
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Selenium series: capturing HAR files

In this post, we learn how to capture HAR files through BrowserStack.

Selenium series: The TicketMonster test

In this post, we learn how to test a real world Java web application.

Selenium series: The Page Object Model design pattern

In this post, we learn about the Page Object Model design pattern.

Selenium series: Reusing POM classes

In this post, we see how the POM design pattern promotes re-usability.

Selenium series: Implementing Cucumber

In this post, we see how to integrate Cucumber with WebDriver.

Selenium series: Exposing Gherkin steps

In this post, we investigate the regular expressions that make up complex Gherkin steps

Selenium series: Writing a Gherkin feature

In this post, we write a complete test in Gherkin

Selenium series: Installing the tools

In this post, we install the Serverless application

Selenium series: Preparing the resources

In this post, we prepare the files that our Lambda will download

Selenium series: The Maven POM file

In this post, we create a simple Pom.xml file, configuring the Selenium dependencies.

Selenium series: Creating an UberJAR

In this post, we create a self-contained Jar file that can be deployed to AWS Lambda

Selenium series: Deploying a simple Lambda function

In this post, we deploy the UberJAR to Lambda

Selenium series: Launching Cucumber tests

In this post, we launch a Cucumber test inside a Lambda

Selenium series: Asynchronous Lambdas

In this post, we learn how to launch Lambdas asynchronously from API Gateway

Selenium series: Emailing the results

In this post, we send the results of a Cucumber test via email

Selenium series: The first WebDriver test

In this post, we create the first WebDriver tests against Chrome and Firefox.

Selenium series: Creating the framework

In this post, we start creating the framework for our WebDriver test classes.

Selenium series: A sample web page

In this post, we create a sample web page to run some tests against.

Selenium series: finding elements by XPaths and CSS selectors

In this post, we learn how to locate elements in a HTML page via CSS Selectors and XPaths.

Selenium series: implicit and explicit waits

In this post, we learn the strategies WebDriver uses to interact with dynamic elements in web pages.

Selenium series: mixing implicit and explicit waits

In this post, we learn how implicit and explicit waits can interfere with each other.

Selenium series: simplified element location

In this post, we learn how to remove explicit element searches by ID, XPath, and CSS selectors in favor of generic locators.

Creating a Selenium WebDriver test framework

Learn how to create a WebDriver project in Java with this blog series.

Kubernetes deployments made easy - Octopus Deploy 2018.9

Kubernetes deployments made easy! Octopus 2018.9 includes our first-class support for Kubernetes Deployments including infrastructure support for Kubenetes Clusters and rich deployment steps to simplify your deployment process.

Octopus Deploy 3.1 Pre-Release

What's new in Octopus Deploy 3.1

Deploying TeamCity to Kubernetes using Octopus Deploy

Learn how to spin up a build server on demand using Octopus Deploy and Kubernetes

Deploy to Oracle Database using Octopus Deploy and Redgate

Octopus Deploy supports many database tools. Follow along as we get a CI/CD pipeline built to deploy a database change to an Oracle Database

Performing canary deployments in Kubernetes

Learn how to use the Voyager ingress controller to implement canary deployments in Kubernetes


Docker Container Registry

A Docker Registry is treated in Octopus Deploy as a feed that supplies images that are run as containers on a Docker Engine host.

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