
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Leveraging Multi-Tenancy to create team and developer sandboxes

The software we write often has dependencies on other team's applications. Learn how you can use the multi-tenancy feature in Octopus Deploy to carve out sandboxes for each team.

Webinar, May 6th: What's new in Octopus 2.4!

Come along to this webinar to learn more about the features in Octopus 2.4

Selenium series: A sample web page

In this post, we create a sample web page to run some tests against.

Deploy to Oracle Database using Octopus Deploy and Redgate

Octopus Deploy supports many database tools. Follow along as we get a CI/CD pipeline built to deploy a database change to an Oracle Database

Creating an Octopus Deploy step template

Learn how to create a custom step template in Octopus Deploy

Deploying TeamCity to Kubernetes using Octopus Deploy

Learn how to spin up a build server on demand using Octopus Deploy and Kubernetes

Octopus presenting at Redgate's SQL in the City Summit

Bob Walker and Derek Campbell will be presenting at Redgate's SQL in the City Summit this month in London and Chicago on how database DevOps can help you stay ahead of the competition.

Octopus Deploy acquires Codefresh

Paul explains why he's so excited about Codefresh joining Octopus, what we love about the Codefresh team, and why we think this is excellent news for our customers, Codefresh customers, and the Argo open-source community.

What is CNAB?

A look at the Cloud Native Application Bundle (CNAB) specification, what problems it solves, and the pros and cons of the tooling.

Octopus Deploy sponsors the .NET Foundation

Octopus Deploy announces corporate sponsorship for the .NET Foundation

Using DbUp and workers to automate database deployments

Using DbUp and workers to automate database deployments

Lessons learned using Docker for development and testing on Windows

Some of the lessons I learned using Docker for development and testing on Windows

Running SQL Server Developer in a Windows-based Docker Container

SQL Server can run in a Windows-based docker container, how can developers leverage that on their development machines?

Database deployment automation using Octopus and Redgate Deployment Suite for Oracle

Octopus Deploy supports many database tools. Follow along as we get a CI/CD pipeline built to deploy a database change to an Oracle Database

Deploying Certificates to Tomcat

Learn how to deploy certificates from Octopus to Tomcat to enable HTTPS support

A look at GitHub Codespaces private preview

An early look at GitHub Codespace.

Database Feature Branch Deployments

Standing up a sandbox for feature branches is a common scenario. This article aims to solve that for databases.

ASP.NET Core 1 build & deployment pipelines with TeamCity and Octopus

ASP.NET Core 1 and the dotnet CLI makes publishing applications a first-class feature of the platform. This post explains how to hook it into your build & deployment pipeline.

Integrating Octopus and Grafana

Learn how to use the Octopus Grafana datasource plugin to visualize your deployments

Supporting Octopus Deploy customers

Over the last few years we've doubled down on providing the best support possible for our customers.

Inside DevOps with Jason Dunnivant from Olo

A series where we share lessons learned from those on the frontlines of DevOps. Our first post features Jason Dunnivant, Release Engineer at Olo.

Performing canary deployments in Kubernetes

Learn how to use the Voyager ingress controller to implement canary deployments in Kubernetes

Database Deployments with Redgate SQL Change Automation, GitHub Actions, and Octopus Deploy

Learn how to use GitHub Actions to build a Redgate SQL Change Automation Package and push it to Octopus Deploy for deployments.

Deploying ASP.NET Core to Linux using Octopus

A walk-through of deploying an ASP.NET Core application to Red Hat Enterprise Linux using Octopus Deploy


Promote a release not in the destination

An example script that will promote a release if it is not in the destination.

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