
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Better multi-tenancy with Octopus Deploy

Learn about the benefits of using the multi-tenancy feature in Octopus Deploy, for scalable, reusable, simplified deployments.

Deploying to Google Cloud Run

Learn how to deploy a container to the Google Cloud Run service.

Tips for building custom execution containers

Tips and tricks to make it easier to build and maintain custom execution containers.

What's New in Octopus 3.4: Multi-tenant deployments

Exploring one of the major new feature sets in Octopus 3.4: Multi-tenant deployments

Using a Nexus Docker registry with Octopus Deploy

Learn how to connect a Nexus Docker registry as an external feed to Octopus Deploy

RFC: Multitenancy

Request for comments on better support for multi-tenant deployments in Octopus Deploy

RFC - Multitenancy - Take 2

Request for comments on better support for multi-tenant deployments in Octopus Deploy with Tenant as a first-class concept


octopus tenant tag

Override tags for a tenant

Tag sets

This section includes examples of how to use the REST API to create and manage Tenant tag sets in Octopus.

Create a tag set

An example script that creates a Tenant tag set.

Manage Tenants and Tag sets

Manage tenants and tag sets as part of a multi-tenant region setup in Octopus Deploy.

Creating new tenant tags

Create tenant tags as part of a multi-tenant SaaS setup in Octopus Deploy.

Creating tenant tags

Create tenant tags as part of a multi-tenant region setup in Octopus Deploy.

Tenant tags

Tenant Tags help you to classify your tenants with custom tags so you can tailor your tenanted deployments accordingly.

Deploying to a Release Ring

Deploy a release based on tenant tag.

Creating the project

Create the project used as part of a multi-tenant SaaS setup in Octopus Deploy.

Creating new tenants

Create tenants as part of a multi-tenant SaaS setup in Octopus Deploy.

Creating project deployment process

Create the project deployment process used as part of a multi-tenant SaaS setup in Octopus Deploy.

Multi-tenant deployments FAQ

Questions we are often asked relating to multi-tenant deployments.

Tenant Infrastructure

Tenant infrastructure can be modeled in both a dedicated or shared way in Octopus using environments, deployment targets, and tenant tags.

Tenant lifecycles

You can control release promotion using safe tenant-aware lifecycles.


Tenants allow you to easily create customer specific deployment pipelines without duplicating project configuration.

Multi-tenant regions

A guide showing you how to use tenants to deploy an application to regions using different release rings in Octopus Deploy.

Tenant infrastructure

Add tenants to infrastructure as part of a multi-tenant region setup in Octopus Deploy.

Bulk add a project to a list of tenants

An example script that will add a project to a lot of tenants at once.

Octopus versioning scheme

Details of the versioning scheme used by Docker feeds

Provision AWS resources with Terraform

With runbooks, you can use Terraform to create resources in AWS.

octopus release deploy

Deploy releases

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