Compare releases

Compare releases and check for compatibility between your existing Octopus Server and new releases.

What's new

These are the most important features you'll get by upgrading from 2019.2.8 to 2019.4.5

Octopus 2019.4


  • Build information and work item tracking captures work items and build details and surfaces them with links to the appropriate sites.
  • Generate and share release notes automatically enables teams to view and share the work items associated with releases and deployments.
  • Octopus integration with Jira which provides two-way links between your Jira issues and your deployments.

Read our blog post to learn more.

Breaking Changes

There are some very slight changes to the format of the output returned by the Octopus.Server.exe show-configuration command. This is unlikely to affect you, but if you are using this to drive automation, please test the new release before upgrading.

Octopus 2019.3


Octopus Server 2019.3 LTS is a roll-up release of Octopus 2019.1 and Octopus 2019.2 and the headline feature is Spaces which enables teams to group projects, environments, tenants, step templates, and other resources into a Space. It also includes a large number of enhancements and bug fixes along with database performance and cloud dependency updates.

Read our blog post to learn more.

Breaking changes

This release includes numerous break changes from the introduction of Spaces. Refer to the Octopus Deploy 2019.1 release highlights for the full details.

Octopus 2019.2


User Invitations into Space Teams

We have added the ability to invite new users into Teams that are owned by Spaces. Previously, new Users could only be invited into System-level Teams, but now Spaces and Space Managers can be self sufficient by inviting new Users without needing to ask a more privileged user to first invite the user into a System team.

Improved Date Display

We've done some renovations around how we handle and display dates. Now, we display dates in your local timezone where possible, and if that isn't possible, we include the timezone, so it's much easier to tell when something happened if you're in a distributed team or in a different timezone to your Octopus Server. Unfortunately, this has meant we've had to make some breaking changes, but we believe the impact will be low.

Breaking Changes

  • The LastSeen property on octopusservernodes/ping now returns an ISO8601 date instead of a formatted string
  • The human-readable Completed date on a Task is now formatted with a timezone
  • The human-readable Published date on a Package is now formatted with a timezone
  • The Rank, LastSeen and IsOffline properties have been removed from the /api/OctopusServerNodes/{id} endpoint, and are now available from a new endpoint /api/OctopusServerNodes/summary
  • The EffectiveExpiryDate on the /api/licenses/licenses-current-status endpoint is now formatted with a Date (yyyy-MM-dd) rather than DateTimeOffset data type.
  • The third party libraries we use to read certificates have been upgraded to newer versions which include tighter certificate verification. This may reject incorrectly formatted certificates.
  • The write-verbose PowerShell Cmdlet now mimics native PowerShell behavior more closely - write-verbose "myvar = " $myvar is no longer valid and will throw a positional parameter cannot be found error. Please use write-verbose "myvar = $myvar" instead.

Release notes

These are the features and fixes you'll get by upgrading from 2019.2.8 to 2019.4.5.

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.4.5

  • 4567 - Automatic Release Creation now creates releases after a step rename
  • 5394 - K8S deploy step supports external secrets to be used for ingress TLS
  • 5458 - Improved the speed of the automatic release creation after a package upload
  • 5488 - Release note accumulation honors the Discrete Channel release setting on the project
  • 5494 - Raw commit details as an Octopus variable for release notes
  • 5495 - Work item release notes from GitHub / Jira
  • 5498 - Improved error message when attempting to acquire helm charts but helm is missing
  • 5501 - Fixed an issue preventing the cloning of a step into the current project
  • 5506 - Fixed issue with creating releases when multiple packages exist on the versioning step

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.4.4

  • 5483 - Changed all popover components to use the new MUI component which is reported to fix the positioning delay
  • 5487 - Return a more helpful error message on the release page if a package / version combination cannot be found in the built-in repository
  • 5490 - Make package published date format in UI consistent and include tooltip with timezone info
  • 5491 - Fixed exception on Project settings page if auto release creation is enabled and a package step is configured to use a versioning template instead of package step
  • 5493 - BugFix: DockerHub feeds fail to authenticate during acquisition

