Compare releases

Compare releases and check for compatibility between your existing Octopus Server and new releases.

What's new

These are the most important features you'll get by upgrading from 2018.1.5 to 2018.2.8

Octopus 2018.2

Changes in 2018.2

See our release blog post for more details.

New Features

Octopus 2018.2 brings a number of exciting new features including the much requested step to deploy a release, the ability to deploy AWS CloudFormation templates, delete existing CloudFormation stacks, and run scripts with the AWS CLI.

Breaking Changes

If you are using an older version of Octopus.Client.dll to access /api/feeds/all then this will now error. You will need to update to >= 4.30.7 of Octopus.Client. The reason for this is that we have added a new feed type for releases of Octopus projects, to support the new Deploy Release step.

In anticipation of some upcoming new feed types we have hit the point where we were forced to revisit how we expose the packages API for external feeds, and how we store cached packages for deployments. Unless you are hitting the Octopus API directly to search through your external feeds or rely on specific naming of the cached packages, then there should be almost no impact to you. One side effect of the change to package cache names is that the current packages cache on the server and tentacles will be no longer checked so new deloyments will use the new package names. More details about these changes are available in the GitHub tickets "Packages API does not meet the requirements of our expanding feed types #4114" and "Modify the cache naming format to allow for new feed formats #4211".


All of the usual steps for upgrading Octopus Deploy apply.

Octopus 2018.1

Changes in 2018.1

See our release blog post for more details.

New Features

This January release of Octopus Deploy is primarily a security release driven by Octopus Cloud and will also benefit each of our customers running Octopus Deploy on-premises. We highly recommend upgrading.

You'll also notice our new versioning strategy: what would normally have been Octopus 4.2 is actually 2018.1. Read more about why we changed.


  • When installing Octopus Server and using a Custom Windows Account to run the service, the installation wizard will configure SQL Server correctly so the Custom Windows Account can access the database
  • Steps may now be explicitly configured to run before or after package acquisition
  • The built-in worker, which executes deployment steps and scripts on the Octopus Server, can now be configured to run using a different, lower-privileged user account
  • Fix for infrastructure overview not correctly flowing tag sets from associated tenants
  • Import using the Octopus migrator finds the correct deployment process for scripts from similarly named projects
  • Existing orphaned channels and releases are removed from the database
  • The check to see whether a step template is in use is now much quicker
  • Environments, channels and tags now cannot be deleted if they are used by a disabled step in a project's current process
  • Package notes are fetched in bulk and in async, meaning a release can be deployed without all notes being downloaded first
  • The installed version of Octopus Server is now tracked to help us provide support when data issues occur and is a precursor to raising and event on upgrade

Breaking Changes

Auto machine removal now happens as part of health checks. Minor breaking change API endpoint for machine removal logs is removed and machine removal logs are no longer stored on the Octopus server


All of the usual steps for upgrading Octopus Deploy apply.

Release notes

These are the features and fixes you'll get by upgrading from 2018.1.5 to 2018.2.8.

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.2.8

  • 4311 - Removed the MaxParallelism of 10 for steps - Octopus will run an unlimited number of steps at the same time if you configure your deployment process this way
  • 4338 - Add aes256-ctr to the list of allowed SSH ciphers when in FIPS mode

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.2.7

  • 3441 - Each Octopus server node may execute one (non deployment or health check) task beyond its task cap, so that tasks such as subscriptions are not blocked by long running deployments or health checks
  • 3475 - Use octopurls for documentation urls
  • 3556 - "MaxConcurrentTasks" is now the sum of all server node's task caps. Command option Octopus.Server.exe configure --maxConcurrentTasks ... is deprecated
  • 4088 - Tentacle auto-upgrades are now blocked for a machine that is being auto-deployed to
  • 4168 - Tasks are allocated more evenly to Octopus server nodes in High Availability Octopus
  • 4281 - Displayed the deployment start time instead of the queued time on the dashboard and release pages
  • 4289 - Deploy Release step task log now includes link to child deployment
  • 4295 - Only run autocomplete hack for Chrome on Sign-In screen
  • 4298 - CloudFormation steps now populate the proxy configuration
  • 4303 - Correctly handle missing deployments when processing auto deploy events
  • 4305 - Disabled child steps can no longer have a duplicate name
  • 4310 - Fixed an error on the Release Detail page when a user does not have TaskView permission
  • 4125 - Improved log message when importing certificate-chain which already exists
  • 4163 - User login bans, due to too many failed attempts, now appear in the Audit log
  • 4197 - Update our SSH library so that it works on Octopus servers with FIPS enabled
  • 4315 - Explicitly reject all HTTP TRACE requests rather than treating them as a GET in some cases
  • 4317 - Tenanted deployments will always be executed in the order that they appear in the task queue
  • 4318 - Account Edit page now loads usage data asynchronously to avoid blocking the UI
  • 4320 - Default values on Tenant Variables are not displayed on V4 Variable Editor
  • 4321 - Fix for TypeError: Cannot read property 'State' of undefined on Release page, for users with TaskView permissions scoped to Environments
  • 4323 - Added metrics command for configuring metrics logging
  • 4324 - Fixed High CPU usage when there are not tasks in the queue or the node is in maintenance mode
  • 4325 - "Deploy a package" step now has access to Maven feeds
  • 4329 - Removed the word "anonymous" from the installation wizard's consent to collect usage data - the word "anonymous" was mistakenly added in Octopus 3.12.0

