An Octopus exploring the Istio service mesh for Kubernetes

Exploring Istio - The ServiceEntry resource

Matthew Casperson

An Octopus exploring the Istio service mesh for Kubernetes

This is part four in a series of posts exploring Istio, a popular service mesh available for Kubernetes. In this post, I'll look at what a ServiceEntry resource is and where it fits in this stack.

In order to make a network request, the destination host must be part of the Istio service registry. By default, any Service resource in a Kubernetes cluster is part of the service registry, but external URLs are not. To expose external network applications to Istio, we use the ServiceEntry resource.

In this post, we’ll add a ServiceEntry resource to the Kubernetes cluster in order to direct our proxy application to an external resource.

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Redirecting internal requests to external resources

To demonstrate the ServiceEntry resource, we’ll direct the requests to http://webserver from the proxy to This is a plain text file containing the text External Service 1 that is hosted by GitHub. We’re using this text file to simulate an external API endpoint.

The first step is to expose the host to the Istio service registry, which is achieved with a ServiceEntry resource.

In the YAML below we expose the host, identified as being external to the Istio mesh via the MESH_EXTERNAL property, accepting HTTPS traffic on the standard port of 443, and resolved to an IP address using the DNS server available inside the Kubernetes cluster with the DNS property:

kind: ServiceEntry
  name: github
  - ""
  location: MESH_EXTERNAL
  - number: 443
    name: https
    protocol: TLS
  resolution: DNS

With the external service now part of the Istio service registry, we need to direct traffic to it. This is achieved with the VirtualService resource.

As before, we are matching requests to the webserver host and using the rewriting functionality to route the request to another location. However, unlike the previous blogs, we are rewriting the traffic to point to an external location.

It is important to set the authority to the same value as the, because a large number of external services expect the HOST header in the HTTP request to be defined correctly. Failure to set the authority field can lead to odd 404 errors.

kind: VirtualService
  name: webserver
  - webserver
  - match:
    - uri:
        regex: ".*"
      uri: "/mcasperson/NodejsProxy/master/externalservice1.txt"
    - destination:
          number: 443

Because we have redirected a HTTP call to an internal Service resource to a HTTPS external location, we need to configure a DestinationRule resource to act as a TLS client. In the YAML below, we have configured the DestinationRule resource to SIMPLE TLS mode, which indicates that requests to the host should be conducted over a TLS connection:

kind: DestinationRule
  name: github
  host: ""
      mode: SIMPLE

With this combination of ServiceEntry, VirtualService, and DestinationRule resources, we have pointed our proxy application out to the text file hosted by GitHub:

Internal requests are now directed to an external host.

Here is the architecture diagram showing the ExternalService resource and the new flow of requests to the external resources.

The architecture diagram with the ServiceEntry resource (in purple).


Istio requires that any external resources contacted by internal applications be exposed as part of the service registry. In this post, we exposed a text file hosted by GitHub via a ServiceEntry resource, directed traffic to it via a VirtualService resource, and configured the TLS settings required to access the HTTPS site via a DestinationRule resource. The end result is that our sample application made requests to the external location without having to modify any code.

In the next post we will look at the Gateway resource, and how it is used to direct external traffic into the cluster.
