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What's new

These are the most important features you'll get by upgrading from 2019.12.2 to 2019.13.5

Octopus 2019.13

Octopus 2019.13.0 is an incremental release after we shipped Octopus 2019.12.0 with long term support (LTS). It contains small updates and bug fixes as per the release notes. The next minor release will be 2020.1.0 and it will include features on our public roadmap.

Octopus 2019.12


Operations Runbooks, Jenkins plugin, PowerShell Core support, improved build server integration and more!

  • Operations Runbook platform for automating routine maintenance and emergency operations tasks. Runbook examples include infrastructure provisioning, database management, and website failover and restoration.
  • Official Octopus Deploy Jenkins plugin enabling teams to integrate their Jenkins builds with Octopus Deployments
  • Built-in PowerShell Core support for both Windows and Linux platforms
  • Improved build information and work item tracking
    • Package metadata has been renamed to Build Information and promoted to a top level section in the Octopus Library.
    • Added support for deployment change templates so you can customize the structure of your deployment changes.

Read our blog post to learn more.

Breaking changes

This release includes the following breaking changes.

Octopus API and Octopus.Client

The Octopus API has changed as a part of this release, versions of Octopus.Client before 8.0.0 can not create scheduled triggers on an Octopus Server where the version is older than 2019.11.0.

PowerShell Core

PowerShell Core support has introduced a change where running PowerShell scripts against non-Windows targets no longer silently ignores .ps1 files. Octopus will now attempt to execute .ps1 files on deployment targets. If PowerShell Core is installed on those targets, this may change the behaviour of your deployments. If PowerShell Core is not installed on those targets, the deployment will fail.

Build Information

Our build information change involved renaming resources from the API through to the database. This is generally backwards compatible, however anyone using our GitHub issue tracker will need to ensure they upgrade their Octopus Server if they upgrade their Azure DevOps extension, TeamCity plugin, or Bamboo plugin.

Release notes

These are the features and fixes you'll get by upgrading from 2019.12.2 to 2019.13.5.

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.13.5

  • 5909 - Ensure Tenant Variables are cleaned up when Tenants are deleted
  • 6048 - Support Helm V3
  • 6120 - Fix an S3 step issue where uploading a package using the filename differs between the built-in and external workers
  • 6125 - Fix issue where variables page would crash at certain screen sizes
  • 6138 - Adding runbook variables (Id, Name) to the list of contributed variables during a run
  • 6147 - Fix for API bug where certain index responders could not filter by ids
  • 6153 - Improved validation on IIS bindings property when supplied with unexpected data
  • 6154 - Improved responsiveness of the tenants list screen with missing variables
  • 6155 - Fix to stop 'no auth providers' text flashing on the sign-in page
  • 6159 - Run Script step will now include script name and arguments in the process overview as part of the summary when configured to use a script from a package
  • 6160 - Improved the performance and UX of the project switcher for customers operating at scale

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.13.4

  • 6141 - Fixes bug where colors aren't show in IE11
  • 5953 - Web Request proxy not detecting bypass list

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.13.3

  • 6140 - Fix for a blocking TypeScript error occurring in IE11

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.13.2

  • 5543 - Download helm charts directly from a helm repository instead of relying on the helm executable
  • 6133 - Changed Releases screen so it doesn't go boom if your instance/space doesn't have any environments
  • 6134 - Reduce likelihood of dashboard queries timing out
  • 6136 - Fix for user lockout when exceeding limit of wrong password attempts
  • 6137 - Package IDs with slashes break the NGINX step by placing conf files in a subdirectory

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.13.1

  • 5770 - Fix for dialog issue in Firefox/Edge with the Kubernetes step template
  • 6099 - Resolved issue preventing k8s raw yaml volume from being saved if it contained a variable expression
  • 6104 - Fix to consider both release and runbook snapshots before deleting the shared variable set snapshot
  • 6112 - Fixing runbook run and snapshot variable links to match the UI redirection logic
  • 6116 - Scheduled triggers for Operations Runbooks that have prompted variables no longer throw a NullReferenceException
  • 6117 - Scheduled deployments and runbook runs will now use default prompted variable values
  • 6118 - Stop icons shrinking in Team lists when the name/description is long
  • 6121 - "An item with the same key has already been added" error with the NGINX step and multiple regex based locations
  • 6126 - Drop experimental header check on project/summaries to avoid issues with proxies

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.13.0

  • 5911 - Auto deploy processing has significantly changed to prevent cases where machines are missed
  • 6076 - Fixed issue where sensitive step parameters were cleared when updating step template in a deployment process
  • 6089 - Clear sensitive variable values when re-running a step template run so it doesn't look like the value is set
  • 6090 - External group/role chips for teams now show ids on hover
  • 6091 - Improved swagger documentation to ensure parameters match the path more accurately
  • 6092 - Updated AWS SDK S3 to within Calamari (v8.1.4)
  • 6094 - Fixed layout issue on Usage tab for Library Variable Sets, Lifecycles and Script Modules
  • 6095 - Enabled issue trackers to use the web proxy configured in Octopus
  • 6097 - Issue tracker connectivity tests can now execute even when the extension itself is disabled
  • 6098 - Corrected swagger operationid's to be unique
  • 6100 - Added extra validation for the variables supplied as part of a Script Module
  • 6101 - TFVC ChangeSets are now rendered as links in the Build information
  • 6103 - Improved swagger documentation

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.12.2

  • 6144 - Support Helm V3
  • 6438 - Fixed potential leakage of feed password into deployment log CVE-2020-14470