Harsh Sabikhi
Chief Revenue Officer | Revenue | Canada
How did you get into your current job/field?
When I was 12 years old, my father bought me my first computer, an IBM 386. It had DOS, Win 3.1, and some basic games. Right away I knew I wanted to do something related to software. I started to program and write code in Turing and then C. I studied Electrical Engineering in University with a focus on Software. I started my career as a Software developer and now I am responsible for the Revenue organization.
What's a fun fact about you that people may not know?
I have visited 39 countries so far!
What is your favorite project you've worked on at Octopus Deploy so far?
Creating an end-to-end Customer Journey map from initial contact to when they become customers. That journey touches every organization here at Octopus, so it requires coordination from everyone.
Do you have any hobbies outside of work?
I love to golf and BBQ.
What excites you most about working at Octopus Deploy?
Continuous Delivery at Scale is not a solved problem and today our customers and prospects are either utilizing DIY/OSS, extending their current technology stack, and/or writing multiple scripts. We at Octopus are dedicated to providing an Enterprise-grade CD platform so customers can get out of managing tools.
If you could eat one meal for the rest of forever - what would it be?
Is there anything else you'd love to share with us!?
Always bet on yourself!
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