Compare releases

Compare releases and check for compatibility between your existing Octopus Server and new releases.

What's new

These are the most important features you'll get by upgrading from 3.2.17 to 3.11.4

Octopus 3.11

Changes in 3.11

3.11.2 fixes security vulnerability that allowed Guest user to modify data.

Certificates Feature

3.11 introduces certificate management.

Octopus 3.10

Coming soon

Octopus 3.9

Changes in 3.9



Read the upgrade guide for more details on upgrading from your current version to Octopus 3.9.

Database upgrade notice for large installations Auto-deploy improvements for HA adds a new IDENTITY column to the Event table as well as new Event table indexes, so this may take time to populate during the database upgrade.

Octopus 3.8

Changes in 3.8



Read the upgrade guide for more details on upgrading from your current version to Octopus 3.8.

Octopus 3.7

Changes in 3.7

New Features



Read the upgrade guide for more details on upgrading from your current version to Octopus 3.7.

Octopus 3.6

Automatic deployment enhancements

Renovated automatic deployments to allow a Project Trigger to fire when any machine event happens. Find out more on the blog.


Read the upgrade guide for more details on upgrading from your current version to Octopus 3.6.

Octopus 3.5

New Features in 3.5

Supporting Features for configuration

To accompany the new Extensible Authentication Providers some additions have been made for server configuration:


Read the upgrade guide for more details on upgrading from your current version to Octopus 3.5.

Octopus 3.4

New Features in 3.4

  • Multi-tenant deployments
  • Improved support for elastic and transient environments
  • Cloud Region deployment targets
  • Proxy support for Tentacle communications
  • Support for F# custom scripts
  • SemVer 2 support
  • Support for NuGet v3 external package repositories
  • Deprecation notice: We are deprecating the Azure Cloud Service and Azure Web App deployment targets. See below for more details.
  • Deprecation notice: We are deprecating the MachineResource.Status property in favour of the new MachineResource.HealthStatus property. See below for more details.
  • Breaking change: We have patched Tentacle to fix a bug when registering new machines with Octopus 3.4. See below for more details.
  • Breaking change: We have changed the HTTP Status Code returned when you attempt to push a duplicate package to the built-in package repository. See below for more details.
  • Breaking change: Octopus Server now requires a minimum .NET version of 4.5.1. We have changed the minimum required version for the server to enable the SQL connection resiliency features in ADO.NET. The Octopus Tentacles retain their current minimum .NET version.
  • Breaking change: If you are using TeamCity NuGet feeds you will need to upgrade to TeamCity 9.0 or newer (Recommend latest due to continual improvements in NuGet feed) or switch to using the Octopus built-in repository. This is due to upgrading our NuGet dependencies to v3 which aren't compatible with the custom v1 feed provided by TeamCity 7.x-8.x. We recommend upgrading to the latest TeamCity version and enabling the v2 NuGet feed API.
  • Breaking change: The way pre-release versions are handled in Channel version rules has changed. Previously pre-release versions were treated as greater than the release version. This has now been corrected, and pre-release versions are considered less than release versions. e.g. the version rule (,1.0] would have previously excluded 1.0.0-alpha. It will now include it.
  • Breaking change: The property PackageSizeBytes has been moved from PackageResource to PackageFromBuiltInFeedResource.
  • Breaking change: The property Octopus.Action.Package.NuGetPackageId and Octopus.Action.Package.NuGetFeedId on deployment steps has been changed to Octopus.Action.Package.PackageId and Octopus.Action.Package.FeedId to reflect our extended packaging options. Steps that have the old property names will have the values be synchronised with the new properties, however new steps will only set the new properties.
  • Breaking change: The property ActivityLog on TaskDetailsResource has been renamed to ActivityLogs
  • Breaking change: The logic for ScopeSpecification in Octopus.Client has moved to ScopeScenario

Octopus 3.4 and snapshots - nothing has changed

We recently posted a request for comments on removing snapshots. Don't worry, we haven't changed anything. Deployment snapshots in Octopus 3.4 work just like they did in earlier releases.

