
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Ask Octopus Episode 31-33 - Incremental changes, using Octopus.Client with different Spaces and Auto Scaling groups with Octopus Deploy

A couple of times a week we meet up and talk about some of the most interesting questions we have gotten and how we went about solving them.

Octopus June Release 2018.6

Octopus 2018.6 is building the foundation for some excellent new features coming soon!

Calculating DORA metrics with Runbooks

Learn how to measure the performance of your deployments using the DORA metrics and a custom runbook.

Ask Octopus Episodes 43-45 - LTS 2019.6, restarting VMs during deployments & Automatic Release Creation.

A couple of times a week we meet up and talk about some of the most interesting questions we have received and how we went about solving them.

Webinar - DevOps Deep Dive

All your DevOps questions answered

Octopus March Release 2018.3

What's new in Octopus 2018.3

Deploying AWS Lambdas across environments

Learn how to progress Lambda deployments across environments using CloudFormation

Creating EC2 instance in AWS with CloudFormation

Learn how to create Windows and Linux EC2 instances in AWS with example CloudFormation templates

Deploying AWS SAM templates with Octopus

Learn how to integrate SAM templates with Octopus deployments for AWS serverless applications.

Creating a Selenium WebDriver test framework

Learn how to create a WebDriver project in Java with this blog series.

Beyond Hello World: Containerize a real-world web application

This post demonstrates how to containerize a real-world .NET Core web application with web services and databases.

Building the Apache Portable Runtime (APR)

Depending on your Linux distro, you may have to build the APR from scratch to take advantage of the higher performance of the OpenSSL library in Tomcat.

Octopus Cloud connectivity disruption - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the Octopus Cloud network connectivity disruption from January 25, 2023.

At the helm with Trish Khoo

A series where we chat to people at Octopus about their role, what they're working on to improve the product, and more. Hear from Trish Khoo, our Director of Engineering

Installing Tentacles with DSC in AWS CloudFormation templates

Learn how to configure a target work Worker Tentacle when creating a new EC2 instance with CloudFormation.

The benefits of containerization

Containers have a range of benefits that help you become more agile in software delivery. Containers are scalable, portable and complement your DevOps processes.

Octopus 2021 Q4: Deploy to ECS with our guided UI step

Octopus 2021 Q4: Built-in support for Amazon ECS, a new TypeScript API client, and more integrations.

The 2023 DevOps performance clusters

Find out about the latest software delivery performance clusters in the State of DevOps Report.

Deprecations coming in 2024

Octopus will do some spring cleaning in 2024 and drop support for outdated features. Learn which ones and why.

Selenium series: Deploying a simple Lambda function

In this post, we deploy the UberJAR to Lambda

Octopus 2020.3: Runbooks++, Jenkins Pipelines, and Octopus Linux Docker image

Octopus 2020.3 includes our improve Runbooks support, Jenkins Pipelines, our streamlined process editor, and early access to our Octopus Linux Docker image.

The new DevOps performance clusters

Explains the changes and additions to performance clusters in The State of DevOps Report 2022.

Deploying a Node.js application with Octopus Deploy

Learn how to use Octopus Deploy to deploy an application written in NodeJS with a MongoDB back-end.


Retention policy Tentacle cleanup and troubleshooting

Reviewing and troubleshooting why some files aren't cleaned up by Octopus retention policies.

Scheduled runbook triggers

Scheduled runbook triggers allow you to define unattended behavior for your runbook that will cause an automatic runbook run to environments of your choosing.

Scheduled deployment triggers

Automatic deployment triggers allow you to define unattended behavior for your project that will cause an automatic deployment of a release into an environment.

.NET Configuration transforms

Using .NET configuration transformations.

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