Released: Sunday, March 7, 2021

What's new in 2020.6

These are the most important features you'll get by upgrading.

Octopus 2020.6


Octopus 2020.6 is part of the Octopus 2021 Q1 release. This release brings together two exciting features for Linux users that allow you to self-host Octopus Server on Linux and run the Tentacle agent on ARM and ARM64 hardware. Anyone who uses Octopus Deploy will benefit from the new Search and API key features.

  • Octopus Server Linux Docker image RTW. Our Linux container is ready for production workloads with full support.
  • Tentacle for ARM/ARM64. Octopus Tentacle now supports ARM and ARM64 hardware.
  • Global Search. Navigate Octopus faster and find resources and settings more easily.
  • API keys. We've added improvements to API key management including key expiration and improved audit log tracking.

Read our blog post to learn more.

Breaking changes

This release includes three breaking changes:

Release notes

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.5449

  • 6988 - Ensure certificate subject and issuer are stored in the RFC2253 standard

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.5371

  • 6983 - Improved speed and reduced disk usage of upgrade script (Script0266)

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.5329

  • 6919 - Runbooks default to environment-level guided failure settings

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.5321

  • 6967 - Logic to apply a mask changed from previous versions of Octopus.

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.5291

  • 6949 - Fixed an issue where retrieving external feed packages with multi-part prerelease labels in the version would result in "The package was not found in the feed"

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.5275

Breaking Changes
  • 6917 - Fixed an issue where the Tentacle retention policy of an earlier phase of a lifecycle was being used for a later phase if the later phase policy was left as default
Other Changes
  • 6818 - Fixed an issue where scoped variables used as step template certificate/account parameters were not being evaluated correctly

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.5239

  • 6881 - Kubernetes steps that support creation of Ingress resources will now output with apiVersion v1

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.5220

  • 6926 - Version masks only applied if the version ends with a period and then an 'i' or 'c'

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.5194

  • 5408 - Fixed auto-promote failing on some tenants when deploying a lifecycle to multiple tenants

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.5163

  • 6905 - Running Structured Configuration Variables over YAML files that contain comments will now preserve the structure of the file correctly

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.5146

  • 6813 - Runbooks with process-scoped prompted variables fail to run due to missing variable values from other scopes
  • 6900 - Steps run on Octopus Server using execution containers will now authenticate to Docker registries correctly

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.5094

  • 6886 - Modifying a 'Copy of' template fails on save

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.5083

  • 6889 - "How to Push Packages" Tooltip is not Space aware
  • 6896 - Add to HA Cluster works again via the Wizard

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.5051

  • 6883 - Days of the month and week are now ordered correctly again

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.5030

  • 6880 - Certificates with blank Subject or Issuer names no longer return an error
  • 6659 - Migrator import doesn't import runbook snapshots
  • 6799 - Included the community action templates when exporting a runbook
  • 6872 - Improved English representation of Cron expressions in portal

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.4987

  • 6814 - Health checks now no longer run more often than they should in a HA setup

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.4974

  • 6846 - Sort order for lists in Octopus are not following an alphabetical convention
  • 5693 - Improved performance of Certificate endpoints
  • 6864 - Fixed issue with package notes for ECR images with non-semver versions
  • 6840 - The API now returns a response body when a package already exists in the internal feed, which fixes the double uploading from the .NET Octopus.Client library

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.4923

  • 6835 - Added support for Terraform CLI v0.15.0

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.4915

  • 6844 - Worker pool results in the global search now open to the right place
  • 6768 - Ensured all enum parsing was case in-sensitive so that case differences in API calls or DB values don't cause a problem
  • 6826 - Version parsing tolerates version strings with spaces

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.4855

  • 6825 - Package upload no longer fails if there are more than 2100 projects with ARC enabled
  • 6819 - Restored browser compatibility warning

