
Blog posts

Create a private AWS VPC with CloudFormation

Learn how to create a private AWS VPC with this sample CloudFormation template.

Create a public AWS VPC with CloudFormation

Learn how to create a public AWS VPC with this sample CloudFormation template.

Create a mixed AWS VPC with CloudFormation

Learn how to create a mixed AWS VPC with this sample CloudFormation template.

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Creating EC2 instance in AWS with CloudFormation

Learn how to create Windows and Linux EC2 instances in AWS with example CloudFormation templates

Deploying a Lambda with CloudFormation

As part of our Runbooks series, learn how to deploy a Lambda with this sample CloudFormation template.

Creating an RDS instance with CloudFormation

As part of our Runbooks series, learn how to create an RDS instance with this sample CloudFormation template.

Creating an EC2 Octopus Worker with CloudFormation

Learn how to deploy an EC2 configured as an Octopus Worker via a CloudFormation template.

Building the Octopus Cloud in AWS

Building the Octopus Cloud in AWS

Installing Tentacles with DSC in AWS CloudFormation templates

Learn how to configure a target work Worker Tentacle when creating a new EC2 instance with CloudFormation.

Deploying containers to AWS Fargate

Learn how to deploy containers in the Elastic Container Registry to Elastic Container Services Fargate

Managing Ansible Deployments with Octopus

Learn how to deploy Ansible scripts from Octopus

Building a dynamic worker army with Terraform and AWS autoscaling groups

How to create dynamic worker infrastructure using Terraform and AWS autoscaling groups.

Multi-cloud Kubernetes with Octopus Deploy

Learn how Octopus Deploy works with Kubernetes on cloud platforms.

Configuring Octopus Server High Availability using AWS FSx

Learn how to create an Octopus Server High Availability cluster using AWS FSx.

Canary deployments with ECS

Learn how to use an external deployment controller to perform Canary deployments in ECS

Self-service runbooks for operations teams

Learn about self-service runbooks and how they benefit operations teams

Database Feature Branch Deployments

Standing up a sandbox for feature branches is a common scenario. This article aims to solve that for databases.

What is shadow IT?

When we talk about Shadow IT, we're talking about IT resources that an organization doesn't have visibility on. Find out how this affects your business, and how runbooks can help.

Granting federated user accounts to an EKS cluster

Learn how to grant an AWS federated user account to an EKS cluster.

Request for Comments - ECS integration with Octopus

We're proposing new integrations with ECS in Octopus, and want your feedback.

Using the Octopus Terraform Provider to create standards

Learn how to leverage the Octopus Deploy Terraform Provider to create standards for all spaces in your instance.

Configuring a GitHub NuGet registry as an external feed

A guide to configuring a GitHub NuGet registry as an external feed for Octopus Deploy.


Provision an AWS RDS instance

Provision an AWS RDS using a runbook

Provision AWS resources with Terraform

With runbooks, you can use Terraform to create resources in AWS.

Create PaaS MySQL database server

With Octopus Deploy you can create a MySQL PaaS database server with a runbook.

Octopus Server in Kubernetes

Octopus can be installed into a Kubernetes cluster running the Octopus Server Linux container, optionally leveraging High Availability (HA).

Deploy Amazon ECS Service

Deploy a service to an Amazon ECS cluster.

Create Network Load Balancer

With runbooks, you can automate the creation of a Network Load Balancer to distribute traffic among virtual machine instances in GCP.

Deploy an AWS CloudFormation template

Deploy an AWS CloudFormation Template.

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