You cannot create new Azure Cloud Service nor Azure Web App deployment targets

Starting in Octopus 3.4 you will no longer be able to create new Azure Cloud Service nor Azure Web App deployment targets. Don't worry, you will be able to view and edit any existing Azure deployment targets, and begin migrating them over to the replacement Azure Cloud Service and Azure Web App deployment steps. Here is a guide to help you migrate.

In a future release of Octopus Deploy we will cease support for the Azure Cloud Service and Azure Web App deployment targets, giving you plenty of notice before doing so.

Please note that Azure Cloud Services and Azure Web Apps are still fully supported; we are just changing the way they are implemented.

Changes to health check results

We have introduced a new property MachineResource.HealthStatus for elastic and transient environments which can be either Healthy, Unhealthy, Unavailable, HasWarnings and Unknown. You can continue to use the existing MachineResource.Status in Octopus 3.4, but we have marked the Status property as Obsolete and will be removing it in a future release. The states NeedsUpgrade and CalamariUpgrade that were previously overloading the MachineResource.Status property should now be determined by the pre-existing MachineResource.Endpoint.TentacleVersionDetails.UpgradeSuggested and MachineResource.HasLatestCalamari properties respectively.

Registering new Tentacle Instances with Octopus 3.4

Registering a brand new Tentacle instance with Octopus 3.4 will fail if you are using an older version of Tentacle. This happens because old Tentacle doesn't understand Cloud Regions and couldn't deserialize them. We have patched Tentacle to be more resilient to these kinds of changes in the future.

Note: This issue only affects registering new Tentacle Instances with your Octopus Server. Existing Tentacles will continue to work as per normal. Registering a new Tentacle instance on an existing server where Tentacle has previously been installed will also fail until the Tentacle is upgraded to one of the below versions.

  • Registering 3.0.x Tentacles (used for older .NET 4.0-only servers): please download Tentacle 3.0.26 which has been patched to work with Octopus 3.4.
  • Registering a newer version of Tentacle: please start using the a 3.4.x Tentacle release (we recommend the latest).

Changes to built-in repository error codes

When you push a duplicate package to the built-in package repository we will now respond with HTTP status code 409 Conflict instead of 400 Bad Request. Clients like nuget.exe would only show the HTTP status code, dropping the reason Octopus returned explaining why it was a bad request. Using 409 Conflict for this situation should make it easier to diagnose. Refer to this GitHub Issue for more information.


Read the upgrade guide for more details on upgrading from your current version to Octopus 3.4.

Using TeamCity NuGet feeds? You will need to upgrade your TeamCity server to v9.0 or newer and enable the NuGet v2 API. Octopus 3.4+ no longer supports the custom NuGet v1 feeds from TeamCity 7.x-8.x. We recommend upgrading to the latest TeamCity version available due to continual improvements in their NuGet feed - or switch to using the Octopus built-in repository.

Want to use SemVer 2 for packages or releases? You will need to upgrade OctoPack and/or octo.exe to 3.4 or newer.

Octopus 3.3

New Features in 3.3

  • Script-steps can source the script from a package
  • Script-steps can execute on the Octopus server without requiring a Tentacle
  • Server-based steps (i.e. email, manual-intervention, and the new server-script steps) can be child steps
  • Support for zip and tar packages
  • OctoPack.js + gulp and grunt wrappers Guide for deploying Node.js
  • Azure Service Principal account type
  • Azure Resource Group Template step type
  • ASP.NET 5 (Sorry, ASP.NET Core) JSON configuration support
  • Breaking change: Sensitive Properties have changed to resolve a number of issues on deployment steps and templates, affecting octo.exe, Octopus.Client and the TeamCity plugin (see below for more details)

