
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

SSH into a Kubernetes cluster

Learn how to set up a SSH bastion host in your Kubernetes cluster.

Variable Editor Redesign - RFC

Updates to the variable editor ...

Kubernetes Pod Service Account authentication

Learn how to create a Kubernetes deployment target using the Pod Service Account authentication mode.

The different types of software tests

Learn why testing is important, read about manual and automated testing, and functional and non-functional testing with examples.

Best practices for CI/CD

8 best practices for CI/CD, using agile, committing code frequently, using Config as Code, keeping builds green, automating your tests, using a feedback loop, and using fit for purpose technologies.

Selenium series: Travis CI

In this post, we learn how to build and test our project with Travis CI

Managing Spaces with Octopus Data Center Manager RFC

We are designing a new product to manage Octopus Servers at scale. This is a request-for-comments.

Creating test Kubernetes clusters with Kind

Learn how to integrate a test cluster created with Kind with Octopus

Video: What's new in Octopus Deploy 2.4 (Webinar)

Recording of a webinar about the new features in Octopus 2.4, including step templates and PowerShell modules.

Octopus Deploy Config as Code: early access preview

Octopus Deploy's Configuration as Code solution is now available as a preview release for all customers.

Octopus 2021 Q4: Deploy to ECS with our guided UI step

Octopus 2021 Q4: Built-in support for Amazon ECS, a new TypeScript API client, and more integrations.

Bulk deletion of Kubernetes resources

Learn how to delete Kubernetes resources like pods in bulk.

Checking Kubernetes pod CPU and memory

Learn how to check a pod's resource usage in Kubernetes.

Using local images with minikube

Learn how to deploy locally built Docker images to minikube.

Octopus Deploy's response to the OpenSSL vulnerability

Important information regarding CVE-2022-3786 for Octopus Deploy.

The difference between ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer Kubernetes services

Learn the differences between the 3 kinds of Kubernetes services, ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer.

Tentacle .NET version change

Learn why we're moving Tentacle from .NET Framework 4.5.2 & .NET Core 3.1 to .NET Framework 4.8 & .NET 6.

Deprecating authentication extensions

Find out why and when Octopus is deprecating support for custom authentication extensions.

Granting federated user accounts to an EKS cluster

Learn how to grant an AWS federated user account to an EKS cluster.

How to deploy from Minecraft with Octopus Deploy

Imagine a world where deployments were simple. You could push a button in your favorite video game and your latest release was deployed to production.

Faster deployments with the Executions API

The Executions API is a new set of endpoints that dramatically improves the performance of operations.

Shaping Config as Code for variables

Learn how customer feedback informed updates to Configuration as Code.

Mapping manual deployments with Octopus Deploy

Find out how to map your manual deployments to create a template that helps you start your automation journey.

Sharing Workers across spaces

Learn methods to easily share Workers between spaces.

The 2022 Accelerate State of DevOps Report

Find out about the release of the 2022 Accelerate State of DevOps report.


Cloudsmith Multi-format repositories

Configuring a Cloudsmith repository as an Octopus feed for NuGet, Docker, Maven or Helm packages.

List deployments to environment

An example script to retrieve a list of deployments to an environment

Amazon ECS cluster

How to configure an Amazon ECS cluster target in Octopus Deploy

Octopus Cloud Uptime SLO

The uptime SLO for Octopus Cloud instances

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