
Blog posts

Import and export projects and releases with Octo.exe

Octo.exe now makes it possible to synchronize projects and releases between Octopus servers.

Bitbucket Pipelines - Octo.exe Container Redux

Deployments from Bitbucket to Octopus is now easier when using Containers

Packaging for .NETCore, on .NETCore, with Octopus

Using Octopus tooling to package .NETCore applications on .NETCore

Invoking an executable from PowerShell with a dynamic number of parameters

Calling an executable from PowerShell is easy - most of the time, you just put an `&` in front. But it gets tricky when you need to pass in a variable length list of parameters. This blog post shows you how.

Integration 101: Octopus and Build Servers

A brief introduction on how to approach your brand new integration between Octopus and your Build Server

Octopus: now with more Chocolatey goodness

Chocolatey packages for Octopus are now available

How to Handle locked files and deployments

SysInternals Handle is a useful tool for finding why a file is locked

Octopus.Client goes Open Source

Octopus.Client and Sampler are now Open Source and versioned using SemVer. Octopus.Client and Octo.exe are now .NET Core and have a Async API.


Octopus.Migrator.exe command line

Octopus.Migrator.exe is an Octopus command line tool that provides the ability to back-up and restore parts of an Octopus Deploy instance as well as migrate data from 2.6 builds.

Octopus.Server.exe command line

Octopus.Server.exe is the executable that runs the Octopus instance, it can also be called from the command line.

Tentacle.exe command line

Tentacle.exe is the command line executable that runs the Octopus Tentacle instance.

Process dumps

Octopus Server and Tentacle process dumps

Automating Tentacle installation

Information on how to install and configure an Octopus Tentacle in a fully automated way from the command line.

Automating Octopus installation

Information on how to install and configure an Octopus Server in a fully automated way from the command line.

Windows Services

Octopus can install, reconfigure, and start Windows Services during deployment, usually without requiring any custom scripts.

.NET Configuration transforms

Using .NET configuration transformations.

Configure Octopus High Availability with Active Directory

A step-by-step guide showing you how to configure Octopus in High-Availability using Active Directory.

Configure Octopus High Availability without Active Directory

A step-by-step guide showing you how to configure Octopus in High-Availability without using Active Directory.

Specify a custom container for AD authentication

How to specifying a custom container to use for AD Authentication.

How to use custom certificates with Octopus Server and Tentacle

How to use custom certificates with Octopus Server and Tentacle.

Resetting passwords

The Octopus Web Portal makes it easy to change or reset your password.

Upgrading from Octopus 1.6 to 2.6.5

Information on how to upgrade from Octopus 1.6 tp 2.6.5.

Recovering after losing your Octopus Server and Master Key

A guide to recovering if the machine hosting Octopus Server dies irrecoverably, and you don't have the Master Key.

Service watchdog

The Octopus Server and Tentacle watchdog command can be used to configure a Windows Scheduled Task that ensures the services are running.

Built-in Octopus repository

Using the Octopus built-in repository.

Moving the Octopus Server database

Walk-through outlining how you can move an Octopus database from one server to another.

Moving the Octopus home directory

Information on how to move any of the Octopus Server folders.

Moving Octopus Server folders

Information on how to move any of the Octopus Server folders.

Permissions for the Octopus Windows Service

Information about the permissions required by the Octopus windows service to operate.

Active Directory authentication

Octopus Deploy can use Windows credentials to identify users.

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