Compare releases

Compare releases and check for compatibility between your existing Octopus Server and new releases.

What's new

These are the most important features you'll get by upgrading from 2018.2.1 to 2018.5.7

Octopus 2018.5

Breaking Changes

We have upgraded the Azure SDK library and the Azure PowerShell modules to support the latest Azure features. Most notably missing was support for nested ARM templates, which will now work out of the box.

These upgrades have also forced the minimum supported environment for Octopus Server to Microsoft .NET 4.5.2 and PowerShell 5.0 so you'll need to plan your upgrade accordingly. The PowerShell 5.0 requirement is only if you are running the Azure PowerShell scripts.

Azure recently announced that from June 30th 2018 they are retiring support for Service Management API (NOTE: Management Certificates use Service Management API). This affects deployments to Azure App Services.

Please switch to using Service Principals for your Octopus Azure accounts

To configure the version of Azure PowerShell modules, we have made a change to the name of the variable. You can now set OctopusUseBundledAzureModules to False.

Octopus 2018.3

Changes in 2018.3

See our release blog post for more details.

New Features

This month, we've greatly improved our support for infrastructure as code unlocking some incredible deployment automation and infrastructure automation scenarios. Octopus 2018.3 introduces support for GitHub repositories as feeds and first class terraform support as well as some awesome smaller features like Highlight Messages and Artifacts and . Read on for all the exciting details!


This release contains a few post-install data fixes that may take some time (depending on the size of your DeploymentProcess and Events tables), so please ensure you allow time for this to complete. If you are running the watchdog service, please ensure this is stopped during the upgrade.

All of the usual steps for upgrading Octopus Deploy apply.

Octopus 2018.2

Changes in 2018.2

See our release blog post for more details.

New Features

Octopus 2018.2 brings a number of exciting new features including the much requested step to deploy a release, the ability to deploy AWS CloudFormation templates, delete existing CloudFormation stacks, and run scripts with the AWS CLI.

Breaking Changes

If you are using an older version of Octopus.Client.dll to access /api/feeds/all then this will now error. You will need to update to >= 4.30.7 of Octopus.Client. The reason for this is that we have added a new feed type for releases of Octopus projects, to support the new Deploy Release step.

In anticipation of some upcoming new feed types we have hit the point where we were forced to revisit how we expose the packages API for external feeds, and how we store cached packages for deployments. Unless you are hitting the Octopus API directly to search through your external feeds or rely on specific naming of the cached packages, then there should be almost no impact to you. One side effect of the change to package cache names is that the current packages cache on the server and tentacles will be no longer checked so new deloyments will use the new package names. More details about these changes are available in the GitHub tickets "Packages API does not meet the requirements of our expanding feed types #4114" and "Modify the cache naming format to allow for new feed formats #4211".


All of the usual steps for upgrading Octopus Deploy apply.

Release notes

These are the features and fixes you'll get by upgrading from 2018.2.1 to 2018.5.7.

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.5.7

  • 4565 - Fixed the managed account hint text on the terraform step
  • 4609 - BugFix - DockerRun command on Windows failing
  • 4612 - Extra options on the setup wizard when requesting a trial key
  • 4613 - Bugfix - Properly encode non-ASCII characters in scripts
  • 4615 - Added ability to attach Terraform logs as artifacts

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.5.6

  • 4576 - Fixes for target ordering in multi-selects and various UX improvements, including minor updates for customers operating at lower resolutions
  • 4600 - Fix project variable helper not including project variables for S3 step
  • 4603 - BugFix - Tentacle upgrade process fails in 2018.5.5
  • 4604 - Fixed bug with custom scripts on Azure RM template step
  • 4509 - Fixed an issue upgrading from versions prior to 3.4 to versions after 2018.4
  • 4548 - Fixed problem where offline drop packages were not using the right escape characters for quoting the variable file as part of the Calamari command
  • 4568 - Fixed bug when updating an existing Service Fabric or Cloud Service target from cmdlets
  • 4572 - Steps now correctly load PowerShell modules when running on the external worker
  • 4587 - Changed behaviour for project with no healthy targets and environment with no dynamic infrastructure
  • 4592 - Corrected values in Azure Environment configuration
  • 4593 - Fixed a bug which prevented Team Edit page from loading
  • 4594 - Perform variable replacement for inline scripts on the Target rather than Server
  • 4596 - Fixed bug where variable usage was not showing on Azure Accounts
  • 4597 - Fixed errors displayed in console relating to missing machine icons
  • 4598 - Fixed error with rendering Azure Account variables

