Cowboy in the desert.

Preparing to Migrate

This week we've been working on the migration tool to import Octopus 1.6 databases into Octopus 2.0. Since 2.0 changed a lot, our approach has been to have Octopus 2.0 run side-by-side with Octopus 1.6. The migration process will be:

  1. Install Octopus 2.0
  2. Open the Octopus Manager UI
  3. Click "Import from 1.6"
  4. Select your Octopus 1.6 backup

In the background, we'll create a new RavenDB database, and import your 1.6 backup. Then, we'll stream the data from the 1.6 database to the 2.0 database, converting the documents on the fly. This means that after the migration, you can still run Octopus 1.0 and 2.0 side-by-side.


A few customers were kind enough to send us their 1.6 backups to test against which was very helpful. Expect to see the 1.6 migrator in the Octopus 2.0 RC build coming soon.

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