Deployment Capability Assessment

Your self-assessment results, your score, and whether you're in one of the 3 deployment clusters we found in our survey.


Opportunity: Deployers

A key finding in our deployment survey was that efficiency savings were hard to achieve when a single person was responsible for deployments. This was even the case after automating deployments.

A team shouldn't depend on one person for deployments. By sharing the responsibility, you'll find your documentation and process improve, and bottlenecks are less likely.

Action: Find and train additional deployers to spread the workload. Create a team that can look at improving the deployment process.

The Octopus way: You can give users deployment permissions in the Octopus UI. They don't need technical skills or access to deployment targets. You can use this to let testers self-service pre-production deployments, or make production deployments available to more team members.

Opportunity: Lead times

Long deployment lead times are usually caused by manual steps, or an approval process that holds up the deployment. If you can reduce your lead times, you'll likely increase your deployment frequency.

Short lead times also make it easier to recover by rolling forward to a new version with a fix, or to roll back to the previous version.

Action: Map your deployment pipeline. Identify queues, blockers, and long-running tasks that you can target to reduce the time to complete a deployment.

The Octopus way: By automating the deployment process and streamlining approval steps, you can dramatically shorten lead times. Customers were 4.7x more likely to deploy in under an hour with Octopus.

Opportunity: Deployment frequency

When you deploy more often, you reduce deployment risk, increase quality, and get feedback sooner. The longer you leave between deployments, the more change builds up. Find out the many benefits of Continuous Delivery.

Action: Reduce batch sizes to increase deployment frequency. Research has found this increases software delivery performance.

The Octopus way: With automation, the overheads of deployments are far lower. You can also recover faster if there's a problem. You're 2.5x more likely to deploy on demand with Octopus.

Opportunity: Automation

You won't be surprised that we think you should automate deployments. Our deployment survey found that after introducing Octopus, our customers were:

  • 2.5x more likely to deploy on demand
  • 4.7x more likely to deploy in under an hour

Automated deployments are just faster and more frequent. The process is safer and more reliable.

Action: Identify manual steps in the deployment process and find ways to reduce manual intervention.

The Octopus way: All steps in a deployment should be part of the automated process. If you need approvals, Octopus can manage those for you to streamline the process.

Learn more about improving your team's DevOps performance

Download our 3-part white paper series for deeper insights into Continuous Delivery (CD) principles. Learn how to map your deployment pipeline and how to measure CD and DevOps.

We'll also send you a link to your deployment capability assessment results so you can review them again in the future.

Octopus Deploy whitepaper cover shots

Deployment clusters

We found a strong relationship between shorter lead times and increased frequency after organizations automated deployments. Without automation, there was no statistical relationship between lead time and frequency.

Lead time


30% of survey respondents were in the continuous cluster.

< 1 hour

On demand to several times a week

20% of our survey respondents were in the daily cluster.

1 hour to 1 day

On demand to 1–2 times a week

28% of our survey population were in the regular cluster.

Longer than 1 day

Several times a week to 1–2 times a month

Extra reading to better understand your results

Dive into the data behind our deployment clusters and learn more about measuring Continuous Delivery so you know where to improve.

Deployment survey report

Deployment survey report front cover

We asked 250 organizations to share how Octopus Deploy transformed their deployment performance. We found it made their deployments faster and more frequent.

We used hierarchical clustering of deployment lead times with an overlay of deployment frequency to achieve clusters sized between 20-30% of respondents. We limited each cluster to a maximum of 3 deployment frequency categories.

Published: 2023

Learn more and get the report