Changes in 2018.5.5 (release was disabled/hidden due to a bug found)

  • 4509 - Fixed an issue upgrading from versions prior to 3.4 to versions after 2018.4
  • 4548 - Fixed problem where offline drop packages were not using the right escape characters for quoting the variable file as part of the Calamari command
  • 4568 - Fixed bug when updating an existing Service Fabric or Cloud Service target from cmdlets
  • 4572 - Steps now correctly load PowerShell modules when running on the external worker
  • 4587 - Changed behaviour for project with no healthy targets and environment with no dynamic infrastructure
  • 4592 - Corrected values in Azure Environment configuration
  • 4593 - Fixed a bug which prevented Team Edit page from loading
  • 4594 - Perform variable replacement for inline scripts on the Target rather than Server
  • 4596 - Fixed bug where variable usage was not showing on Azure Accounts
  • 4597 - Fixed errors displayed in console relating to missing machine icons
  • 4598 - Fixed error with rendering Azure Account variables
  • Azure PowerShell Modules - To configure the version of Azure PowerShell modules, we have made a change to the name of the variable. You can now set OctopusUseBundledAzureModules to False.

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.5.4

  • 4591 - Fix for a timing problem that was causing browser redirect issues on slow connections

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.5.3

  • 4480 - Improved long path support, including package extraction and offline drops, see for more details
  • 4528 - Allow password to be passed as parameter to offline-drop scripts
  • 4582 - Viewing of Library Variable Sets will now check for VariableViewUnscoped instead of incorrectly checking for VariableEditUnscoped
  • 4583 - Added project groups to configuration options for dashboard filtering
  • 4584 - Add project dialog updated to guide the user to group and life-cycle selection once there are multiple groups or life-cycles, or there is at least one existing project
  • 4586 - SMTP Configuration save and test action is now available in UI to users with ConfigureServer permission

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.5.2

  • 4541 - Output-variables can now be flagged as sensitive
  • 4555 - Users can now modify tenant Common Variables if they have access to all projects and/or all environments this tenant is connected to with VariableEdit permission
  • 4557 - Resolved issue using version mask in pre-release tag when creating release
  • 4569 - Fixed issue preventing a script console scripts targeting more than one tenant
  • 4570 - Improved task log messages when a server task is blocked by another server task
  • 4578 - Enforce obfuscation in deployment logs of sensitive variables contributed via machines (CVE-2018-11320)
  • 4579 - The built-in repository now applied retention rules to packages that are dynamically referenced

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.5.1

Carried forwards from 2018.5.0:

  • 3637 - Updated Azure SDK dependencies to latest. Updated Azure PowerShell Modules to v5.7.0
  • 3731 - Added warnings about Management Certificates for Azure's up-coming June 30th deprecation deadline
  • 3821 - Restricting Cloud Services to Management Certificate accounts at the API
  • 3860 - Updating Calamari to include latest Azure PowerShell cmdlets
  • 4195 - Updating Calamari to .NET452 for latest Azure ARM templates
  • 4461 - Adding support for uploading and exporting certificate chains in the PEM format
  • 4532 - Updated bundled AWS cli to version 1.15.18
  • 3544 - Automatically uploading certificates for Service Fabric clusters

Specific to 2018.5.1:

