
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.


SQL Server permissions

Permission recommendations for deployments to SQL Server.

Deploy to SQL Server using Redgate SQL change automation

Guide to configuring Octopus Deploy to deploy to SQL Server with Redgate SQL change automation

Docker Containers

Octopus allows you to treat Docker images as immutable build artifacts that are moved through each stage of deployment by running them as containers with deploy-time specific configuration.

Accessing container details

Docker steps provide access to container details, including network, volume, environment variables etc., and make them available in subsequent steps.

Docker run with networking

This guide demonstrates the basic functionality provided by the Octopus Docker steps.

.NET deployments

Octopus Deploy can help you perform repeatable, reliable deployments of your .NET applications.

ASP.NET Core webapp

This guide covers everything you need to perform your first ASP.NET Core webapp deployment.

HTML and JavaScript applications

This guide provides a simple example of deploying and configuring a simple JavaScript application built using AngularJS.

Java applications

Deploy to WildFly, Red Hat JBoss EAP and Tomcat using Octopus Deploy

Deploying a sample Java application

This guide provides a simple example of deploying a Java application with Octopus Deploy.

Java error messages and troubleshooting

Java deployment steps include a number of unique error codes that may be displayed in the output if there was an error


Octopus Deploy provides support for deploying Kubernetes resources.

Deploy to a Kubernetes cluster

Deploy to a Kubernetes cluster.

Deploy an Ingress resource

Deploy an ingress resource to a Kubernetes cluster.

Deploy a service resource

Deploy a service resource to a Kubernetes cluster.

Deploy a Helm chart

Deploy a Helm chart to a Kubernetes cluster.


The kubectl utility is required by Octopus Deploy Kubernetes integration.

NGINX deployments

This guide covers everything you need to configure NGINX on Linux for your web applications

Configure Octopus Deploy project

This guide describes how to configure your Octopus project to deploy an ASP.NET Core project together with an Angular CLI project and configuring NGINX to a Linux deployment target.

Configuring target machine

This guide describes how to configure your target machine running Linux to be used in Octopus deployments.

Create and push an ASP.NET Core project

This guide describes how to package and publish an ASP.NET Core project to Octopus from your development workstation.

Node deployments

With Octopus Deploy you can deploy your Node.JS applications to on-premises servers, Azure websites, Azure and AWS EC2 virtual machines.

Deploying Node applications to Linux

Learn how to package and deploy a Node.js application to a Linux deployment target over an SSH connection.


Package steps allow you to deploy your applications and services that you have packaged and configured with Octopus.

Delta compression for package transfers

Octopus delta compression for package transfers can dramatically reduce the time for package acquisition during deployment.

Deploying packages to your Octopus Server

How to deploy packages to your Octopus Server.

Dynamically selecting packages at deployment time

You can configure Octopus to dynamically resolve package details, including Feed and Package ID at deployment time by using variables. This can be useful if you want a different package feed for each environment, or a different package per environment or tenant.

Package deployment feature ordering

The order of actions executed when Octopus deploys a package.

Stage package uploads

How to stage package uploads to reduce your applications or services downtime.

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