Compare releases

Compare releases and check for compatibility between your existing Octopus Server and new releases.

What's new

These are the most important features you'll get by upgrading from 3.16.7 to 3.17.6

Octopus 3.17

Changes in 3.17

See our release blog post for more details.

New Features

Octopus 3.17 introduces first-class Java support so teams can start deploying their Java apps in a safe, repeatable and reliable way! This release includes support to deploy to Tomcat, RedHat JBOSS EAP and Wildfly application servers and the Octopus built-in repository can now manage Java packages like jar, war, ear and rar files.


  • Swagger support for the Octopus API
  • Improved user administration and authentication performance

Breaking Changes

There are no breaking changes in this release.


All of the usual steps for upgrading Octopus Deploy apply.

Octopus 3.16

Changes in 3.16

See our release blog post for more details.

New Features

Octopus 3.16 removes the requirement to install Mono when deploying to Linux and MacOS targets. It does this by using a self-contained .NET Core build of Calamari.


  • Support for Okta as an authentication provider
  • ScriptCS has been upgraded to version 0.17.1
  • Resolved issue introduced by Let's Encrypt API change

Breaking Changes

The latest version of ScriptCS has introduced some breaking changes so it's important to review their release notes before upgrading. This only affects projects with script steps written using C#, which are powered by ScriptCS under the hood.


This release contains a post-install data fix that may take a few minutes, depending on the size of your Events table, so please ensure you allow time for this to complete. In our testing with 180,000 records in the EventsTable took ~3 seconds to upgrade.

If you are running the watchdog service, please ensure this is stopped during the upgrade.

All of the usual steps for upgrading Octopus Deploy apply.

Release notes

These are the features and fixes you'll get by upgrading from 3.16.7 to 3.17.6.

Changes in Octopus Server 3.17.6

  • 2575 - The API now returns a 400 instead of 500 response when an empty body is posted or putted
  • 2639 - Fixed UAC permission elevation in management tool
  • 2662 - Error message when importing a script module that contains a syntax error now points to the actual script module that caused the error
  • 3579 - Fixed issue where adding last node in HA cluster broke the management tool
  • 3808 - Fix Octopus upgrade failure caused by empty value in table Event RelatedDocumentIds column
  • 3812 - Resolved migrator issue where project was prevented from being migrated by deployment step with hidden empty package ID
  • 3814 - Clarified the duplicate variable message to emphasise a user variable is overwriting a step field
  • 3819 - Duplicate variable warning no longer returns a false positive when a variable is scoped to a role
  • 3850 - Fixed an issue that caused unavailable machines to be re-included in a deployment
  • 3851 - Prevented IIS semaphore releasing too many times during high contention deployments
  • 3852 - Added support for down-level login names (domain\user) when performing Tentacle upgrades with a specific account
  • 3853 - OpenID Connect authentication providers correctly update groups from roles on user login

Changes in Octopus Server 3.17.5

  • 3840 - Fixes Missing permission: VariableView error when viewing Library Variable Sets
  • 3844 - New API added for reporting the usages of an account across Machines, Deployment Processes and Releases

Changes in Octopus Server 3.17.4

  • 2572 - The node ping page api/octopusservernodes/ping now returns name, status and version information for the node
  • 2915 - Added a Octopus-Node HTTP header that shows which server served the request
  • 3497 - Added variables for Octopus.Task.QueueTime and Octopus.Task.QueueTimeExpiry
  • 3780 - Scheduled deployments now deploy to the machines available when the deployment is executed (instead of when the deployment is created)
  • 3781 - Fixed a memory issue with LogContext and sensitive variables
  • 3809 - Add retry logic to the send email step to reduce chance of failing a deployment due to sporadic connectivity issues with SMTP server
  • 3815 - Bundled tentacle 3.16.0 that includes --proxy option on Tentacle.exe register-with so a proxy server can be set when registering a tentacle on the command line
  • 3816 - Fixed an error when updating steps after changing a step template variable name
  • 3817 - Package acquisition better accommodates parallel steps
  • 3818 - Guided failure details now display which action and machine failed
  • 3824 - Added the variable Octopus.Action.Output.Manual.Approved to indicate if a manual intervention action was approved
  • 3826 - API returns the correct status codes again for loadbalancer ping (418 when draining) and resource creation (201)
  • 3838 - Fixed an issue collecting machine variables during multi tenant deployments

Changes in Octopus Server 3.17.2

  • 3560 - Empty string may now be provided to override the default value of optional prompted variables
  • 3796 - Server startup migrates users to the new Logins structure
  • 3811 - The API endpoint /api/tasks?running=False now returns the correct results

Changes in Octopus Server 3.17.1

  • 3591 - Fix for permission combination that allowed viewing of variables that user did not have access to
  • 3762 - Fixed Unable to parse sensitive-variables as valid JSON. error in Transfer package step on SSH targets due to decryption password was not being passed correctly
  • 3784 - Sensitive tenant variables that use variable expression can now be changed and set to a custom value
  • 3785 - The system task 'Fail orphaned tasks' has been renamed 'Clean orphaned tasks'

Changes in Octopus Server 3.17.0

  • 3506 - Service account users can be linked to an Active Directory account and will use that account's groups for team membership in Octopus
  • 3667 - External security group synchronization, with authentication providers like Active Directory, has been moved into a scheduled task to fix performance and stability problems
  • 3740 - On startup Octopus will delete obsolete files leftover from old Octopus Server installations
  • 3744 - Maintain certificate friendly-name
  • 3758 - Fixed a bug where the scheduled deployment icon and tooltip in the dashboard would not display
  • 3760 - Added variable OctopusSuppressDuplicateVariableWarning to allow logging duplicate variables warning as verbose
  • 3761 - show-configuration command now includes watchdog status
  • 3764 - Set initial project filter on tenant-project-variables page to alleviate performance issues with large variable count
  • 3766 - Remove 'beta' label from 'Mono not installed' option for SSH targets
  • 3767 - Support for java packages in the built-in package feed
  • 3768 - Deploy Java Archive deployment step
  • 3769 - Tomcat deployment steps
  • 3770 - WildFly/JBoss EAP deployment steps
  • 3771 - Resolved issue with incorrect certificate thumbprint being copied to clipboard
  • 3776 - Fixed a bug where the duplicate variable warning is logged when auto-deploying a release to a machine when redeploy on the trigger is enabled
  • 3777 - Swagger Documentation of live system
  • 3779 - Reduced the frequency of the 'Fail orphaned tasks' task

Changes in Octopus Server 3.16.7

  • 3759 - Fixed an issue causing too much verbose output in the task log