  • 4346 - Server retention policy now deletes releases as part of the retention policy task instead of creating a task for each document to be deleted
  • 4426 - Improvements to package and release search UX
  • 4520 - Fixes an issue in using inline Terraform templates
  • 4527 - Fixes an issue preventing Terraform steps running on external workers
  • 4535 - Fixes an issue preventing AWS S3 steps running on external workers
  • 4536 - Fixes an issue in using AWS CLI step on external workers
  • 4554 - Refactored Calamari to support multiple authentication contexts
  • 4556 - Fixed an issue introduced in 2018.5.0 which prevented including/excluding specific deployment targets in a deployment

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.4.12

  • 4391 - Fixed error causing tentacles to remove tenanted mode when registered multiple times from the command line
  • 4545 - Tomcat network timeouts increased to 5 minutes

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.4.11

  • 4526 - Fix issue where local project variables weren't shown for both terraform and cloud formation templates
  • 4534 - Fixed timezone conversion issue with weekly & monthly scheduled triggers

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.4.10

  • 4439 - Fix a bug where Project Switcher highlights the entire container rather than the selected project
  • 4523 - Resolved issue with automatic-release-creation when project contains a Deploy Release step
  • 4529 - Fix for incorrect start time shown on Scheduled Project Trigger summary

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.4.9

  • 4486 - Fixed a problem which prevented you from deleting/revoking an API Key which was introduced in 2018.1.0

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.4.8

  • 4524 - When debugging Octopus Variables as part of a deployment, the variables are now printed in alphabetical order by name instead of the order they are added to the variable dictionary
  • 4525 - Fix issue where CloudFormation step wasn't properly registered in the UI

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.4.7

  • 4454 - Fixed a security hole where target and tenant tag variable scopes were not checked against the list of tenants the user has access to (CVE-2018-10550)
  • 4474 - Fix a bug where users without VariableEdit permission can save tenant variable (CVE-2018-10581)
  • 4517 - Fixed a bug where conversion from Sensitive variable type to Certificate variable type was broken
  • 4522 - Fixed error when a new pipeline step resumes from manual intervention

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.4.6

  • 4506 - Fixed timezone conversion issue with scheduled project trigger start time
  • 4512 - Offline Drops now escape script parameters, fixing a bug introduced in 2018.3.8

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.4.5

  • 4468 - The Tentacle included in this release registers faster when the Octopus Server has many environments or tenants
  • 4503 - Fix S3 Package.FileName output variable not set

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.4.4

  • 4498 - Removed parts of the old deployment pipeline, as well as the Octopus.Action.UseNewExecutionDispatcher variable
  • 4505 - Compatibility fix for Offline Drop output variables on PowerShell 2
  • 4507 - Regression in Terraform destroy step is resolved
  • 4510 - Removed -var-file options from terraform init command

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.4.3

  • 4489 - Deep links containing filters are preserved correctly across the login process
  • 4494 - Use FQDN examples for built-in repository examples
  • 4495 - Fixed a problem where run-on-server-on-behalf-of scoped AWS and Azure steps would sometimes run on the target instead of the server
  • 4499 - The IIS, Windows Server, Terraform and VHD steps now use the new pipeline
  • 4501 - Fixed migration that was deleting library variable snapshots even when they were still in use
  • 4502 - Resolved exception when a null variable is defined as a CloudFormation output
  • 4504 - Fixed an exception in the Configuration, Settings page

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.4.1

  • 4178 - The built-in repository can now delete unused packages that are dynamically referenced. See the details of this issue for instructions on how to enable this feature
  • 4393 - Offline drop now only includes each package once per release
  • 4456 - Individual variable files can now be listed in the Terraform step, and the apply and init terraform actions can have additional arguments passed to them
  • 4471 - Added tenant selector for running ad-hoc scripts per tenant
  • 4477 - The permission required to delete users has been relaxed from AdministerSystem to UserEdit, with the caveat that you cannot delete yourself, and only System Administrators can delete other System Administrators
  • 4479 - Fixed SQL error when using taskState in deployments API
  • 4481 - Octopus.Action.Terraform.CustomTerraformExecutable can be set to the location of a customer terraform executable
  • 4483 - Task details page doesn't crash anymore when the log contains PowerShell code that invokes a static method
  • 4485 - Improved performance in reading the stream from SSH targets
  • 4488 - The Server Extensibility API has changed and custom extensions will need to be updated
  • 4490 - Convert OfflineDrop Write-Host to Write-Output in bootstrapper
  • 4491 - Resolved a step execution performance issue when there are lots of variables that was introduced in 2018.3.8
  • 4493 - Terraform updated to 0.11.7

