
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Flexible Working - Jason's Story

Flexible work can be life changing

10 of our favorite actions for GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions is a newcomer to Continuous Integration and provides CI as a Service. Here are 10 of our favorite actions to install from the GitHub Marketplace.

Octopus Deploy 4.0 - Why we chose React over Angular when rewriting the Octopus 4.0 UI

One of the biggest changes in Octopus Deploy 4.0 is a complete portal rewrite in React.

Infrastructure as code in Azure with Octopus Deploy and Pulumi: Part two

Learn how to define infrastructure as code with Pulumi and Octopus Deploy.

Set up a local Kubernetes deployment pipeline

We teach you how to set up a local Kubernetes deployment pipeline, so you can experiment without risk.

Deploying to Rancher with Octopus Deploy

Learn how to deploy to a Kubernetes cluster managed by Rancher.

Bootstrap a .NET Core development environment for Linux

This post covers how to bootstrap a Linux-based development environment for day to day .NET Core development.

Safe schema updates - Loose coupling mitigates human problems

On loose coupling and domain-driven development, and how they mitigate human problems that are commonly associated with monolithic architectures.

Improving delivery of your deployment steps

Our new step package framework means we can deliver new steps to your Octopus instance faster and without the need for upgrades. Learn more.

Using Ad-Hoc Scripts in your Automated Database Deployment Pipeline

Using Ad-Hoc Scripts in your Automated Database Deployment Pipeline

Re-thinking feature branch deployments

Feature branches should be tested prior to merging into master. All too often, companies have a single static test environment.

Deploying PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) like an App with Octopus Deploy

Use Octopus Deploy custom step templates and configuration data files (DSC configuration) to deploy your Infrastructure as Code using PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC).

The DevOps reading list: Choosing your next DevOps book

Your guide to selecting your first/next DevOps book.

The state of config file formats: XML vs. YAML vs. JSON vs. HCL

Learn about the different configuration file formats that are available and when you should use them.

Java deployments to Tomcat with YAML and XML configuration file replacements

Learn how to take advantage of the XML, YAML, and Properties configuration file replacement when deploying Java applications.

Introduction to HCL and HCL tooling

Learn about the different tooling you can use with HCL.

Deploying to Oracle with Octopus Deploy and Liquibase

Learn how to deploy to Oracle using Octopus Deploy and Liquibase.

Runbook lessons learned and recommendations

Recommendations from lessons learned on how to design and implement runbooks

RFC: Azure Service Fabric support

This post aims to discuss integrated support for deployments to Azure Service Fabric from Octopus Deploy

Integrating Octopus and Grafana

Learn how to use the Octopus Grafana datasource plugin to visualize your deployments


Audit Stream

Octopus Deploy can stream audit logs to your chosen SIEM solution

User roles

User roles are a critical part of the Octopus security model whereby they are assigned to Teams and they dictate what the members of those teams can do in Octopus.

Providing database performance metrics

How to provide database performance metrics to help the Octopus team resolve issues.

Script modules

Script modules allow users to create collections of functions that can be used in deployment processes across multiple projects.

Cloudsmith Multi-format repositories

Configuring a Cloudsmith repository as an Octopus feed for NuGet, Docker, Maven or Helm packages.

Environment recommendations

Environments form the backbone of your deployment pipeline. Here we provide some recommendations for configuring your environments to better prepare you to scale your Octopus Deploy instance up and out as you add more projects.


Octopus administration tasks and command reference.

Project recommendations

Projects form a critical element in Octopus Deploy. Here, we cover some recommendations for projects; getting started on the right foot is vital in helping your Octopus Deploy instance scale.

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