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What's new

These are the most important features you'll get by upgrading from 2024.3.12972 to 2025.1.1913

Octopus 2025.1

No highlights for 2025.1

Octopus 2024.4

The 2024.4 release of Octopus Deploy improve visibility and streamline tasks across your deployments.

This release’s noteworthy updates include:

  • Automatic monitoring of changes in Git
  • Easier redeploys and better visibility with the new Deployment Timeline
  • Greater oversight and control of your queue with prioritized deployments
  • Improved audit streaming capability via OpenTelemetry
  • An even better experience in the Octopus Go CLI

The 2024 Q4 release is already available on Octopus Cloud and now ready for download by our self-hosted customers.

Octopus 2024.3

The 2024.3 release of Octopus Deploy has updates to increase simplicity and efficiency in your deployment processes.

This release’s noteworthy updates include:

  • Introducing the new Vertical Navigation UI
  • Optimized infrastructure use with our autoscaling worker that Octopus manages for you
  • Improvements to the Helm Upgrade step for simpler setup
  • More secure Git workflows with Git protection rules
  • Simpler and faster navigation
  • Configurable deployment freezes to make it easier to manage deployments
  • Streamlined approvals for manual interventions
  • .NET 8 upgrade

The 2024 Q3 release is already available on Octopus Cloud and now ready for download by our self-hosted customers.

Release notes

These are the features and fixes you'll get by upgrading from 2024.3.12972 to 2025.1.1913.

Changes in Octopus Server 2025.1.1913

  • 9145 - Fixes issue where an upgraded Octopus instance could refuse to start if the origin version was 2018.3 or older, and the target version was 2024.3 or newer
  • 9143 - Phase retention policies that inherit from other phases are now described correctly on the lifecycle page
  • 9101 - Fixed bug where users with project group scoped permissions could not clone projects

Changes in Octopus Server 2025.1.1609

  • 9137 - Kubernetes Object Status now supports the 'Deploy a Helm Chart' step
  • 9133 - Fixed bug where validation errors weren't visible because the Process Editor didn't scroll to top of page after clicking save
  • 9113 - Fixed bug where lifecycle phases could not be ordered if there were unsaved lifecycle phases
  • 9129 - OIDC requests that fail now include the reason for failure in the Octopus server logs
  • 9136 - Durations on the task screen will show correctly when the duration exceeds 24 hours
  • 9119 - Zip file extraction, on Windows 2008 assumes UTF-8 filenames within the archive - ensuring accent characters are supported

Changes in Octopus Server 2025.1.1140

  • 9001 - Improved the performance of loading step template usages when viewing step templates. Note: This change involves a database migration of releases which may take upwards of a few minutes. If you have many releases (over hundreds of thousands), we recommend more aggressive release retention settings for a quicker upgrade
  • 9135 - Default to Hosted Ubuntu worker pool when Bash scripting language is selected in Run a Script step

Changes in Octopus Server 2025.1.799

  • 9129 - OIDC requests that fail now include the reason for failure in the Octopus server logs
  • 9005 - Fixed issue where Git branches that contained symbols could not be deployed from the portal
  • 8344 - Fixed issue where Git branches that contained symbols could not be deployed from the portal
  • 9126 - Fixed an issue with cloud connections in the process editor not appearing without unscoped VariableEdit

Changes in Octopus Server 2025.1.375

  • 9116 - Fixed an issue on runbooks in Git projects that prevented account variables or cloud connections from showing correctly in the process editor
  • 9123 - Improve indexes on DataVersion column

Changes in Octopus Server 2025.1.3

  • 9121 - Introducing priority deployments via lifecycle phases and upon deployment creation
  • 9080 - Prioritizing deployments now requires the TaskPrioritize permission
  • 9112 - OpenTelemetry Provider for Audit Stream

Changes in Octopus Server 2024.4.6945

  • 9145 - Fixes issue where an upgraded Octopus instance could refuse to start if the origin version was 2018.3 or older, and the target version was 2024.3 or newer

Changes in Octopus Server 2024.4.6943

  • 9129 - OIDC requests that fail now include the reason for failure in the Octopus server logs
  • 9119 - Zip file extraction, on Windows 2008 assumes UTF-8 filenames within the archive - ensuring accent characters are supported
  • 9116 - Fixed an issue on runbooks in Git projects that prevented account variables or cloud connections from showing correctly in the process editor
  • 9121 - Introducing priority deployments via lifecycle phases and upon deployment creation
  • 9080 - Prioritizing deployments now requires the TaskPrioritize permission
  • 9112 - OpenTelemetry Provider for Audit Stream

