Information about this product feature.
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This page contains a list of all the current components that are available in Storyblok to build a page. Here are a few recommendations to help you on your way:
Almost all components we use in Storyblok need to be built within a Flex container. Each page will follow a format like this:
A flex container has several background colors and style options (horizon, stripe gray, stripe navy, stripe white, gradient to dark, gradient from dark). You can find these options in the Style drop-down on the right menu within a flex container. They are mostly self-explanatory, but you can play around with each style to get a feel for how they work.
Our components have been built to respect the background color. For example, if we use a dark background the text will be a lighter colour (and vice versa). This ensures our content is accessible.
On this page, I will mostly use the default navy background color to avoid repetition of showing the same component multiple times on different backgrounds.
As we stack flex containers when building a page, we have several options on how we transition to each section (wave, wave into white background, wave into gray background, wave into navy background). You can find these in the Lower Style drop-down on the right menu within a flex container.
Again, these are mostly self-explanatory, but you do need to be conscious of the background colour you are planning to use in the next flex container and choose the appropriate lower style in the previous container. If you intend to use a white background in the next flex container, choose wave into white background in the preceding flex container.
You can use this page to learn about new components or to help you visualize components you can use to build out a new page.
If you find a component you need to use on a page elsewhere, you can copy it from this page and paste it into your new page. You can do this by:
If you are unsure of what component you need or have questions, head over to #website-and-martech-requests on Slack and ask the team for help.
Add your description here
Add your description here
Add your description here
Enter testimonial here. This card has no background image and no call to action button.
Add your subheading here
This is the description for the feature you are showcasing in this component.
If you need to add an extended description, you can do so in this collapsed area.
Add your description here
Add your description here
Add your description here
This is the first row, first column section of the grid.
This is the first row, second column section of the grid.
This is the second row, first column section of the grid.
This is the second row, second column section of the grid.
This is the first row, first column section of the grid.
This is the first row, second column section of the grid.
This is the first row, third column section of the grid.
Every month we run a live demo that covers:
This webinar is great if you’re new to the platform or looking for a quick overview of Octopus. Head to the registration page using the button below.
Our monthly demo is presented by our Community Director, John Bristowe.
Add your subheading here
Add your subheading here
You can add some further content here. It could be a little longer than the subheading
Icon card title
Add your description here.
Icon card title
Add your description here.
This is a caption of an image.
Octopus is the proven solution for accelerating deployment frequency
Results from Octopus Deploy customer survey published in 2023 and enterprise customer story. Average time to onboard new customers without Octopus: 180 minutes. Average time to onboard new customers with Octopus: 15 minutes.
Error trying to render: Octopus.Public.Web.App.ContentManagement.Schema.V2.LogoBlock
System.InvalidOperationException: The partial view 'TemplatesV2/LogoBlock' was not found. The following locations were searched: /Views/Storyblok/TemplatesV2/LogoBlock.cshtml /Views/Shared/TemplatesV2/LogoBlock.cshtml /Pages/Shared/TemplatesV2/LogoBlock.cshtml /Views/Storyblok/TemplatesV2/LogoBlock.cshtml /Views/Storyblok/Templates/TemplatesV2/LogoBlock.cshtml /Views/Storyblok/TemplatesV2/TemplatesV2/LogoBlock.cshtml at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.HtmlHelper.RenderPartialCoreAsync(String partialViewName, Object model, ViewDataDictionary viewData, TextWriter writer) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.HtmlHelper.PartialAsync(String partialViewName, Object model, ViewDataDictionary viewData) at AspNetCoreGeneratedDocument.Views_Storyblok_TemplatesV2__Component.ExecuteAsync()
Our plans cover enterprise, small teams, personal projects, and everything in between.
For personal and open source projects
flat fee, per month
Billed monthly
Free for 30 days. No credit card needed.
Continuous Delivery for one or several teams
All in Community plus:
Free for 30 days. No credit card needed.
Advanced features for teams at scale
All in Professional plus:
You can purchase Octopus Cloud or Octopus Server from the Azure Marketplace if you already have existing Azure commitments.
* See below for the maximum number of concurrent tasks for each license tier. A task is a deployment, runbook run, retention policy cleanup, security sync, or jobs.
We support temporary bursting in certain scenarios. Contact Sales for details.
If using this component, copy the next 2 components (Heading and Card Container) and paste them on your target page.
Everything you’ll ever need to know about DevOps, written by our own DevOps engineers and experts.
Read the handbookWhen it comes to deployments, Octopus is the tool to supercharge your GitHub Actions workflows.
Learn moreExplore our guides and examples to learn more about Octopus Deploy fundamentals and concepts.
Explore the docsFollow our guides to get started with Octopus Cloud or your own self-hosted Octopus Server.
Read our guidesThis is a paragraph. There are multiple styling options, including bold and italics.
You can also add a code block
You can also add a quote
Table header 1 |
Content for cell 1 |
Content for cell 2 |
Content for cell 3 |
Content for cell 1 |
Content for cell 2 |
Content for cell 3 |
Add your testimonial here.
Click hereThis is a test for the sticky nav.
This is a test for the sticky nav.
This is a test for the sticky nav.