
Blog posts

Using Cake build scripts for your .NET Core web apps

Using Cake’s C# makefiles to script your application build process.

GitHub Feeds

GitHub Feeds now allow deployments from source code without having to explicitly build packages

Flexible Working - Jason's Story

Flexible work can be life changing

Selenium series: Travis CI

In this post, we learn how to build and test our project with Travis CI

Command-line tab completion for Octopus CLI

Enable tab completion for the Octopus CLI today! We'll also dive into how shell completion works in some popular shell environments.

How to design an automated database deployment process

This article walks you through designing your ideal automated database deployment process.

Automated Database Deployments using State Based Redgate SQL Change Automation

Automated Database Deployments using State Based Redgate SQL Change Automation

Database deployment automation using state-based Redgate SQL Change Automation

Setting up automated database deployments with state-based Redgate SQL change automation.

Re-thinking feature branch deployments

Feature branches should be tested prior to merging into master. All too often, companies have a single static test environment.

Modern rollback strategies

Bob walks you through 3 modern rollback strategies: the 10-minute recovery, 3-minute recovery, and immediate rollback strategy.


Upgrading host OS or .NET

A how-to guide on how to upgrade the host OS or .NET with Octopus Deploy.

How High Availability Works

Understanding the inner workings on how high availability works in Octopus Deploy.

Expose the Octopus Web Portal over HTTPS

How to expose the Octopus Web Portal securely over HTTPS.

Upgrading from Octopus 4.x / 2018.x to latest version

Information on how to upgrade from Octopus Deploy 4.x or 2018.x to the latest version

Upgrading from Octopus 3.x to the latest version

Information on how to upgrade from Octopus Deploy 3.x to the latest version

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