
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Identifying AWS shadow IT resources

As part of our series on Octopus Runbooks, learn how to find unmanaged resources in AWS using runbooks.

Trust Me - Assigning and Assuming IAM Roles

Learn how to use roles assigned to EC2 instances and assume secondary roles.

Granting federated user accounts to an EKS cluster

Learn how to grant an AWS federated user account to an EKS cluster.

Deploying a Lambda with CloudFormation

As part of our Runbooks series, learn how to deploy a Lambda with this sample CloudFormation template.

Deploying AWS Lambdas across environments

Learn how to progress Lambda deployments across environments using CloudFormation

Canary deployments with ECS

Learn how to use an external deployment controller to perform Canary deployments in ECS

Using AWS IAM roles in Octopus

Learn how IAM roles allow users to temporarily assume new permissions or perform work from an EC2 instance without any additional credentials.

Managing Ansible Deployments with Octopus

Learn how to deploy Ansible scripts from Octopus

WildFly S3 Domain Discovery

Learn how to use S3 buckets as a domain discovery mechanism in AWS.

Automating guided failures with an AWS Lambda and subscriptions

Learn how to automate the response to guided failure using an AWS Lambda with an Octopus subscription.

Hosting a Maven repo in Amazon S3

Learn how to host a fully functional Maven repository in Amazon S3

Building a dynamic worker army with Terraform and AWS autoscaling groups

How to create dynamic worker infrastructure using Terraform and AWS autoscaling groups.

Deploying AWS SAM templates with Octopus

Learn how to integrate SAM templates with Octopus deployments for AWS serverless applications.

Deploying an AWS ECS task using containers from ECR

Deployments to AWS ECS using containers from ECR are now possible using the new multi-package feature of Octopus script steps

Multi-cloud Kubernetes with Octopus Deploy

Learn how Octopus Deploy works with Kubernetes on cloud platforms.

Configuring Octopus Server High Availability using AWS FSx

Learn how to create an Octopus Server High Availability cluster using AWS FSx.

Using AWS Secrets Manager with Octopus

Introducing a new step template to allow secrets stored in AWS Secrets Manager to be used in deployments or runbooks.


Deploy an AWS CloudFormation template

Deploy an AWS CloudFormation Template.

Upload to AWS S3 template

Upload to AWS S3 template.

octopus deployment-target kubernetes create

Create a Kubernetes deployment target

Provision AWS resources with Terraform

With runbooks, you can use Terraform to create resources in AWS.

Cloud Target Discovery

Cloud resources can be discovered and registered as deployment targets by Octopus

Amazon ECS cluster

How to configure an Amazon ECS cluster target in Octopus Deploy

Provision an AWS RDS instance

Provision an AWS RDS using a runbook

New Octopus Target Command

Function for creating an Octopus target for a step package

Change AWS load balancer target group

Modify an existing AWS Elastic load-balancer listener to forward traffic to a different target group with a runbook

Amazon S3 Create Bucket

Create a new bucket in Amazon S3.

Deploy Amazon ECS Service

Deploy a service to an Amazon ECS cluster.

Update Amazon ECS Service

Update an existing Amazon ECS Service.

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