
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

DevOps, runbooks, and kubectl

The top reasons to use Octopus Runbooks to manage your Kubernetes cluster.

Self-service runbooks examples

Learn to provide common administrative tasks as self-service runbooks.

From Sysadmin to SRE

Infrastructure as Code, the Sysadmin’s portal into DevOps

Octopus Deploy 2017 Roadmap

This post outlines our roadmap for 2017, and all of the improvements we're planning to make to Octopus over the next year.

100x faster db deploys

Learn how to skip unnecessary schema compares in tightly coupled systems for faster database deployments.

Using AWS IAM roles in Octopus

Learn how IAM roles allow users to temporarily assume new permissions or perform work from an EC2 instance without any additional credentials.

Configuring Windows servers with Chocolatey, PowerShell, and Octopus Runbooks

This post shows you how to automate your Windows server setup with Chocolatey, PowerShell, and Octopus Runbooks.

Mixing Kubernetes Roles, RoleBindings, ClusterRoles, and ClusterBindings

This post looks at the results of mixing the various roles and bindings available in Kubernetes

The DevOps reading list: Choosing your next DevOps book

Your guide to selecting your first/next DevOps book.

The state of config file formats: XML vs. YAML vs. JSON vs. HCL

Learn about the different configuration file formats that are available and when you should use them.

Java deployments to Tomcat with YAML and XML configuration file replacements

Learn how to take advantage of the XML, YAML, and Properties configuration file replacement when deploying Java applications.

Introduction to HCL and HCL tooling

Learn about the different tooling you can use with HCL.

Deploying to Oracle with Octopus Deploy and Liquibase

Learn how to deploy to Oracle using Octopus Deploy and Liquibase.

Runbook lessons learned and recommendations

Recommendations from lessons learned on how to design and implement runbooks

RFC: Azure Service Fabric support

This post aims to discuss integrated support for deployments to Azure Service Fabric from Octopus Deploy

Integrating Octopus and Grafana

Learn how to use the Octopus Grafana datasource plugin to visualize your deployments


Change users AD domain to LDAP

An example script that swaps an Octopus user's Active Directory login record for a matching LDAP one.

Find variable usage

An example script that finds usages of a variable, searching in project variables, and optionally deployment processes and runbooks.

How to regenerate certificates with Octopus Server and Tentacle

How to regenerate the certificates used for communication between Octopus Server and its Tentacles.


This section includes examples of how to use the REST API to create and manage channels in Octopus.

Create a channel

An example script that creates a channel.


This section includes examples of how to use the REST API to create and manage lifecycles in Octopus.

Create a lifecycle

An example script that creates a lifecycle.

Project Groups

This section includes examples of how to use the REST API to create and manage project groups in Octopus.

Create a project group

An example script that creates a project group.

Step Templates

This section includes examples of how to use the REST API to create and manage step templates in Octopus.

Export step templates

An example script that exports all step templates in a Space to files.

Create an AWS account

An example script to create an AWS account in Octopus.

Environment recommendations

Environments form the backbone of your deployment pipeline. Here we provide some recommendations for configuring your environments to better prepare you to scale your Octopus Deploy instance up and out as you add more projects.

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