
Blog posts

Deploy your first container to Kubernetes via Octopus

Learn how to perform your first container deployment

Deploying Tomcat apps via the manager

Learn how to deploy web applications to Tomcat via the manager

Converting many environments to tenants via the Octopus API

Learn how to use the Octopus API to automate the creation of multiple tenants from many existing environments.

Configuring WildFly via XML Templates or CLI Scripts

Configuring a WildFly server can be done either by editing the XML files directly, or by running CLI script. But which is the best choice?

Ask Octopus Episode 2 - Service Accounts, Get Project by Name via API, Deployment Triggers

Once a week a few of us will gather to talk about some of the most interesting questions we have gotten over the past week and how we went about solving them.

The difference between ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer Kubernetes services

Learn the differences between the 3 kinds of Kubernetes services, ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer.

Azure Virtual Machine Extension

Announcing the re-release of the Azure Virtual Machine extension to install Tentacle's on your Cloud VMs

Deploying to Google Cloud Functions

Learn how to deploy functions to the Google Cloud Platform.

Automatically provisioning Amazon EC2 instances with Tentacle installed

A short code snippet that helps you to create EC2 instances with the Octopus Deploy Tentacle agent installed and registered, ready for deployment.

Certificates Feature

Announcing the release of the Certificates Feature in Octopus Deploy

Service Fabric Deployment Targets

With the release of 2018.5 and the introduction of Azure Service Fabric Cluster targets, we thought it'd be the perfect opportunity to provide a quick overview of the new Service Fabric deployment targets with Octopus Deploy.


Installing the Tentacle VM extension via the classic Azure Portal

How to install a Tentacle using the Azure VM extension via the classic Azure Portal

Installing the Tentacle VM extension via an ARM template

How to install the Tentacle VM extension using an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template

Installing the Tentacle VM extension via the Azure Portal

How to install a Tentacle using the Azure VM Extension via the new Azure Portal

Installing the Tentacle VM extension via the Azure CLI

How to install the Tentacle VM Extension using the Azure Command Line Interface (CLI)

Installing the Tentacle VM extension via PowerShell

How to install the Tentacle VM Extension using the PowerShell

Deploying to Azure via a firewall

Octopus Deploy can help you perform repeatable and controlled deployments of your applications into Azure.

Installing the Tentacle via DSC in an ARM template

How to install the Tentacle using Desired State configuration (DSC) in Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template

Azure virtual machines

The Azure VM Tentacle extension makes it easy to automatically download, install and register a Tentacle with your Octopus Server.

Tentacle VM extension configuration structure

Detailed file format information for the configuration files required for the Azure Tentacle VM Extension

Creating and deploying releases on a version-controlled project

What to expect when creating and deploying releases on a version-controlled project using the Configuration as Code feature in Octopus Deploy.

Editing a project with version control enabled

What to expect when using the Configuration as Code feature in Octopus Deploy

Moving the Octopus Server database

Walk-through outlining how you can move an Octopus database from one server to another.

Active Directory authentication

Octopus Deploy can use Windows credentials to identify users.

Exposing Octopus

You can keep your Octopus installation inside your corporate network, or you may want to expose it to the Internet. This section describes how to safely expose your Octopus installation and the security implications you should consider.

Outbound requests

Traffic details of network requests made by Octopus and Tentacle, and what information is included when Octopus checks for updates.

HTTP Security Headers

Describes the security related browser headers that Octopus supports

Polling Tentacles with HA

With Octopus High Availability, Polling Tentacles must poll all of the Octopus Server nodes in your configuration.

Moving the Octopus Server and database

Walk-through outlining how you can move an Octopus database from one server to another.

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