
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

RFC: X.509 Certificate Management

Request For Comment on proposed X.509 Certificate Management

Change Advisory Boards Don’t Work

Proper scrutiny is important, but CABs are an inefficient and ineffective way to scrutinize.

Using Octopus Subscriptions

Subscriptions let you subscribe to events so you can be notified when things are happening in your world of Octopus!

Octopus July Release 3.15

This month's release includes multi-tenant deployment improvements, Octopus Server Let's Encrypt integration, and more!

Convert an existing application to use rolling deployments

Learn how to convert an existing application to use the rolling deployments deployment pattern in Octopus with child steps.

Farmer: Simpler ARM deployments with Octopus Deploy

Learn how to use Farmer to create and deploy ARM templates with Octopus Deploy

Changes to the TFS/VSTS Extension

An update on the changes in the TFS and VSTS extension for build and release tasks

Deploying Certificates to WildFly

Learn how to deploy certificates from Octopus to WildFly to enable HTTPS support

Fast track code promotion in your CI/CD pipeline

Learn how to use pre-approved deployment pipelines to rapidly promote code into production


Certificate variables

Variables in Octopus Deploy can have a certificate as the value


Manage X.509 certificates with Octopus Deploy

Isolated Octopus Servers

Working with isolated Octopus Servers due to infrastructure or governance requirements.

Rancher Kubernetes cluster

How to configure a Rancher Kubernetes cluster as a deployment target in Octopus

OpenShift Kubernetes cluster

How to configure an OpenShift Kubernetes cluster as a deployment target in Octopus.


With Octopus runbook automation you can automate routine or emergency operations-centric processes, for instance, disaster recovery and database backups.

Runbooks examples

Examples of using Runbooks to streamline and automate your routine and emergency operations tasks using Octopus Deploy.


Octopus Deploy can help you automate the provisioning of infrastructure in Azure using runbooks.

Deploy an Azure Resource Manager template

Deploy an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template.

Database examples

Examples of using Runbooks to help automate database maintenance.

Backup SQL database

With Octopus Deploy you can backup a MSSQL database with a Runbook.

Emergency operations

This section includes examples of how to use runbooks to help automate disaster recovery operations.

Manually failover DNS

With Octopus Deploy you can manually failover DNS with a Runbook.

Automatically failover DNS with monitoring

With Octopus Deploy you can monitor your application and failover DNS with a runbook.

Routine operations

Octopus Deploy allows you to create and run runbooks for routine operations tasks, which don't happen very frequently.

Install software with Chocolatey

Create runbooks to install software with Chocolatey as part of a routine operations task.

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