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.4.0

  • 4335 - Breaking change Automatic release creation now selects packages appropriate for the channel the release is created in
  • 3633 - Added a new project trigger for recurring scheduled deployments
  • 4365 - Deployment Steps can be marked as required, meaning they cannot be skipped when customizing a deployment
  • 4422 - Fixed a problem where Variable Sets were deleted even when they were used by existing releases
  • 4433 - Release version search in Deploy a Release now displays Load More
  • 4448 - Fix for error when filtering Tenants and user does not have view permissions for some Environments
  • 4463 - Fix for show and hide empty groups on Project dashboard
  • 4473 - Fixes for “Deploy To” button popover on mobile
  • 4482 - Added the new AWS S3 upload step for uploading files to an S3 bucket with all the bells and whistles

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.3.13

  • 4445 - Various accessibility updates and improvements to the UX (and fixing broken avatar images on closed networks)
  • 4451 - Fixed a performance problem in Variable Editor where rendering of variables with a lot of values was slow
  • 4464 - HCL parsing logic moved into separate open source library

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.3.12

  • 4399 - Fixed error when viewing tenant variables if user lacked permission to see other associated environments
  • 4449 - Fixes an error that stopped users from health checking all environments they had permission to
  • 4455 - Update Terraform to 0.11.6
  • 4460 - Variable replacement occurs for scripts sourced from packages, fixing a bug introduced in 2018.3.8
  • 4462 - Scripts sourced from packages are no longer executed with incorrect arguments, fixing a bug introduced in 2018.3.8

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.3.11

  • 4452 - Fixed an error loading variables, step templates and script modules when there are many machines

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.3.10

  • 3690 - We warn user now when they select a cert file that is empty
  • 4147 - Lists with parameters can now be manually ordered
  • 4220 - Dashboard filters are now stored in the query string in the URL
  • 4330 - Fix a bug where deployment process page crashed if there is an IIS step that has no bindings
  • 4382 - Do not open new window when clicking on links in task log page
  • 4398 - Library variable set filter when including a library variable set in a project is now case insensitive
  • 4432 - When using the service command to start and stop the Octopus Server service and the service does not exist, Octopus and Tentacle will now report an error
  • 4443 - Improved performance when validating tenant connections
  • 4444 - The variable editor now only warns on specific zero width characters, and no longer has false positive warnings for non-ASCII characters
  • 4447 - Fix for events/audit not being returned when user had scoped permissions applied

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.3.9

  • 4118 - Switched from 4 to 2 spaces for list indentation in markdown
  • 4203 - Fix for issue where when filtering projects or dashboard would cause the header title to disappear
  • 4397 - Fix a bug where project variables are not showing in Run a Docker Container step
  • 4401 - The Secure flag is now set consistently for Cookies regardless of whether the incoming HTTP request is behind a proxy using SSL offloading
  • 4428 - Certificate expiry events are now generated for a certificate that has replaced another certificate if the original certificate had either of the certificate expiry events created
  • 4431 - AWS steps now acquire packages correctly when used as child steps
  • 4441 - The OctopusBypassDeploymentMutex now does what it is supposed to do, fixing a bug introduced in 2018.3.8
  • 4175 - Fixed display issue on Project descriptions that have markdown

