
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Bootstrap a .NET Core development environment for Linux

This post covers how to bootstrap a Linux-based development environment for day to day .NET Core development.

Writing and linting Jenkinsfiles with Atom

Learn how to configure Atom to parse and lint your Jenkinsfiles

Database deployment automation approaches

This post talks about how to get started with database deployment automation and describes the main approaches: state-based and migration scripts.

Automated Database Deployments Iteration Zero

Automated Database Deployments Iteration Zero

SQL Server deployment options for Octopus Deploy

A brief summary of the most popular SQL Server deployment tools used with Octopus Deploy

Command-line tab completion for Octopus CLI

Enable tab completion for the Octopus CLI today! We'll also dive into how shell completion works in some popular shell environments.

Authenticate to Azure with Golang

Authenticating to a cloud platform with the different SDK can be extremely different. In this post, you learn how to authenticate to Azure with Go.

Interacting with the Octopus Deploy API using PowerShell

Learn how to use your PowerShell skills to make API related calls to Octopus Deploy.

Testing PowerShell code with Pester

Learn how to test PowerShell code for any scenario with the PowerShell testing framework Pester.

Using Azure Key Vault with Octopus

Introducing a new step template to allow secrets stored in Azure Key Vault to be used in deployments or runbooks.

Behind the scenes of the Octopus Extension for GitHub Copilot

Learn how we integrated Azure AI and Copilot when making the Octopus extension.

Service Fabric Deployment Targets

With the release of 2018.5 and the introduction of Azure Service Fabric Cluster targets, we thought it'd be the perfect opportunity to provide a quick overview of the new Service Fabric deployment targets with Octopus Deploy.

Using Cake build scripts for your .NET Core web apps

Using Cake’s C# makefiles to script your application build process.

Selenium series: The Maven POM file

In this post, we create a simple Pom.xml file, configuring the Selenium dependencies.

Octopus Deploy 4.0 - Why we chose React over Angular when rewriting the Octopus 4.0 UI

One of the biggest changes in Octopus Deploy 4.0 is a complete portal rewrite in React.

Safe schema updates - Database delivery hell

This post opens a series about safe schema updates with a brief tour through Dante's 9 levels of Database Delivery Hell.

Creating a Kubernetes Operator with Kotlin

Learn what Kubernetes Operators are, and see an example Kotlin Operator

Refactoring Octopus: Adding strict null checks to the Octopus front-end

Learn from some of the lessons we learned adding strict null checks to the Octopus front-end codebase

Farmer: Simpler ARM deployments with Octopus Deploy

Learn how to use Farmer to create and deploy ARM templates with Octopus Deploy

Using DbUp and Octopus workers for database deployment automation

Using DbUp and Octopus workers for database deployment automation.

Using DbUp and workers to automate database deployments

Using DbUp and workers to automate database deployments

Deploying AWS Lambdas across environments

Learn how to progress Lambda deployments across environments using CloudFormation

Automated blue/green database deployments

Learn some techniques for automating database deployments when using a blue/green deployment strategy.

Better Octopus Integration with Azure DevOps

We recently updated our Azure DevOps extension, and it has some great new features that can improve your delivery pipeline.

Running SQL Server Developer in a Linux-based Docker Container

How to run SQL Server Developer in a Linux-based Docker container.

BuildDeploySupport: Sharing PowerShell scripts in Octopus

A guest blog post by Jonathan Goldman on his open source project that makes it easier to share PowerShell scripts in Octopus projects.

Write your own PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) module

How to write your own PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) module


Step Templates and Script Modules

Guidelines and recommendations for creating re-usable components in Octopus Deploy.

Editing a project with version control enabled

What to expect when using the Configuration as Code feature in Octopus Deploy

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