Read our blog post announcing 3.3

Please Note: you will need to upgrade octo.exe, Octopus.Client and the TeamCity plugin when upgrading to Octopus Deploy 3.3

Breaking Change: Sensitive Properties

As part of this release we have resolved a number of minor issues with sensitive properties on deployment steps and step templates. The issues resolved include:

  • Windows Service Custom account and password properties no longer retained when switching account types (#2264).
  • Sensitive fields in steps can now be cleared/reset (#2311)
  • Username/password fields on IIS and Windows Service features will remain visible if account-type/identity is bound to a variable (#2333)
  • Sensitive fields now use a consistent UI control across the entire portal.

Breaking Change

This introduces a breaking change to our API, and will affect those using the following endpoints:

  • /api/deploymentprocesses
  • /api/actiontemplates

It also affects octo.exe, Octopus.Client and the TeamCity plugin. If you are using any of these components please upgrade them when upgrading to Octopus Deploy 3.3.

See Sensitive Property API Changes in Release 3.3 for more details.


Read the upgrade guide for more details on upgrading from your current version to Octopus 3.3.

Please upgrade octo.exe, Octopus.Client and the TeamCity plugin when upgrading to Octopus Deploy 3.3.

Octopus 3.2

Highlights and new Features of 3.2

Octopus Deploy 3.2 is all about Channels and is a highly-compatible feature release with no breaking changes. Channels is the name we've given to the feature originally discussed in our RFC on Branching.

Build servers build. Octopus deploys.

We decided it was important to drive a distinction between source code branches, which build servers care about, and deployment, which is where Channels come in.

Read the upgrade guide for more details on upgrading from your current version to Octopus 3.2.

Release notes

These are the features and fixes you'll get by upgrading from 3.2.17 to 3.11.4.

Changes in Octopus Server 3.11.4

  • 3224 - Add Octopus.Action.FailScriptOnErrorOutput variable to fail scripts if they write to StdErr but return a zero error code
  • 3230 - Resolved certificate icon not found on variable grid
  • 3231 - The Force SSL checkbox in the server manager binding window now shows the correct state when it is first opened
  • 3232 - Fix 3.11.0 bug causing prompted variable labels field to go missing from UI
  • 3233 - Skip All with disabled steps result in an error
  • 3043 - Octo.exe, TeamCity plugin and Octopus.Client now support proxies

Changes in Octopus Server 3.11.3

  • 2562 - Data migration (export/import) no longer cares about the MimeType of logos
  • 3116 - Show clearer error messages when Octopus cannot create an SSH working directory
  • 3225 - Resolved issue: certificate variables scoped to Role were not being expanded

Changes in Octopus Server 3.11.2

  • 3154 - Update Docker Feeds to auto-detect version
  • 3186 - Removed vertical wrapping of project names on global dashboard
  • 3190 - Improved server resource usage with hundreds of polling tentacles
  • 3191 - Project sidebar nav tabs are now accessible on mobile
  • 3192 - Align radio buttons on deploy release page so that they are visible on smaller screens
  • 3202 - Added titles to the Tenant pages so a sensible title appears in the web browser tab
  • 3203 - Fixed a race condition that could cause health checks to stall
  • 3205 - We now actively prevent ClusterWideMutex from exhausting the SQL Connection Pool
  • 3208 - When a deployment resumes a Deployment Resumed event is raised instead of a Deployment Started event
  • 3212 - Resolved issue with certificate private-keys not being found in PFX files when the key was not in the first bag
  • 3215 - Fixed mouse cursor for Active Directory integrated authentication button
  • 3218 - Certificates scoped to environments\tenants are now only visible to users with permissions for at least one of the scoped environments\tenants
  • 3219 - NakedScripting should be renamed to RawScripting
  • 3222 - Restored Guest's user read-only access to data