Changes in Octopus Server 2024.4.6608

  • 9108 - Fix teams and diagnostics pages showing empty
  • 9105 - Page headers are now sticky, allowing users to perform actions (e.g. Save Process) without scrolling to the top of the page
  • 9107 - Improve data loading for deployment and runbook processes to better handle request cancellation

Changes in Octopus Server 2024.4.6469

  • 9104 - Increased default master key size to 256 bits, also allow 128 bit keys to be rotated to 256 bit keys
  • 8736 - Automatic release creation can ignore channel rules when the referenced step is not the same as the channel version rules
  • 9109 - Allow target tags to be added from parent steps

Changes in Octopus Server 2024.4.6274

  • 9099 - Resolved issue where team slug could not be updated
  • 9092 - Fixed Workerpool and Certificate variables not displaying when variables stored in Git and Runbooks store in Database
  • 9100 - Extend support for Octothings stored in Git to support things outside of projects
  • 9090 - Prevent wrong Project Status item being active after refreshing page

Changes in Octopus Server 2024.4.6143

  • 9079 - Markdown Not Rendering Correctly for 'Descriptions' in Library Sets included in Projects
  • 9098 - Improve permission query filter performance for events
  • 8976 - Previously selected package versions now show correctly on Runbooks that have more than one package per step
  • 9093 - Fixed an issue preventing a user role from being added to a new team
  • 9089 - Runbook-only projects with a successful Run will no longer show as semi-setup projects on the Projects Dashboard
  • 9088 - Task screens now show the estimated time until tasks start
  • 9087 - Clicking "Environments" item in Project Status Bar will re-open project's Guided Setup dialog
  • 5890 - Account usage page now shows when the account is used in a tenant variable
  • 9072 - Fixed an issue where the deployment process editor would fail to load in a Git project if variables hadn't been migrated to Git
  • 9078 - The 'Needs Approval' tab on tasks pages will now show by default

Changes in Octopus Server 2024.4.5788

  • 9078 - The 'Needs Approval' tab on tasks pages will now show by default
  • 9081 - Fixes issue preventing connecting tenants to projects from tenants page
  • 9070 - Better support for new licensing model limits when a license isn't supplied

Changes in Octopus Server 2024.4.5422

  • 9076 - Remove misleading message telling users that anonymous authentication for public git repos probably won't work
  • 9075 - Bugfix: Support for anonymous credentials in step git resources fixed
  • 9074 - Users that choose the "Anonymous" option for Git credentials will be warned that they'll probably need to provide credentials, even if the referenced repo is public
  • 9071 - Fixed error when scrubbing PII data from Octopus database
  • 9061 - Improve performance when deleting releases during the retention task
  • 9067 - Include new deployment targets in the deployment setting in a health check has been updated so if it's a process that's started by a Project Trigger the Re-deploy setting will be respected
  • 9056 - Fix K8s resource edit YAML resetting to the selected container feed to the first available docker feed
  • 8996 - Only delete Kubernetes Custom Resources once when multiple resources of the same kind is specified
  • 9065 - Include recurring scheduled task logs in diagnostics

Changes in Octopus Server 2024.4.4698

  • 9061 - Improve performance when deleting releases during the retention task
  • 9054 - Tenant tag scoped variables are now evaluated when a release is created and deployed by a scheduled project trigger
  • 9066 - Azure Cloud Service has been retired by Microsoft. Executing an associated step will result in a failed deployment
  • 7573 - Remove tenant common variable values when deleting a variable template from a library variable set
  • 8964 - Adjust formatting of Octopus.Action.Helm.TemplateValuesSources property in OCL for Config as Code projects
  • 9058 - Resolved issue where values file cannot be found when sourcing Helm chart from the CaC project repo and the values file from the chart
  • 9062 - Fix regression in events query performance
  • 9064 - Error exporting project due to unidentifiable PackageID/FeedID
  • 9056 - Fix K8s resource edit YAML resetting to the selected container feed to the first available docker feed
  • 8916 - Infrastructure APIs which use isDisabled parameter will now return all enabled items when isDisabled=false

Changes in Octopus Server 2024.4.4317

  • 9073 - Add a link to a filtered view of all created deployments from bulk deployment tasks
  • 9061 - Improve performance when deleting releases during the retention task
  • 9059 - Uplift the Deployment Targets and Workers page design
  • 9055 - Fixed an issue where Application Settings and Connection Strings could not be removed from Azure App Service steps

