


Export step templates

An example script that exports all step templates in a Space to files.

Push package to built-in feed

An example script that pushes a package to the built-in feed.

Download package from built-in feed

An example script that downloads a package from the built-in feed.

Import projects

An example script that will import projects from a previously executed export task from another space on an Octopus instance.

Enable/disable project

An example script that enables or disables a project in Octopus.

Cancel queued deployments

An example script to cancel queued deployments.

Create and deploy a release

Example scripts to create and deploy a release.

Register Listening Tentacle

An example script to register a listening tentacle using the REST API.

Delete project releases

An example script that deletes releases for a project.

Find teams with role

An example script that finds all teams using a specific role.

Download Deployment Artifact

An example script to download a deployment artifact to a specified location.

Download Runbook Artifact

An example script to download a runbook artifact to a specified location.

Update variable set variable value

An example script that loads variables from a variable set, looks for a match and replaces the variable value.

Export projects

An example script that will export projects that can be imported into a different space on the same, or different Octopus instance.

List users with role

An example script to list all users that have a specific role by team.

Deploy existing release

An example script to deploy an existing release.

Add a target role

An example script that adds a target role to a deployment target.

Delete targets by name

An example script to delete targets by matching a specified name.

Publish a runbook snapshot

An example script to publish an existing runbook snapshot

Get all steps that use a package

An example script to find all steps that reference a specific package.

Add library set to a project

An example script that adds a library variable set to a project.

Add or update project variable

An example script that adds or updates a project variable.

Clear sensitive variables

An example script that clears all sensitive variables.

Find projects using library set

An example script that finds all projects using a specific library variable set.

Enable/disable machine

An example script that enables or disables a machine in Octopus.

Delete a feed

An example script that deletes an existing feed in Octopus using the REST API and Octopus.Client.

Retrieve all feeds

An example script that retrieves all feeds in Octopus.

Find events by date

An example script that finds events by date in Octopus using the REST API and Octopus.Client.

Register Polling Tentacle

An example script to register a Polling Tentacle using the REST API.

Create a project

An example script that creates a project.

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