors that shaped this feature.

Behind the scenes of the Octopus Extension for GitHub Copilot

Learn how we integrated Azure AI and Copilot when making the Octopus extension.

Octopus Deploy Config as Code: early access preview

Octopus Deploy's Configuration as Code solution is now available as a preview release for all customers.

Three ways to use custom Terraform plugins

Terraform does not yet support repositories for custom plugins, but here are three ways to utilize your custom plugins.

Infrastructure as code with Terraform for developers

Learn about infrastructure as code and Terraform for developers.

Infrastructure as code in Azure with Terraform and Octopus Deploy

In this blog post, I demonstrate using Infrastructure as code from Terraform and Octopus Deploy to create resources and services in Azure.

Getting started with the Terraform provider for Octopus Deploy

Introducing the official Terraform provider for Octopus Deploy. Learn how to manage Octopus instances with Terraform.

Request for feedback - Deploying to Google Cloud Platform with Octopus

Learn how Octopus supports your deployments to Google Cloud Platform and provide feedback on our GCP features.

Octopus 2020.5: Solid improvements and Config as Code update

Octopus 2020.5 introduces support for self-signed certificates, GitHub container registry support, Kubernetes and Terraform improvements and more.

Validating Config as Code projects

Learn how to implement automated checks of Config as Code projects during pull requests.

Synchronizing projects in managed spaces

Learn how to implement the full lifecycle of projects created as part of the enterprise patterns

Building the Octopus Cloud in AWS

Building the Octopus Cloud in AWS

Octopus 2022 Q1: Config as Code for deployments

Octopus 2022 Q1: Config as Code for deployments is now available. Plus new integrations and an acquisition.

Octopus 2022 Q2: Containerize and modernize your CI/CD pipeline

Octopus 2022 Q2 with support for cloud-native containers and serverless is now available. Plus automatic cloud target discovery and ServiceNow integration (early access).

Using Infrastructure as Code with Operations Runbooks

This post discusses how to leverage Operations Runbooks with Infrastructure as Code

Exploring the managed instance and space patterns

Learn how to implement the managed instance and space patterns in Octopus


OCL Syntax for Config as Code

A description of Octopus Deploy's OCL file format.

Terraform step configuration

Configuring common Terraform options using the Octopus built in steps

Configuration as Code

Projects can be version-controlled as text in a Git repository

Editing a project with version control enabled

What to expect when using the Configuration as Code feature in Octopus Deploy

Configuration as Code reference

Details about the configuration as code feature.

Sync multiple instances

How to keep two or more Octopus Deploy instances in sync.


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