
Blog posts

From zero to Octopus hero - Getting to know Octopus Deploy

Join Sarah Lean as she learns about Octopus Deploy.

Getting started with Docker

This post opens our Kubernetes training series. First, learn how to install Docker on your local workstation.

Getting started with Bamboo

Learn how to install Bamboo, and build and push a Docker image to a container registry.

Getting started with the Terraform provider for Octopus Deploy

Introducing the official Terraform provider for Octopus Deploy. Learn how to manage Octopus instances with Terraform.

Getting started with PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC)

How to get started using PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC)

Getting started with Kind and Octopus

Learn how to perform your first Kubernetes deployment with Kind and Octopus

Getting started with LDAP auth provider

Learn how to configure your self-hosted Octopus Deploy instance to work with the new LDAP auth provider.

External feed triggers

We're introducing external feed triggers for Kubernetes. This monitors Helm chart repositories and container image registries referenced in your deployment steps. When it detects a new version, Octopus automatically creates a release.

Deploying to Tomcat from Octopus Deploy

Learn how to deploy to Tomcat hosted on a Linux server with Octopus Deploy

Octopus April Release 3.12

Octopus 3.12 is the start of the monthly release cadence, getting started is easier, update steps across all projects, wildcard patterns file matching for variable substitution, PowerShell debugging support, certificate-chain support, improved license notifications.


Getting started

Getting started with the Octopus.Client.

Getting started

This section provides an overview of Octopus Deploy concepts and links to the relevant documentation, which explore the concepts further and guide you through implementing them with Octopus Cloud or your own self-hosted Octopus Server

Best Practices

Some of the best practices you can adopt to set yourself up for success in using Octopus Deploy.

First Runbook Run

This section will walk you through how to configure your first runbook run in Octopus Deploy.

First Deployment (2022.2 and below)

This section will walk you through how to configure your first deployment in Octopus Deploy.

Create a Project

Step by step guide on how to create projects in Octopus Deploy

Create a runbook

Step by step guide on how to create a runbook in Octopus Deploy.

Create a Project

Step by step guide on how to create projects in Octopus Deploy.

Running a Runbook

Step by step guide on how to run a runbook in Octopus Deploy.

Defining the runbook process for workers

Step by step guide on how to define a runbook process to run on Workers in Octopus Deploy.

Defining the runbook process for targets

Step by step guide on how to define a runbook process in Octopus Deploy.

Runbook specific variables

Step by step guide on how to define and use variables in an Octopus Deploy runbook.

Add runbook deployment targets

Step by step guide on how to add deployment targets for runbooks in Octopus Deploy.

Configure Runbook Environments

Step by step guide on how to configure environments in Octopus Deploy.

First Deployment

This section will walk you through how to configure your first deployment in Octopus Deploy.

Add deployment targets

Step by step guide on how to add deployment targets in Octopus Deploy.

Approvals with Manual Interventions

Step by step guide on how to use Manual Interventions in Octopus Deploy for approvals

Define and use variables

Step by step guide on how to define and use variables in an Octopus Deploy deployment.

Upload Artifact to Existing Deployment

An example script to upload an existing local file as an artifact to an existing deployment.

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