Colours of space black, green, purple and blue with faint transparent isometric shapes and lines.
SHIPPED23 9 talks and 5+ hours of content available on demand.
Globe bottom half world map top half city and DevOps infinity. Octopus Deploy container ship delivers packages around the world.

SHIPPED23 was Octopus Deploy's first virtual event.
Our CD-at-scale and DevOps experts discussed managing complex deployments, the future of Continuous Delivery, the latest Octopus features, and more.

We had amazing contributions about managing complex deployments at scale, future trends in deployments, and the lowdown on the latest and greatest Octopus features.

Watch on demand
Globe bottom half world map top half city and DevOps infinity. Octopus Deploy container ship delivers packages around the world.
Globe bottom half world map top half city and DevOps infinity. Octopus Deploy container ship delivers packages around the world.
Background colour gradient of different blues

Highlighted sessions

Accelerating software delivery at scale

Paul Stovell

Octopus Founder and CEO, Paul Stovell, revisits the Agile manifesto and retraces why deployment automation is critical to software teams. He explains why it’s core to the 4 DORA metrics that predict successful software teams, and how deployments have changed over the years.

How we're scaling Octopus Cloud

Ships Mahindra and Alix Klingenberg

We've seen customers grow from a handful to hundreds of teams using Octopus to reliably deploy their applications daily. Hear the behind-the-scenes story of how we're scaling Octopus Cloud.

Discover how we're meeting the needs of application and platform teams for our enterprise customers. You'll also learn about the future of Octopus Cloud as we share our strategy and roadmap.

Beyond GitOps – how best to apply Kubernetes

Kit Dergilev and Robert Erez

GitOps is a well-recognized best practice for running Kubernetes deployments. Yet, it doesn't scale well to many applications, environments, and tenants.

Enterprises often have to choose between giving up on some of the best practices or increasing the cost of ownership.

This talk covers GitOps for enterprise organizations and how Octopus can minimize tradeoffs, enabling GitOps at scale.

Gradient background greens, purple and blue hues

Watch SHIPPED23 now


Profile pic of Paul Stovell on colourful background.

Paul Stovell

Founder and CEO

Profile pic of Colin Bowern on colourful background.

Colin Bowern

SVP Product

Profile pic of Bob Walker on colourful background.

Bob Walker

Field CTO

Profile pic of Ships Mahindra on colourful background.

Ships Mahindra

Principal Product Manager

Profile pic of Nikita Dergilev on colourful background.

Nikita Dergilev

Senior Product Manager

Profile pic of John Bristowe on colourful background.

John Bristowe

Community Director

Profile picture of Steven Fenton with multi-coloured background.

Steve Fenton

Principal Technical Content Creator

Profile picture of Ian Khor on colourful background.

Ian Khor

Senior Product Manager

Profile image of Paul Gradie with multi-coloured background.

Paul Gradie

Software Engineer

Profile picture of Jemma Richards with multi-colour background.

Jemma Richards

Senior Events and Campaign Manager

Profile picture of Michael Richardson with multi-colour background.

Michael Richardson

Product Director

Profile picture of Robert Erez with multi-colour background.

Robert Erez

Principal Software Engineer

Profile picture of Alix Klingenberg with multi-colour background.

Alix Klingenberg

Lead Software Engineer