Changes in Octopus Server 2024.4.4121

  • 8939 - Adds a message when user attempts to schedule a deployment for a date time that has past using the arrows or AM/PM toggle
  • 9053 - Removed in-app messaging capabilities that had been inadvertently released to self-hosted customers
  • 9028 - Tenant-tag scoped variables get included when a release is created by the built-in feed trigger

Changes in Octopus Server 2024.4.3812

  • 9044 - Fixes issue where unused feeds with invalid credentials could cause package acquisition to fail
  • 9049 - Fixed an issue where Project Tenants page, Runbook Snapshot page, and others that call the missing-variables endpoint would error if there are zero Tenants in the Space
  • 9045 - Show Warnings in the process editor when a step uses target tags without an assigned deployment target
  • 8966 - Empty deployment process will still show existing releases

Changes in Octopus Server 2024.4.3613

  • 9042 - Add Support for running IIS and Windows Certificate steps using NetCore build of Calamari
  • 9041 - Allow specifying a newline-separated list of file paths for additional YAML files in packages on Upgrade Helm Chart step
  • 8173 - Use project guided failure settings and fall back to the environment settings
  • 9040 - Fix performance regression when fetching many users
  • 9039 - Fix dashboard showing empty project groups which the user does not have permissions to view
  • 9037 - Fixed an issue executing Helm Upgrade steps with some Git sourced Helm charts

Changes in Octopus Server 2024.4.3238

  • 9036 - Runbook Publishing Error - Visual Only - The file '.octopus/runbooks/Runbooks-xx.ocl' on the 'main' branch does not exist in the Git repository
  • 9023 - Viewing releases, with deployments to environments outside of the users scope causes the release version page to fail.
  • 9050 - Fix for CVE-2024-09

Changes in Octopus Server 2024.4.2971

  • 9032 - Fix: HTTP GET to /api/Spaces-N/deploymentprocesses would return no results
  • 9031 - Fixed an issue with mapping projects when Included Library variable set Ids that were null
  • 9014 - Add support for reverting Kubernetes authentication via AWS CLI to use kubectl config get-credentials exec

Changes in Octopus Server 2024.4.2718

  • 8695 - Prevent Octopus account admins from being removed from the Octopus Managers team
  • 9029 - Retrieve a user's groups from Graph API if the groups are not included in the ID token but the user has a roles claim
  • 9025 - Fixed a bug causing deleting certain projects to fail with an "Unable to sort" error
  • 9026 - Fix deployment status icons sometimes showing above the project name column in the dashboard
  • 9024 - Fixed bug where deleting a space would not leave behind records in the Event table

Changes in Octopus Server 2024.4.2267

  • 9021 - Unable to delete entities due to incorrectly related resources.

Changes in Octopus Server 2024.4.1937

  • 9020 - Fixed an issue where creating a tenanted deployment would fail with a LINQ-related exception message
  • 9019 - Fixed signing key rotation for Google, AzureAD and Okta OpenID authentication
  • 9018 - Fixed an issue where Kubernetes agents were not being health checked on the associated machine policy schedule
  • 6902 - Azure App Service step times out after 100 seconds when uploading package
  • 7260 - Added validation to K8s YAML editor for the "Deploy Kubernetes Containers" step
  • 8454 - Fixed an issue where channel lifecycles could not be reverted to inherit from project after being set
  • 7754 - Fixed an issue where Tenant Common Variables could not be set when connected projects have no environments
  • 8859 - Converted ExtensionConfiguration document persistence from JSON store to relational model
  • 9017 - Migrate Machine and Worker tables to use Entity Framework
  • 9016 - Add 20-day, 10-day and expiry audit events for the Octopus license
  • 9002 - Introducing the new Vertical Navigation UI
  • 8769 - Minimize parallel health checks for cloud targets
  • 9011 - Fix variable substitution in values files when Deploying a Helm Chart

Changes in Octopus Server 2024.4.917

  • 9015 - The step retry backoff interval can now be configured by the user
  • 9011 - Fix variable substitution in values files when Deploying a Helm Chart
  • 9013 - Migrate DeploymentProcess table to use Entity Framework
  • 9009 - Step Templates sourced from Git can cause a deployment to fail when deploying in parallel

Changes in Octopus Server 2024.4.401

  • 8961 - Migrate Release table to use Entity Framework
  • 9004 - Update bundled Tentacle version to 8.2.2148
  • 9063 - Add new Kubernetes Worker as a simple, auto-scaling worker
  • 9003 - Fixes issue where deployment process screen would fail to load if the user doesn't have TriggerView permissions

Changes in Octopus Server 2024.3.12972

  • 9145 - Fixes issue where an upgraded Octopus instance could refuse to start if the origin version was 2018.3 or older, and the target version was 2024.3 or newer