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.3.8

  • 4291 - Swagger spec now takes virtual directories into account
  • 4354 - Package notes now show if they are missing, or if the notes can not be retrieved
  • 4361 - Fix a bug where dashboard environment scrollbar loses its position when data updated
  • 4419 - Fixed broken links to triggers and channels in the audit log
  • 4420 - Implemented a new deployment pipeline which lays the groundwork for future features. It is enabled for Run Script, Deploy Package and Run AWS Script steps
  • 4421 - The Step Template -> Run feature now treats sensitive parameters correctly instead of passing them to the server as clear-text
  • 4423 - Support Output Variables for Offline Drop
  • 4424 - Insert variable doesn't throw an error when filter contains regex characters
  • 4429 - Fixed up the package acquisition for AWS CloudFormation steps when workers are used

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.3.7

  • 4405 - Release creation page combines requests for the same package + channel filter combination
  • 4407 - Fix a bug where users can see machines beyond their team’s scoped environments in variable editor - CVE-2018-9039
  • 4410 - Default the GitHub Feed url with public GitHub api endpoint
  • 4413 - Updated Terraform executable to 0.11.5
  • 4414 - Fixed the parameters file used when deploying cloudformation templates from a package

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.3.6

  • 4402 - A 400 Bad Request error with reason in response body instead of a 500 Internal Server Error is now returned when trying to create a release on a disabled project
  • 4408 - Added additional logging when a TaskCanceledException is thrown
  • 4409 - Fixed configuration migration issue when upgrading from 3.x
  • 4083 - No longer displaying two horizontal scrollbars in project dashboard
  • 4260 - Admin command line now supports adding groups from Active Directory, and groups/roles from AzureAD and Okta
  • 4306 - Administrators can now control whether users are allowed to edit their own external Logins
  • 4331 - Password required validation no longer appears when creating service account users
  • 4342 - Group claim handling fixed in the Okta and Azure AD authentication providers
  • 4348 - Added steps for planning to apply or destroy Terraform templates
  • 4360 - Fixed bug causing exceptions for offline drops when path is too long
  • 4364 - Teams with EventView scoped to Projects will not receive Subscription output
  • 4376 - "Prompt for value" checkbox in the variable editor is working again
  • 4377 - If you lose your master key you can now use the Octopus.Server.exe lost-master-key command to generate a new master key, scrub all your sensitive data, and get back up and running again
  • 4378 - It is no longer possible to select an invalid value for a certificate variable
  • 4379 - Project ID in Deploy Release step is now correctly mapped when migrating
  • 4380 - Variable channel scopes are now correctly mapped when migrating
  • 4381 - Github external feed testing and object reference null error
  • 4387 - Github feed trailing whitespace
  • 4395 - Checkbox-type variable templates now correctly display default values

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.3.4

  • 4363 - Fixed a bug with row heights in the project overview
  • 4375 - Fixed an exception when a user signs out

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.3.3

  • 4269 - Sort deployment targets by name during rolling deployments so the deployment order is deterministic
  • 4309 - Fixed an issue where the tenants page may sometimes fail to load when there is a large number of projects
  • 4366 - Fixed exception when downloading packages with 4 part version numbers on SSH targets without mono
  • 4367 - Fix for errors incorrectly showing user lacks VariableEdit if that permission was scoped to Projects
  • 4368 - Permanently enabled the Docker and Browser Caching features, and multi-tenancy is enabled when a tenant is first created
  • 4370 - Increased network timeouts when interacting with Tomcat from 30 to 60 seconds
  • 4371 - Terraform steps now include a field to allow a workspace to be defined

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.3.2

  • 4369 - Fixed a bug where the dashboard would repeatedly request all releases from the Octopus server, and adversely impact performance