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.2.5

  • 4285 - Reducing reflow of dashboard status tables to improve performance
  • 4292 - Disabling keyboard form submissions on Script Console / AdHoc script
  • 4294 - Bring back predictable order to the Add Step page
  • 4296 - Fixed a deployment error when using script modules with paths that have ' in them
  • 4297 - Improve the database indexes used during auto deploy creation
  • 4299 - Fixed bug introduced in 2018.2.0 that caused Calamari upgrade to loop indefinitely if the customBundledPackageDirectory option is used

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.2.4

  • 4131 - Fix a bug where Deploy to button is missing from the Task page
  • 4132 - Excluded steps are now preserved between retries
  • 4142 - Fixed a problem where teams scoped to an environment couldn't add project variable templates
  • 4231 - Now you can add an environment to a lifecycle phase without having EnvironmentCreate permission
  • 4245 - Added inline note that explains when tenanted deployments are available
  • 4246 - Code editor full screen toggle no longer overlays scrollbar
  • 4254 - Custom Install Directory feature shows now correctly whether files will be purged or not
  • 4259 - Don't specify /bin/bash when performing a raw file transfer to an SSH target
  • 4273 - Prevent child releases to many tenants exhausting the task cap
  • 4280 - Fixed text-wrapping behaviour in long section titles
  • 4282 - Allow channel version rules based on deploy release steps
  • 4283 - Variable Template heading displays now Label instead of Name when Label is available
  • 4284 - Azure account scoped to both tenanted and untenanted can now deploy to untenanted deployments
  • 4286 - Prevent the deploy release step from being added as a child step
  • 4288 - Fixed UI issue where changing settings asked for AdministerSystem permission instead of ConfigureServer
  • 4290 - Reduce strictness of package filename encoding to allow + characters in path

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.2.3

  • 4250 - Project name is now a link (when not bound to a variable)
  • 4271 - Added metric logging to track api calls and tasks
  • 4276 - Resolved error when creating release for projects containing a Deploy Release step

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.2.2

  • 4202 - Package selector and Release selector are not showing double scrollbars anymore
  • 4233 - Added validation to ensure that Deploy to IIS steps include package details
  • 4248 - Powershell AWS modules are now exposed to the AWS CLI script step
  • 4262 - Fix a frontend crash when the project dashboard can't find the channel for a dashboard item
  • 4263 - Fixed a bug which prevented variable value from being displayed in the variable editor popup
  • 4267 - Fix a frontend crash on the project triggers page when an invalid ARC step is selected
  • 4268 - Allow prompted variables in child deployments to be bound from variables on the parent
  • 4272 - Fix bug causing channels with version rules to sometimes not auto-select latest package

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.2.1

  • 3494 - When scrolling through many environments in project overview, the releases column is now fixed
  • 3900 - Fixed missing audit entry when a variable scoped to a single environment and that environment is deleted
  • 3930 - Fixed role deletion mechanism, it will now be removed from teams that were referencing it, after the user is shown a warning
  • 3980 - Add account usage UI to /infrastructure/accounts/[account]
  • 4114 - Packages API does not meet the requirements of our expanding feed types
  • 4176 - Projects overview table first column is now fixed width
  • 4180 - Added new step: Deploy a Release
  • 4211 - Modify the cache naming format to allow for new feed formats
  • 4216 - Added additional steps and account types to support AWS scripts and CloudFormation deployments
  • 4222 - Fixed a bug where deleting a channel could result in orphaned channel version rules and break the project dashboard
  • 4238 - Fixed a bug with incorrect target counts on the infrastructure dashboard under tenant target sets
  • 4239 - When AutoDeployLastProcessedEventAutoId is null Octopus attempts to process all previous events
  • 4255 - 2018.2 Bug Bash Feeback: Delete Account
  • 4257 - Fixed permission issue where users deploying a project they had permissions for would fail

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.1.5

  • 4208 - Fixed issue where task creation required higher level permissions than needed
  • 4225 - The built-in repository can now be configured by a user with the ConfigureServer permission instead of requiring the AdministerSystem permission
  • 4235 - All nodes can now be drained at the same time
  • 4242 - Scrollbars are restored after using code editor in fullscreen