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What's new

These are the most important features you'll get by upgrading from 2018.10.0 to 2018.11.0

Octopus 2018.11


This release is our first fast lane release after the 2018.10 LTS release with long term support. If you're not sure what this means to you, please read the announcement to help decide which lane works best for you.

Even though it's been released at the start of January 2019, its a wrap up of all the work we did at the end of 2018. It mainly contains UI updates, but also a bunch of important fixes.

Cloud Dependency Updates

All the Cloud dependencies that ship with Octopus have had an update:

  • Azure PowerShell modules upgraded to 6.11.0 (Requires PowerShell 5.1)
  • Azure CLI upgraded to 2.0.50
  • AWS PowerShell modules upgraded to 3.3.390.0
  • AWS CLI upgraded to 1.16.52
  • Terraform CLI upgraded to 0.11.10
  • Terraform AzureRm plugin upgraded to 1.19.0
  • Terraform AWS plugin upgraded to 1.51.0
  • Terraform Azure plugin upgraded to 0.1.1

Database performance updates

At the end of the installation process, Octopus will rebuild or reorganize database indexes that are fragmented to ensure the database performs at its best. This may take some time, depending on the size of your database.

As normal, all of the usual steps for upgrading Octopus Deploy apply.

Release notes

These are the features and fixes you'll get by upgrading from 2018.10.0 to 2018.11.0.

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.11.0

  • 5128 - Provide support for --tiller-namespace, --tiller-connection-timeout and --timeout on helm upgrade command
  • 5134 - Added --user as an alias for --username to the command line interface
  • 5138 - Improved how the task log is displayed, most notably when conditions are used and in failure scenarios
  • 5162 - Added an overflow menu to the step edit page to delete and enable/disable the step
  • 5168 - Corrected the order of Tenant Tags in the summary text for step conditions to match the order defined on the Tenant Tag Set
  • 5169 - Updated the task list task type filter to support the full range of task types
  • 5172 - Improved the UI layout for checkbox validation messages and fixed overlapping validation and actions on tenant variables
  • 5176 - Flag HA server node as offline when shutting down
  • 5178 - Fixed an issue that prevented script types other than PowerShell from running during Azure steps
  • 5180 - Okta authentication provider now allows override of the claim used to determine the user's username
  • 5181 - Fragmented database indexes are automatically rebuilt or reorganized after other upgrade script have run
  • 5182 - Included a link to the project group on the project edit screen
  • 5183 - Added code folding support to the code editor
  • 5184 - Task re-run permission corrected in user interface, now operates same as the original adhoc-task run
  • 5185 - Cloned K8S deployment steps no longer delete K8S resources deployed by other projects
  • 5186 - Fixed an issue where the incorrect radio button for certificates on a HTTPS binding was selected by default
  • 5188 - Remove ability to use old (pre 4.0) portal
  • 5189 - Added missing validation for packages to the Deploy to NGINX step
  • 5190 - UI fix for variable editor popover menus being visually cut off
  • 5193 - Updated a number of dev dependencies and run-time dependencies including moment and lodash
  • 5012 - Updated Web App deployments to use XML publish endpoint enabling deployments for Linux based Web Apps using web deploy

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.10.0

  • 5126 - Fix for error saying unable to delete a step template that's in use