Changes in Octopus Server 3.11.1

  • 3209 - Allow certificates with subject longer than 200 characters
  • 3211 - Fixed issue with variable prompt settings not displaying in variable value editor
  • 3214 - Fixed variable resolution on the create release page

Changes in Octopus Server 3.11.0

  • 2702 - Certificates Feature
  • 2899 - Fixed Azure steps not running for all targets in roles when there were multiple Azure child steps
  • 2998 - Improved the performance of the release page when the project has a large number of package steps
  • 3122 - Linux machines with older versions of openssl now support long sensitive variables
  • 3193 - Audit events related to automatic user creation are shown as actioned by system user
  • 3196 - Deployment list on the machine detail page now sorts correctly

Changes in Octopus Server 3.10.1

  • 2999 - Machine connectivity information is now restricted by the MachineView permission instead of MachineEdit permission
  • 2999 - Machine deployment history is now restricted by the TaskView permission instead of MachineView permission
  • 3020 - Disabled steps will now be reflected in the deployment preview.
  • 3149 - Reduced memory usage when applying retention-policy to deployment manifests
  • 3155 - Unscoped variables are now visible again when viewing library variable sets
  • 3167 - Migrator exports now logos of community step templates and missing logos don't break community step templates sync.
  • 3176 - SSH scripts can now be cancelled if they are waiting for another script to execute
  • 3181 - Ensure inaccessible variables are not deleted when saving library variable sets
  • 3182 - Resolved migrator issue importing script-steps when project name contains invalid file-path characters
  • 3184 - Azure Resource Group deployments updated to fix issue with service management endpoint override
  • 3189 - Fixed error when saving action templates if it was last modified in pre 3.4.0.
  • 3194 - Allow skipping SSH health checks to support Naked Scripting

Changes in Octopus Server 3.10.0

  • 2927 - Prevent deploying to a custom directory that is a child of the default extraction path
  • 3090 - Sensitive variables in templates do not return their values through the API
  • 3174 - Fix a Tentacle compatability issue when running Tentacles 3.8.8-3.9.0 with Server older than 3.8.8

Changes in Octopus Server 3.9.0

  • 2507 - More detail is output for errors that occur during a guided deployment
  • 2628 - Added fields to the Azure Accounts to override the endpoints when using alternate Azure environments
  • 2885 - Deployment continues after retrying 10 times in guided failure mode
  • 3083 - Adding a new set of permissions for Project Triggers
  • 3140 - Fix for event-sourcing logic in auto-deploy and subscriptions (for HA scenarios)
  • 3148 - Octo.exe now looks for all supported package types when using --PackagesFolder with the pack command
  • 3162 - Fix to make long release names wrap on the dashboard
  • 3164 - Remove html tags from license error messages
  • 3166 - Allow leading zeros in pre-release versions when creating a release

Changes in Octopus Server 3.8.9

  • 2649 - Fix to show the Azure Web App name when editing the deployment step
  • 2801 - Bugfix causing deployment step to think changes need to be saved after initial page load.
  • 2816 - Improving the Azure Resource Group step's template validation for array types
  • 2931 - Allow changing the machine endpoint type when registering an existing machine name with the Tentacle installer
  • 2992 - Adding information to Azure step type screens for scenarios when target roles are selected
  • 3138 - Bugfix to handle Docker for Windows requiring long name parameters
  • 3144 - Correctly redirect 3rd party login to dashboard after logging out and back in again.
  • 3146 - Fixed spelling mistake in task logs when a step is disabled
  • 3157 - Improve the performance of creating a polling Tentacle with the installer when there are many machines
  • 3161 - Fixed a problem which could cause high CPU usage in retention policy processing with a large number of Projects, Channels, and Lifecycles
  • 3165 - Support the Docker Stop feature with Docker for Windows

Changes in Octopus Server 3.8.8

  • 2867 - Packages from the built-in package repository are now sorted correctly
  • 2962 - Fixed error downloading from NuGet V3 feeds on the Tentacle
  • 3082 - The Octopus server and Tentacle now check to make sure the temp path is writeable
  • 3141 - Ensure that during guided failure retries output variables contain the value from the current retry
  • 3142 - Allow health checks to skip machines that can not be checked because they are currently involved in a deployment
  • 3150 - Change the step run condition truth rules to match those used elsewhere in Octopus (anything not empty, 0 or "false" rather than "true" only)
  • 3151 - Fixed a locking problem where delta compression used a cluster-wide mutex potentially causing SQL Connection Pool exhaustion under high load
  • 3152 - Relative path config transformations now work if directory names are repeated
  • 3153 - Config transforms with absolute path can now use the .\ prefix for the destination file path. See the examples in the documentation.
  • 3156 - Fixed a locking problem where Calamari upgrades used a cluster-wide mutex potentially causing SQL Connection Pool exhaustion under high load
  • 3158 - Fixed a potential race condition when handling simultaneous responses to interruptions (guided failures or manual interventions)

Changes in Octopus Server 3.8.7

  • 2732 - Projects can be configured to allow deployments to commence while there are no targets
  • 2822 - Fix deployments crashing when there is a variable called ##
  • 3037 - Script step run as Source Code always sets "Wait for packages to be downloaded" to false
  • 3074 - Do not show variables in library variable sets that are scoped to environments for which a user is not authorized
  • 3132 - Octopus UI resoures (e.g. JS, CSS) have been split into vendor and application bundles
  • 3136 - Error is now displayed when deleting an environment that is used in a lifecycle, deployment step or team

Changes in Octopus Server 3.8.6

  • 2626 - Rolling deployments can have now window size bound to a variable
  • 3006 - You can now configure the retry attempts used when downloading packages from external NuGet feeds
  • 3072 - Improved performance when downloading packages from external NuGet feeds over HTTP, we no longer query the feed for all versions of a package
  • 3091 - Running a health check step for a particular role will no longer exclude machines in other roles from the deployment
  • 3106 - The NetworkStream is now closed properly when downloading packages from external NuGet feeds over HTTP
  • 3121 - Fixed step failures due to network problems with polling Tentacles not being promptly reported
  • 3123 - Added table support to the Markdown filter in variable replacement
  • 3124 - Resolved issue with task logs not being migrated for 2.6 > 3.x migrations
  • 3126 - Web Application and Virtual Deployment step now retries if there is an error finding the parent site
  • 3127 - Fixed a problem causing high CPU usage during the "Apply Retention Policy" task
  • 3128 - Resolved Octopus Manager import error importing feeds when feed exists in target
  • 3130 - On Server 2016 Tentacles Calamari now supports extracting packages resulting in long paths
  • 3131 - image/x-icon and image/svg+xml MIME types are now supported for Octopus Manager export/import

Changes in Octopus Server 3.8.5

  • 2959 - Credentials are no longer cached for NuGet feeds
  • 3098 - Upon cancellation tasks now wait until all sub tasks are complete before being marked as cancelled
  • 3118 - Update UI to avoid browser reloading between project tabs

Changes in Octopus Server 3.8.4

  • 2425 - Long target names don't overlap each other anymore.
  • 3112 - Allow saving project variable templates when user is scoped to projects or environments
  • 3114 - Variables can be scoped now to disabled steps

Changes in Octopus Server 3.8.3

  • 2468 - Immediately return logs if an automatic Tentacle upgrade fails
  • 2811 - Add support for Nuget and Zip packages greater than 4Gb in size
  • 2905 - Deployment now fails when the type of a custom package deployment script (not one bundled inside the package) is not compatible with the target machine
  • 3029 - Show a confirmation dialog when deleting an environment if there are variables that are scoped just to that environment
  • 3089 - Correctly evaluate #{if Variable} substitutions if there is whitespace between the variable and the closing brace
  • 3104 - Fixed UI bug that was incorrectly showing the environment condition control on rolling steps.
  • 3108 - De-duplicate email lists provided to the email Step

Changes in Octopus Server 3.8.2

  • 2929 - Fixed validation on step deletion, so steps that are being used for Auto Release Creation or Release Numbering cannot be deleted
  • 3069 - Check all columns use default database collation before upgrading
  • 3084 - Fixed a bug where the NancyContext would not be disposed if the underlying HttpListenerRequest failed to close
  • 3085 - Try to log web request context when unhandled exceptions are thrown in the web server
  • 3097 - Fixed a bug where a SQL Database transaction was held open for the life of the Octopus Server which was a potential cause for tempdb growth
  • 3099 - Resolved issue where no tenants were available for deployment when tenant view permissions did not match tenant deploy permissions

Changes in Octopus Server 3.8.1

  • 2784 - Correctly populate Octopus.Deployment.PreviousSuccessful.Id when the previous deployment failed
  • 3028 - Tenant counter is now visible on the dashboard
  • 3049 - Created a set of system variables containing information about the last successfully installed package
  • 3073 - Fixed a regression with the console output for the show-configuration command
  • 3080 - Fixed timeout with health checks on tenanted machines

Changes in Octopus Server 3.8.0

  • 3013 - Fix for auto-deploy to be more inclusive of machines when dealing with deployment-blocked scenarios
  • 3077 - Fix Javascript issue breaking the rolling deployment step page.
  • 3061 - Server side package download is not stopped when the deployment is cancelled

Changes in Octopus Server 3.7.18

  • 3035 - Do not provide default values for certain connection string parameters if they have been specified in the connection string
  • 3068 - Disabled steps are now marked as skipped during deployment
  • 3070 - Fatal errors in during deployment now show more detail

Changes in Octopus Server 3.7.17

  • 3067 - Octopus Server and Tentacle support creating a scheduled task that ensures the instance service(s) are running

Changes in Octopus Server 3.7.16

  • 2740 - Ensure $ in additional script parameters for package scripts is escaped correctly
  • 2904 - Url validation missing on listening tentacle
  • 3039 - Disable the right click menu in the variable editor on the All variables tab in a project
  • 3053 - Support excluding environments from step conditions
  • 3054 - Added more input validation for proxy hostnames
  • 3064 - Add the ability to clone steps in a deployment process

Changes in Octopus Server 3.7.15

  • 2758 - Ensure the configuration transform feature is enabled for a deployment step before running configuration transforms
  • 2891 - Fix to exclude unavailable machines from Tentacle upgrade checks
  • 3017 - Exposed built-in package repository re-sync in the UI and allowed disabling
  • 3060 - Packages transferred using Package Transfer step retains original package name
  • 3063 - Improved logs when running retention on Tentacles

Changes in Octopus Server 3.7.14

  • 3057 - Added a variable to allow the override of the Azure Resource Management API endpoint for non-global regions
  • 3058 - Fixed a bug that prevented editing of step template parameters

Changes in Octopus Server 3.7.13

  • 2837 - Unavailable SSH targets are now marked as Unavailable instead of Unhealthy
  • 2856 - Allow specification of expiry time when scheduling a deployment
  • 2895 - When a Calamari update is required, the package is only uploaded to each machine once
  • 2984 - Allow the run condition of an action to be based on a variable expression
  • 2991 - When creating a release: the latest package column will show the latest package that matches the current channel rules
  • 3051 - Fix to stop sending emails to disabled users

Changes in Octopus Server 3.7.12

  • 2726 - Fix for incorrect library variable set count on project variables tab
  • 2728 - Prevent naming or updating the name of a project to ‘New'
  • 2770 - Support a step to access deployment packages without unpacking them
  • 2886 - Deployment features have their settings cleared when they are disabled for a step
  • 2948 - Single login API endpoint has been re-instated, for backward compatibility with registering Polling Tentacles
  • 3002 - