
Blog posts

Cloud-nomad architecture

As more organizations rethink their cloud and microservices decisions, it's time for cloud-nomad architectures.

Expanding the use of execution containers

Octopus 2024.1 added the ability to use an inline Dockerfile or a URL to a Git repository to build the Docker container used for a deployment.

At the helm with Kyle Jackson

A series where we chat to people at Octopus about their role, what they’re working on to improve the product, and more. Hear from Kyle Jackson, Security Operations Manager.

At the helm with Harsh Sabikhi

A series where we chat to people at Octopus about their role, what they’re working on to improve the product, and more. Hear from Harsh Sabikhi, Senior Vice President, Revenue.

SQL Server and PowerShell made easier with dbatools: Practical Examples

A comparison between the SqlServer and dbatools PowerShell modules

Wizards, dialogs and context menus, or build servers and scripts?

Reflecting on the benefits of continuous integration tools, I'm wondering whether our focus on great CI support has meant Octopus is too hard to simply get started with. How can we improve the getting started story?

5 Remote Desktop Alternatives

Five alternative Remote Desktop tools

At the helm with Bob Walker

A series where we chat to people at Octopus about their role, what they’re working on to improve the product, and more. Hear from Bob Walker, our Technical Director of Customer Success.

Difference between, docker-cd, and Docker Desktop

Learn which version of Docker to install for your operating system.

A beginner's guide to containers

A brief overview at containers covering what they are and why they're useful.

How we think about creating new architecture

Creating a new architecture can be daunting. Find out how we approach creating new architecture within Octopus, with real examples to tame complexity and achieve success.

Considerations for browser UI testing

A look at some of the limitations and workaround for performing browser-based UI testing

The benefits of containerization

Containers have a range of benefits that help you become more agile in software delivery. Containers are scalable, portable and complement your DevOps processes.

Containers - what you need to get started

A high-level look at what you need to get started with containerization.

At the helm with Michael Richardson

This post opens a series where we chat to people at Octopus about their role, what they're working on improve the product, and more. First is Michael Richardson, our original product management leader.

Smoke testing your infrastructure with runbooks

Learn how to use runbooks to perform high level smoke tests against your applications and infrastructure.

Bulk deletion of Kubernetes resources

Learn how to delete Kubernetes resources like pods in bulk.

Using the Ubuntu Docker image

Learn how to create custom Docker images based on the official Ubuntu base image.

Using the Alpine Docker image

A detailed look at how to use the Alpine Docker image

Why multi-tenancy is a confusing term and what it means to Octopus

Andy looks at why multi-tenancy is a tricky thing to define and how that affected Octopus's messaging.

Using the NGINX Docker image

Learn how to create Docker web apps based on the NGINX image.

Installing WildFly From Scratch

Learn the steps you'll need to configure a working instance of WildFly.

Safe schema updates - Near-zero downtime database deployments

This post discusses how we can only deploy often if we can do it without disruption.

Safe schema updates - Resilient vs robust IT systems

Learn about the nature of failure in complex IT systems, and the benefits and drawbacks of designing for resilience vs robustness.

Safe schema updates - Database delivery hell

This post opens a series about safe schema updates with a brief tour through Dante's 9 levels of Database Delivery Hell.


Sudo commands

Useful sudo commands to help you with your deployments to SSH Targets.

SSH key pair account

SSH key pair accounts allow you to securely authenticate with SSH targets.

Raw scripting

Raw Scripting allows you to transfer packages and execute scripts against SSH deployment targets where you are unable to install and run Mono.

Expose the Octopus Web Portal over HTTPS

How to expose the Octopus Web Portal securely over HTTPS.

Hardening Windows

With Octopus Deploy you can harden your Windows machines with a runbook as part of a routine operations task.

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