Steps to convert month to month to annual subscription

We’re eliminating month-to-month cloud subscriptions. All existing Octopus Cloud customers must transition to an annual paid subscription by October 15th, 2024. We will be turning off any instances on a month to month subscription on that date. If you have any queries, please contact

This change impacts the following Octopus Cloud subscriptions:

  • Month-to-Month Octopus Cloud Professional: legacy per-target subscriptions charged $12/target/month with a $3/target/month platform fee.
  • Octopus Cloud Community Edition: This is an older license tier with limited RBAC controls and is limited to 5 projects, 5 users, and 5 machines.
  • Legacy Octopus Cloud Free Customers: Legacy license tier that was grandfathered when we introduced the Community tier.

Converting to an annual subscription

We want to work with you on picking the correct license tier based on your current usage and future growth.  Please contact, and they will help you through the transition.

Pricing Model Change

On May 1st, 2024, we changed our pricing model to per-project with tenants and machines as add-ons.  You must move to our new pricing model as part of this conversion.

  • Projects are a resource in Octopus Deploy that stores the deployment configuration for an application.
  • Tenants are resources in Octopus Deploy that represent a customer, a physical location, a customer’s physical location, or something else that runs a unique copy of the application with a slightly different configuration.
  • Machines are Windows, Linux, or MacOS application hosts registered with Octopus Deploy.

We'll no longer charge for Kubernetes clusters, Azure Web Apps, Azure Service Fabric clusters, or ECS clusters.

Please see our pricing change page for more information.

License Tiers

You must select a license tier when converting to a paid annual subscription.  The license tiers and pricing are as follows:


See below for more details.

$360 / year (USD)

$96 / project / year (USD)

$144 / project / year (USD)

Add-on price

A resource within Octopus Deploy that represents a customer, a physical location, a customer’s physical location, or something else that runs a unique copy of the application with a slightly different configuration.

$72 / tenant / year (USD)

Windows, Linux, or MacOS application hosts registered with Octopus Deploy.

$72 / machine / year (USD)

Please see our pricing page for differences between each tier.

Volume pricing is available.  We support a variety of use cases and want to work with all our existing customers.  Please contact to discuss options.

Octopus Cloud platform fees




$2,250 / year (USD)

White tick on green background
Red cross

$4,500 / year (USD)

White tick on green background
Red cross

$9,000 / year (USD)

White tick on green background
White tick on green background

$18,000 / year (USD)

Red cross
White tick on green background

$36,000 / year (USD)

Red cross
White tick on green background

$72,000 / year (USD)

Red cross
White tick on green background

The default task caps for our license tiers are:

  • Professional: 5
  • Enterprise: 20

File storage: 1TB (The amount of packages, artifacts, and task logs you can store for deployments).

Database storage: 100GB (The amount of configuration data you can store for deployments).

Frequently asked questions

What happens if I don’t convert before October 15th, 2024?

On October 15th, 2024, we will disable all month-to-month professional, community, and legacy-free cloud instances. If you are still on one of those licenses, your instance will be disabled.

Does changing the plan from month-to-month to annual require me to reconfigure my Octopus instance?

No reconfiguration is required. We are changing the subscription, not your instance. All your existing projects, users, machines, tenants, variables, triggers, etc., will remain as-is.

Why are you removing month-to-month Cloud subscriptions?

Month-to-month makes sense for our Cloud customers with our per-target pricing model. The number of targets can increase and decrease from month to month. Monthly subscriptions make less sense when charging for the number of applications deployed (projects), with tenants and machines as add-ons.

If you're a month-to-month customer, please review the starter tier below, as we've increased limits and added back in specific functionality. To discuss this further, please email

How do I know how many projects, tenants, and machines my Octopus Deploy instance has?

Please contact for steps on how to get an accurate count.

What if I need more than 10 projects, 10 tenants, and 10 machines?

You must move to the Professional or Enterprise tier depending on the number of projects, tenants, or machines your instance is currently using.

What if I need an instance of Octopus Deploy for educational purposes, like learning how to use Octopus Deploy for my company?

Please contact to discuss options.

Why are you charging me platform fees?

We’ve been charging platform fees for quite some time. Month-to-month customers have been charged an additional $36 per target per year. We rolled out platform fees to our Enterprise Cloud customers late last year. The change is now a flat platform fee, which will be applied to all customers on an Octopus Cloud Professional license.

Octopus Cloud customers are getting value from our cloud platform. We want our pricing to be a fair exchange of value. That value includes more than just hosting. We provide numerous additional services, including automatic upgrades, regular backend maintenance, dynamic workers, storage, and bandwidth.

However, tying the platform fee to the number of targets wasn’t fair to all customers.

Imagine two Octopus Cloud instances with a similar number of projects and tenants and a similar number of deployments per day. The hosting resources—compute (CPU/RAM/DTUs), backend maintenance, dynamic workers, and support hours—are the same. However, one instance deploys to hundreds of virtual machines while the other deploys to Kubernetes, ECS, or other clustering technologies. The instance deploying to virtual machines would pay substantially more in platform fees than the other instance deploying to Kubernetes or ECS.

Even worse, if someone wanted to increase the task cap before the platform fees, it would be a substandard customer experience. We would look at their instance’s usage and perform calculations to ensure that the additional month-to-month premium covered the increase in cost.

We wanted a pricing model for the Octopus Cloud platform that was easy to understand and fair for most use cases.

One of the most computationally expensive tasks an Octopus Deploy instance can perform is deployments and runbook runs. Therefore, we decided to anchor the platform fees to the number of concurrent deployments and runbook runs or the task cap. The higher the task cap, the higher our costs, increasing the platform fees.

Why does increasing the task cap, or concurrent tasks, incur an additional fee?

Deployments and runbook runs are among Octopus Deploy's most computationally expensive tasks. More concurrent deployments and runbooks mean more resources are needed for the Octopus instance from the Octopus Cloud platform.

That resource increase could come from some or all of these items:

  • CPU / RAM on the Octopus instance
  • Database resources
  • File storage
  • Larger dynamic workers
  • More frequent dynamic worker usage
  • More bandwidth
  • Additional back-end support and maintenance