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.4809

  • 6798 - Allow Project cloning when user has ProjectGroup scoping on ProjectCreate permission
  • 6804 - Cleaning the package cache will no longer block other scheduled maintenance jobs from executing
  • 6796 - Reduced the performance impact of loading a release with many associated Library Variable Sets

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.4788

  • 6807 - The latest docker tag should not be sorted as the latest version.
  • 6652 - Custom script steps do not evaluate release notes or build information when using dynamic packages
  • 6801 - Project API calls are case insensitive matching the project slug
  • 6784 - Fixes an issue where commits were omitted from the release screen when the VCS type is unknown
  • 6802 - The Octopus Server version number is now displayed as major.minor (Build buildcounter)

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.4722

  • 6719 - Notes are now snapshotted with the deployment process
  • 6786 - Local privilege escalation in Octopus Server (CVE-2021-26556)

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.4701

  • 6772 - Library Variables Usage can time out
  • 6775 - Script Module Usage is slow

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.4688

  • 6744 - Octopus no longer loads if there are two slashes after domain
  • 6786 - Local privilege escalation in Octopus Server (CVE-2021-26556)

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.6.4671

Breaking Changes
  • 6690 - Breaking Change Channels now require the ProjectView permission
Other Changes
  • 6780 - After upgrade Octopus Server may fail to start due to invalid mimetype in project images
  • 6771 - Release versions with regex characters break the dashboard
  • 6615 - Disabled child steps are greyed out on both the process editor and overview pages
  • 6758 - The Docker versioning parser accepts only periods between major, minor, patch and release fields to increase compatibility with Semver
  • 6756 - Fixes an issue where an incorrect version template is used when generating a release version during release creation
  • 6747 - Fixes issue where step template settings were not applied
  • 6735 - Fixed a bug where library step templates were re-fetching unnecessarily in the process editor
  • 6726 - Fixed a race condition that caused the server to start returning 500 instead of 404
  • 6698 - Allow setting default worker pool for target created via infrastructure cmdlets
  • 6596 - Fix bug where a phase inheriting a Lifecycle’s Retention Policy does not log correctly
  • 6435 - Bugfix to be able to run a runbook with Deploy a Release step
  • 6633 - Resolved issue where de-selecting "Replace entries in .config files" was not disabling functionality
  • 6703 - Introducing Global Search (within a Space)
  • 6683 - Structured Configuration variables now tries all parsers for files that don't match well-known file extensions
  • 6705 - Re-introduces support for api-key query string parameter
  • 6685 - Fixed an issue where upgrading from an older version of Octopus Server resulted in corrupt FeedId values stored in the database
  • 6700 - Fixed an issue where bash script output would not stream back to Octopus Server in real time
  • 6656 - Fixed erroneous Calamari Upgrade Required warning in SSH target health checks
  • 5301 - Delete is now prevented for teams referenced by a subscription
  • 6616 - ReleaseId and DeploymentId columns added to audit event CSV export
  • 6675 - Fixed handling of required prompted variables for runbooks
  • 96 - Fixed how the Octopus CLI runbook-run command handles prompted variables
  • 6670 - Add support for Kubernetes revisionHistoryLimit field
  • 6665 - Fixed an issue with timeouts for Maven artifact downloads
  • 6648 - Fixed steps reverting to default values when changing steps without saving
  • 6661 - Octopus now uses Swashbuckle for Swagger generation
  • 6653 - Allow Docker registry secrets to not be created when deploying Kubernetes containers
  • 6598 - Docker feeds support non-semver versions
  • 6584 - The Start Trigger and Package Requirement options don't appear at the right times
  • 6641 - fixes issue where Set-StrictMode in dynamic infrastructure scripts would cause an error during execution
  • 6576 - Fixes issue in which child deployment interventions in rolling deployments would short-circuit subsequent child deployments
  • 6601 - Guided failures for failed health check passes now on retry
  • 6630 - Add support for AKS admin logins

Unsure which version is a compatible upgrade? Compare releases.

Looking for older versions of Octopus? Download older versions.