
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Support @ Octopus

We consider support a core part of Octopus, but what exactly happens when you need help?

PowerShell and exit code 0

Exit code 0 in PowerShell can signify anything from "the script ran perfectly" to "your script is so horribly broken that Windows needs to be treated for PTSD". Here's how we handle it in Octopus.

Announcing Linux worker pools on Octopus Cloud

Octopus Cloud now supports Ubuntu worker pools and Windows 2019 worker pools.

Inside DevOps with Jason Dunnivant from Olo

A series where we share lessons learned from those on the frontlines of DevOps. Our first post features Jason Dunnivant, Release Engineer at Olo.

Introducing Octopus Cloud

Octopus Cloud has been a while in the making. In this post we look at how and why Octopus Cloud came to be, and what the future may look like

Packages in Script Steps

As of Octopus 2018.8 Script Steps will have the ability to reference packages

At the helm with Michael Richardson

This post opens a series where we chat to people at Octopus about their role, what they're working on improve the product, and more. First is Michael Richardson, our original product management leader.

Semantic Versioning 2.0.0

Octopus 3.4 introduces support for Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.

Octopus goes to conferences!

Octopus started attending conferences this year and we talk about what we learned through the experience.

Why we chose Kubernetes, Linux, and .NET Core for Octopus Cloud

A reflection on the architectural options we considered for hosting Octopus Cloud v2.

Bootstrap a .NET Core development environment for Linux

This post covers how to bootstrap a Linux-based development environment for day to day .NET Core development.

Safe schema updates - Continuous Integration is misunderstood

Learn about the principles that define Continuous Integration, and why you should avoid adopting specific practices, without knowing how to use them effectively.

The DevOps reading list: Choosing your next DevOps book

Your guide to selecting your first/next DevOps book.

The state of config file formats: XML vs. YAML vs. JSON vs. HCL

Learn about the different configuration file formats that are available and when you should use them.

Java deployments to Tomcat with YAML and XML configuration file replacements

Learn how to take advantage of the XML, YAML, and Properties configuration file replacement when deploying Java applications.

Introduction to HCL and HCL tooling

Learn about the different tooling you can use with HCL.

Deploying to Oracle with Octopus Deploy and Liquibase

Learn how to deploy to Oracle using Octopus Deploy and Liquibase.

Runbook lessons learned and recommendations

Recommendations from lessons learned on how to design and implement runbooks

RFC: Azure Service Fabric support

This post aims to discuss integrated support for deployments to Azure Service Fabric from Octopus Deploy

Integrating Octopus and Grafana

Learn how to use the Octopus Grafana datasource plugin to visualize your deployments

Deconstructing blue/green deployments in Kubernetes

Learn how to manually implement blue/green deployments in Kubernetes and Octopus.

Exposing Octopus variables to a Kubernetes container

Learn how to use the envFrom feature in Kubernetes to pass groups of variables to a container.


Environment recommendations

Environments form the backbone of your deployment pipeline. Here we provide some recommendations for configuring your environments to better prepare you to scale your Octopus Deploy instance up and out as you add more projects.


Octopus administration tasks and command reference.

Project recommendations

Projects form a critical element in Octopus Deploy. Here, we cover some recommendations for projects; getting started on the right foot is vital in helping your Octopus Deploy instance scale.

High Availability

Octopus High Availability (HA) enables you to run multiple Octopus Server nodes, distributing load and tasks between them.

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