
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

RFC: Docker integration

Request For Comment on proposed Docker integration

Benefits of isolated tenanted infrastructure

Learn the different ways you can isolate your customers' data and why we recommend isolated infrastructure.

Performing canary deployments in Kubernetes

Learn how to use the Voyager ingress controller to implement canary deployments in Kubernetes

Improvements to Adding a Deployment Target Experience and Interface

Learn about some recent UI changes around deployment targets and why we made them.

Octopus presenting at WinOps 2018 London

Derek Campbell will be presenting at the WinOps 2018 event this month in London on how Octopus Deploy enables a successful DevOps journey.

Providing environment specific configuration for JavaScript projects

Whether it's a React, Angular, or NodeJS application, you often need configuration to be supplied that differs from one environment to the next. The safest way to accomplish this is to make use of your deployment tooling.

Octopus Cloud: Now with Static IPs

Simplify your Octopus Cloud networking and firewall configuration with a static IP address today.



How to install the Octopus Server.

Kubernetes cluster

How to configure a Kubernetes cluster as a deployment target in Octopus

Octopus Server Linux Container

Running the Octopus Server in the official Docker Linux container

Migrate to Octopus Server Linux Container from Windows Server

A guide on how to migrate to the Octopus Server Linux Container from Octopus Server running on a Windows Server

Installation Guidelines

Guidelines and recommendations for installing Octopus Deploy on your infrastructure.

Deployment targets

How to configure deployment targets in Octopus

Azure targets

Configure your Azure infrastructure

Azure Cloud Service targets

Azure Cloud Service deployment targets allow you to reference existing classic Cloud Services in your Azure subscription, that you can then reference by role during deployments.

Azure Service Fabric cluster targets

Azure Service Fabric Cluster deployment targets allow you to reference existing Service Fabric Cluster apps that are available in your Azure subscription, that you can then reference by role during deployments.

Azure Web App targets

Azure Web App deployment targets allow you to reference existing Web Apps in your Azure subscription, that you can then reference by role during deployments.

Cloud regions

Cloud regions deployment targets allow steps to be executed multiple times to support deploying cloud applications in numerous geographic regions.

Dynamic infrastructure

Octopus resources created in cloud providers can also be modeled in Octopus using service messages and scripts, which form part of dynamic infrastructure.

Create Azure Service Principal account command

New-OctopusAzureServicePrincipalAccount allows you to create an Azure Service Principal account in Octopus from within a running deployment

Create Azure Cloud Service target command

Cmdlet for creating an Azure Cloud Service target

Create Azure Service Fabric target command

Cmdlet for creating an Azure Service Fabric target

Create Azure Web App target command

Cmdlet for creating an Azure Web App target

Create Kubernetes Target Command

Cmdlet for creating a Kubernetes target

Offline package drop

Offline package drop deployment targets allow you to deploy your applications in the most restricted security environments where Tentacles cannot be used.

Octopus Cloud

How to work with Octopus Cloud.


Octopus Cloud includes permissions that relate to hosting Octopus itself, and not for the configuration of your instance, as that's managed by Octopus for you.

Static IP address

How to find the list of static IP addresses for your Octopus Cloud instance

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