
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Using the Deploy an Azure App Service step

Learn how to use the new Azure App Service step in Octopus Deploy.

Secrets in GitHub Actions

As part of our series about Continuous Integration and build servers, learn how to add secrets in GitHub to use with GitHub Actions, plus how to call them in workflows.

An introduction to build servers and Continuous Integration

This post opens our series about Continuous Integration and build servers, with an overview on the benefits of build servers, particularly Jenkins and GitHub Actions.

Using dynamic build agents to automate scaling in Jenkins

With some setup, Jenkins can automatically react to your processing needs, creating extra nodes to manage processes. This post explains 2 setup methods.

10 of our favorite Jenkins plugins

Jenkins has over 1800 community-created plugins to help with continuous integration. Here are 10 we think are useful, as part of our series about CI and build servers.

How to install Jenkins on Windows and Linux

As part of our series about Continuous Integration and build servers, learn how to install Jenkins via the traditional installers.

Jenkins security tips

As Jenkins connects to many industry tools, it's a good idea to keep your instance as secure as possible. Here are our tips to keep your team safe.

Managing credentials in Jenkins

As part of our series about Continuous Integration and build servers, we take a look at the best way to manage credentials in Jenkins with the Credentials Binding plugin.

Variable update notification

Learn how to post a message to Slack when a variable has changed using Azure Functions and Octopus subscriptions.

Building and deploying a Java app with Docker, Google, Azure, and Octopus

As part of our series about Continuous Integration and build servers, learn how to build a Java app, push it to a Docker registry, and deploy to Azure with Octopus Deploy.

Verifying backups with Runbooks

Learn how to automate the process of verifying your backups using a custom runbook.

Identifying AWS shadow IT resources

As part of our series on Octopus Runbooks, learn how to find unmanaged resources in AWS using runbooks.


Container registries

Instructions on how to set-up third-party container registries as external package feeds for Octopus to consume for use in deployments and runbooks.

AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR)

How to add an AWS Elastic Container Registry as an Octopus feed

Azure Container Registry

How to add an Azure Container Registry as an Octopus Deploy feed

Docker Hub

How to add Docker Hub as an Octopus Deploy feed for use in Docker steps.

GitLab container registry

Configuring a GitLab container registry as an Octopus feed.

Google Cloud Container Registry (GCR)

How to add a Google Cloud Container Registry (GCR) as an Octopus feed

Nexus Container Registry

How to add a Nexus Docker Registry as an Octopus feed

GitLab Maven repository

Configuring a GitLab Maven repository as an Octopus feed.

Nexus Hosted Maven repository

Configuring a Nexus Hosted Maven repository as an Octopus feed.

NuGet repositories

Instructions on how to set-up third-party NuGet repositories as external package feeds for Octopus to consume for use in deployments and runbooks.

Artifactory Local NuGet repository

Configuring an Artifactory Local NuGet repository as an Octopus feed.

GitLab NuGet repository

Configuring a GitLab NuGet repository as an Octopus feed.

Nexus Hosted NuGet repository

Configuring a Nexus Hosted NuGet repository as an Octopus feed.

Azure DevOps and TFS package management

Configuring an Azure DevOps or TFS package management NuGet feed as an Octopus feed.

Maven repositories

Instructions on how to set-up third-party Maven repositories as external package feeds for Octopus to consume for use in deployments and runbooks.

Artifactory container registry

How to add Artifactory as an Octopus Deploy feed for use in Docker steps.

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