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.3.1

  • 4119 - Fixed problem with Variable Editor creating values that can't be saved
  • 4218 - Audit log filtering would error in some cases and this is fixed now
  • 4234 - Ensuring we can render old releases in project overview
  • 4264 - A new log level Highlight has been added that highlights the message in the log and shows it on the Task Summary tab
  • 4275 - Fixed a bug where in some situations, the read only table of variables would extend beyond the available screen width
  • 4300 - Added an upgrade script to clean up orphaned channel version rules
  • 4307 - Fixed subscriptions and web hooks that were not firing for users who had scoped permissions
  • 4308 - Fixed issue when upgrading a system with an Octopus Managers team
  • 4312 - Fixed issue with the AzureAD authentication provider sometimes getting a signature error while validating tokens
  • 4314 - Release page navigation links now work regardless of whether the current URL contains a trailing slash
  • 4316 - Open markdown links in a new window
  • 4322 - Fixed a bug where the tenant tags would be pre-filled on the create deployment page if you had navigated to a create deployment url for deploying to specific tenants
  • 4326 - Stop showing a delete option in the UI if you don't have access to view a particular user
  • 4332 - Additional error logging is generated for network errors when deploying CloudFormation templates
  • 4333 - Fixed error in queueing tasks when 1000's of tasks are ready to run
  • 4336 - Add #{else} to the existing #{if} statement in the variable substitution syntax
  • 4337 - Artifacts now appear under the step heading on the Task Summary page
  • 4339 - Add terraform apply and destroy steps
  • 4344 - Cloudformation dynamic variables form does not recognise specilised lists
  • 4345 - Cloudformation step will exit early if there are nested stacks
  • 4347 - Fixed a bug where the environments filters would disappear if no environments matched the current filter
  • 4351 - Fixed an issue where searching through certificates might fail for some types of certificates
  • 4352 - Removed redundant call to /api/projects/all from getting-started component
  • 4353 - Fixed metrics logging to not use quotes around numbers
  • 4356 - Added a field to allow additional files to have variable substitution applied to them from Terraform packages
  • 4357 - Additional file extensions are now downloaded from Maven repositories
  • 4358 - Null reference exception removed when the AWS region is incorrect
  • 4359 - Fix for the error about missing EventView permission on the release page when it is scoped to Projects

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.2.8

  • 4311 - Removed the MaxParallelism of 10 for steps - Octopus will run an unlimited number of steps at the same time if you configure your deployment process this way
  • 4338 - Add aes256-ctr to the list of allowed SSH ciphers when in FIPS mode

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.2.7

  • 3441 - Each Octopus server node may execute one (non deployment or health check) task beyond its task cap, so that tasks such as subscriptions are not blocked by long running deployments or health checks
  • 3475 - Use octopurls for documentation urls
  • 3556 - "MaxConcurrentTasks" is now the sum of all server node's task caps. Command option Octopus.Server.exe configure --maxConcurrentTasks ... is deprecated
  • 4088 - Tentacle auto-upgrades are now blocked for a machine that is being auto-deployed to
  • 4168 - Tasks are allocated more evenly to Octopus server nodes in High Availability Octopus
  • 4281 - Displayed the deployment start time instead of the queued time on the dashboard and release pages
  • 4289 - Deploy Release step task log now includes link to child deployment
  • 4295 - Only run autocomplete hack for Chrome on Sign-In screen
  • 4298 - CloudFormation steps now populate the proxy configuration
  • 4303 - Correctly handle missing deployments when processing auto deploy events
  • 4305 - Disabled child steps can no longer have a duplicate name
  • 4310 - Fixed an error on the Release Detail page when a user does not have TaskView permission
  • 4125 - Improved log message when importing certificate-chain which already exists
  • 4163 - User login bans, due to too many failed attempts, now appear in the Audit log
  • 4197 - Update our SSH library so that it works on Octopus servers with FIPS enabled
  • 4315 - Explicitly reject all HTTP TRACE requests rather than treating them as a GET in some cases
  • 4317 - Tenanted deployments will always be executed in the order that they appear in the task queue
  • 4318 - Account Edit page now loads usage data asynchronously to avoid blocking the UI
  • 4320 - Default values on Tenant Variables are not displayed on V4 Variable Editor
  • 4321 - Fix for TypeError: Cannot read property 'State' of undefined on Release page, for users with TaskView permissions scoped to Environments
  • 4323 - Added metrics command for configuring metrics logging
  • 4324 - Fixed High CPU usage when there are not tasks in the queue or the node is in maintenance mode
  • 4325 - "Deploy a package" step now has access to Maven feeds
  • 4329 - Removed the word "anonymous" from the installation wizard's consent to collect usage data - the word "anonymous" was mistakenly added in Octopus 3.12.0

