
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Using Cake build scripts for your .NET Core web apps

Using Cake’s C# makefiles to script your application build process.

Calculating DORA metrics with Runbooks

Learn how to measure the performance of your deployments using the DORA metrics and a custom runbook.

GitHub Feeds

GitHub Feeds now allow deployments from source code without having to explicitly build packages

Flexible Working - Jason's Story

Flexible work can be life changing

Selenium series: Travis CI

In this post, we learn how to build and test our project with Travis CI

Command-line tab completion for Octopus CLI

Enable tab completion for the Octopus CLI today! We'll also dive into how shell completion works in some popular shell environments.


Remove a project from team

An example script that removes a project from a team.

Upgrading host OS or .NET

A how-to guide on how to upgrade the host OS or .NET with Octopus Deploy.

Export step templates

An example script that exports all step templates in a Space to files.

Delete targets by role

An example script to delete targets by role.

Get all steps using role

An example script to find all steps targeting a role.

Add an environment to step

An example script that scopes a step to an environment.

Find projects using library set

An example script that finds all projects using a specific library variable set.

Bulk add a project to a list of tenants

An example script that will add a project to a lot of tenants at once.

How High Availability Works

Understanding the inner workings on how high availability works in Octopus Deploy.

Add an environment to a team

An example script that adds an environment to a team user role.

Run a health check

An example script that creates and runs a health check task.

Find unused targets

An example script the will find provide a list of targets being unused that might cause your target count to be inflated.

Expose the Octopus Web Portal over HTTPS

How to expose the Octopus Web Portal securely over HTTPS.

Create a certificate

An example script to add a certificate to the Octopus certificate library.

Replace existing certificate

An example script to replace an existing certificate in Octopus Deploy.

Delete project releases

An example script that deletes releases for a project.

Find events by date

An example script that finds events by date in Octopus using the REST API and Octopus.Client.

Add library set to a project

An example script that adds a library variable set to a project.

Add or update project variable

An example script that adds or updates a project variable.

Find teams with role

An example script that finds all teams using a specific role.

Create an API Key

An example script that creates an API Key.

Create a channel

An example script that creates a channel.

Create a lifecycle

An example script that creates a lifecycle.

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