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.4.3

  • 5223 - Fixed an issue where redeploying a SF application of the same app/type/version would fail regardless of override behavior
  • 5386 - UI adding categories to make step template selection more intuitive
  • 5402 - Related to 5468, Azure Resource Group template parser updated to handle non-string types
  • 5415 - Added warning when user is creating/editing an Email Step or a Subscription and SMTP hasn't been configured yet
  • 5431 - Prevented disabled steps from being used for release versioning and automatic release creation
  • 5437 - Updated health check messages to better reflect plural and singular
  • 5444 - Octopus Server can no longer be started against a database with a newer schema
  • 5468 - Azure Resource Group step fixed to handle the templates correctly when bool and integer types are used
  • 5472 - Corrected read-only summary label for container volume mount in k8s deploy containers step
  • 5473 - Ensure only distinct package versions are included when running package metadata retention
  • 5475 - Button styling has been updated to improve accessibility
  • 5478 - Resolved spurious validation failure related to secret volume on deploy k8s containers step
  • 5480 - Add certificate variable validation for HTTPS binding on the Deploy to IIS step
  • 5481 - Bug: Unable to pull docker image on some ssh targets
  • 5485 - Kubernetes step resource validation is over-eager and not allowing variables

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.4.2

  • 5159 - Add Octo.exe argument --noDeployAfter to set QueueTimeExpiry
  • 5419 - An event is now logged to the audit log when a task is cancelled due to the server shutting down unexpectedly
  • 5426 - Certificate with private-key being displayed as not having private-key
  • 5427 - UI adding default role chips to the variable editor when no target roles exist yet
  • 5429 - Adding project group filtering for events/subscriptions
  • 5430 - Fixed an issue where an excessive amount of requests were being made for tenant tag sets when on the deployment target settings page
  • 5435 - UI show the step type while editing a step
  • 5436 - Tenant tag selection now shows an appropriate message when all tag sets are empty
  • 5440 - Prevented duplicate validation messages
  • 5452 - Improve Performance of Dashboard by indexing temp table
  • 5455 - Improved the performance the Projects API when many projects use features that are based on step names
  • 5461 - UI adding form expander animations

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.4.1

  • 4236 - Auto Release Creation and Scheduled Triggers now evaluate variables in package names
  • 5412 - Auto Release Creation and Scheduled Triggers can now create releases for projects using Step Templates that reference packages other than the one uploaded
  • 5421 - Improved the speed of the Machine status triggered AutoDeploy
  • 5424 - UI trimming roles on data-entry to avoid white-space issues during machine scoping
  • 5445 - Package push with overwrite now updates metadata
  • 5447 - Swagger file should use string for enums
  • 5449 - Integrate Octopus with Jira to get deployment feedback on your Jira work items
  • 5450 - Projects can now specify a release notes template, complete with variable binding, that gets applied during release creation
  • 5465 - Fixed bug in release creation when steps are scoped to channels

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.3.1

  • 5446 - Fix for users seeing a blank screen when they were set up with no permissions
  • 5454 - Improved the performance the Projects API when many projects use features that are based on step names
  • 5459 - Auto Release Creation and Scheduled Triggers can now create releases for projects using Step Templates that reference packages other than the one uploaded. Improved the speed of the Machine status triggered AutoDeploy

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.3.0

2019.3 LTS

Changes in Octopus Server 2019.2.8

  • 3748 - Fix for editing a release with a package that doesn't match channel rules
  • 5272 - Octopus Cloud Octopus Manager team doesn't have permissions to export users permission structure
  • 5404 - Fix for broken Project settings page if project was cloned from another project that's not available due to permission/deletion/migration
  • 5422 - Made the getting started guidance available to hosted customers and space managers
  • 5423 - Adding null checking around database upgrade script
  • 5425 - Docker acquisition script moved from Server to Calamari