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.2.5

  • 4285 - Reducing reflow of dashboard status tables to improve performance
  • 4292 - Disabling keyboard form submissions on Script Console / AdHoc script
  • 4294 - Bring back predictable order to the Add Step page
  • 4296 - Fixed a deployment error when using script modules with paths that have ' in them
  • 4297 - Improve the database indexes used during auto deploy creation
  • 4299 - Fixed bug introduced in 2018.2.0 that caused Calamari upgrade to loop indefinitely if the customBundledPackageDirectory option is used

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.2.4

  • 4131 - Fix a bug where Deploy to button is missing from the Task page
  • 4132 - Excluded steps are now preserved between retries
  • 4142 - Fixed a problem where teams scoped to an environment couldn't add project variable templates
  • 4231 - Now you can add an environment to a lifecycle phase without having EnvironmentCreate permission
  • 4245 - Added inline note that explains when tenanted deployments are available
  • 4246 - Code editor full screen toggle no longer overlays scrollbar
  • 4254 - Custom Install Directory feature shows now correctly whether files will be purged or not
  • 4259 - Don't specify /bin/bash when performing a raw file transfer to an SSH target
  • 4273 - Prevent child releases to many tenants exhausting the task cap
  • 4280 - Fixed text-wrapping behaviour in long section titles
  • 4282 - Allow channel version rules based on deploy release steps
  • 4283 - Variable Template heading displays now Label instead of Name when Label is available
  • 4284 - Azure account scoped to both tenanted and untenanted can now deploy to untenanted deployments
  • 4286 - Prevent the deploy release step from being added as a child step
  • 4288 - Fixed UI issue where changing settings asked for AdministerSystem permission instead of ConfigureServer
  • 4290 - Reduce strictness of package filename encoding to allow + characters in path

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.2.3

  • 4250 - Project name is now a link (when not bound to a variable)
  • 4271 - Added metric logging to track api calls and tasks
  • 4276 - Resolved error when creating release for projects containing a Deploy Release step

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.2.2

  • 4202 - Package selector and Release selector are not showing double scrollbars anymore
  • 4233 - Added validation to ensure that Deploy to IIS steps include package details
  • 4248 - Powershell AWS modules are now exposed to the AWS CLI script step
  • 4262 - Fix a frontend crash when the project dashboard can't find the channel for a dashboard item
  • 4263 - Fixed a bug which prevented variable value from being displayed in the variable editor popup
  • 4267 - Fix a frontend crash on the project triggers page when an invalid ARC step is selected
  • 4268 - Allow prompted variables in child deployments to be bound from variables on the parent
  • 4272 - Fix bug causing channels with version rules to sometimes not auto-select latest package

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.2.1

  • 3494 - When scrolling through many environments in project overview, the releases column is now fixed
  • 3900 - Fixed missing audit entry when a variable scoped to a single environment and that environment is deleted
  • 3930 - Fixed role deletion mechanism, it will now be removed from teams that were referencing it, after the user is shown a warning
  • 3980 - Add account usage UI to /infrastructure/accounts/[account]
  • 4114 - Packages API does not meet the requirements of our expanding feed types
  • 4176 - Projects overview table first column is now fixed width
  • 4180 - Added new step: Deploy a Release
  • 4211 - Modify the cache naming format to allow for new feed formats
  • 4216 - Added additional steps and account types to support AWS scripts and CloudFormation deployments
  • 4222 - Fixed a bug where deleting a channel could result in orphaned channel version rules and break the project dashboard
  • 4238 - Fixed a bug with incorrect target counts on the infrastructure dashboard under tenant target sets
  • 4239 - When AutoDeployLastProcessedEventAutoId is null Octopus attempts to process all previous events
  • 4255 - 2018.2 Bug Bash Feeback: Delete Account
  • 4257 - Fixed permission issue where users deploying a project they had permissions for would fail