Compare releases

Compare releases and check for compatibility between your existing Octopus Server and new releases.

What's new

These are the most important features you'll get by upgrading from 2020.3.9 to 2020.4.6

Octopus 2020.4


Better configuration file support for YAML, JSON, XML, and Java properties files, and built-in Worker Pools on Octopus Cloud for both Windows and Linux.

  • Better configuration file updates for Java, NodeJS, Ruby and more: is an update to our JSON configuration variable replacement support to make it even more useful. It now supports JSON, YAML, XML, and Java Properties files.
  • Octopus Cloud: Built-in Windows and Linux Worker Pools, and simpler dependency management. Octopus Cloud provides dynamic workers to execute scripts against your services and infrastructure. This update adds better cross-platform support with images for modern Windows and Linux operating systems. All Worker images support execution containers, which let you execute deployment work in isolation without the need to manage dependencies and containers.

Read our blog post to learn more.

Breaking changes

This release doesn't include any breaking changes.

Octopus 2020.3


Customer-driven runbook improvements, Jenkins Pipelines support, streamlined process editor and early access to our Octopus Linux Docker image.

  • Runbooks improvements: This release includes a batch of customer-driven improvements, including runbook-only projects, Octopus CLI support, environment scoping, guided failure mode per runbook, and the addition of runbook retention policies.
  • Jenkins Pipelines support enables you to integrate with Octopus from your Jenkinsfile.
  • Streamlined process editor allows you to edit multiple steps at once and save your changes with a single update.
  • Octopus Linux Docker image (Early access) is now available, making it possible to run Octopus in a Linux Docker container.

Read our blog post to learn more.

Breaking changes

This release includes two breaking changes:

  • Deprecated our Azure VM extensions - We recommend using PowerShell DSC as a replacement. Our documentation covers this decision and links to further articles on how to achieve this with PowerShell DSC. See this article for instructions to accomplish this with Amazon Web Services as well.
  • Updated Deploy to IIS step - We have updated this step to remove support to deploy to Azure App Services. We recommend using our Azure support instead.

Release notes

These are the features and fixes you'll get by upgrading from 2020.3.9 to 2020.4.6.

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.4.6

  • 6617 - Fix for release creation when multiple issue trackers are enabled
  • 6639 - Fix WebSocket polling endpoint possibly allowing untrusted connections - CVE: CVE-2020-27155

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.4.5

  • 6614 - Fix issue where a large number of polling Tentacles can significantly slow down Octopus Server
  • 6621 - Fixed issue with executing Azure script step from package with script named PreDeploy.ps1, PostDeploy.ps1 or Deploy.ps1

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.4.4

  • 6620 - df command in healthchecks can hang on CentOS

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.4.3

  • 6622 - Fix bug where Self-hosted Octopus susceptible to host-header injection attacks (CVE-2020-26161)

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.4.2

  • 6595 - Fixes issue with editing deployment steps losing feature configuration
  • 6605 - Fix bug where bash script can reveal sensitive variable values - CVE: CVE-2020-25825

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.4.1

  • 6592 - Fixes issue with variable substitution not working in azure steps

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.4.0

Prior Issues Fixed

  • 6148 - Fixed an issue where configuration features weren't able to be disabled from Library Package Step Templates.
  • 6226 - Migrator import command will now allocate new channel Ids to steps that are scoped to missing channels
  • 6297 - Fixed help text for specifying file names in Structured Configuration Variables feature
  • 6454 - EKS clusters can use IAM roles assigned to Octopus workers
  • 6465 - Setting up Let's Encrypt now restarts server as expected
  • 6467 - Git build information with an SSH VCS root now constructs the correct work item links
  • 6473 - Fixed changeset links generated for packages pushed from TFVC repos
  • 6477 - Build information for docker images can now be displayed in the Library
  • 6478 - Added retry to log file access to reduce the potential for errors on SANs
  • 6479 - Fix bug where Terraform step validation wasn't performed
  • 6481 - Prevent dropdowns from triggering Chrome's autofill feature
  • 6489 - Add additional package references to the Kubernetes deploy raw YAML step
  • 6495 - Fixes error that occurs when configuring AWS ECR external feeds
  • 6498 - Case sensitivity issue when deploying a Certificate Secret for Kubernetes step
  • 6501 - Add Kubernetes Startup probe (introduced in K8s 1.16) to deploy containers step
  • 6506 - Kubernetes Ingress does not import full certificate chain
  • 6508 - fixes issue that prevented worker pools being selectable for deployment targets
  • 6510 - Fixed validation check for Action Container Image step to work with Docker Server
  • 6513 - Add the ability to define GPU resource limits on the K8S deploy container step
  • 6514 - UI updates to the Project Switcher and Recent Projects list
  • 6521 - Upgrade a Helm Chart step now works from a Runbook step
  • 6542 - Fix server task log files being left open
  • 6544 - Removed execution containers feature-flag
  • 6550 - fixes bug in which cloning a step into another project would fail
  • 6559 - Fix crash in lost-master-key command
  • 6565 - Dynamic Cloud Workers are failing to delete the existing Azure CLI folder when extracting the tool
  • 6566 - Fixed an issue where Helm chart names and versions were incorrect when uploaded to the Octopus package feed
  • 6569 - Configuration transforms under Linux no longer fail when xml file contains namespaces
  • 6570 - Fixes issue with variable transforms in kubernetes steps not working
  • 6575 - Fix bug where packages uploaded to the built-in feed can be corrupted if Octopus Cloud storage limit is reached
  • 6581 - Fixes bug in migrator that was causing an exception to be thrown whilst exporting machines
  • 6603 - Built-in "Deploy a Windows Service" step template does not stop the service prior to deploying nor start the service after with Substitute Variables in Files enabled

Pre-release Issues Fixed

  • 6554 - Fix failed deployments on Azure Service Fabric when using Azure AD authentication
  • 6555 - Fix bug where F# and C# custom deployment scripts couldn't run
  • 6556 - Fix bug where Azure Cloud Service apps can't be upgraded/redeployed
  • 6563 - Fix bug where certain passwords are written to the deployment log in plain-text - CVE: CVE-2020-24566
  • 6568 - Azure Powershell errors are now reported as errors and cause Task to fail
  • 6572 - Ensure new Cloud Service deployments are started

Changes in Octopus Server 2020.3.9

  • 6613 - Fix issue where a large number of polling Tentacles can significantly slow down Octopus Server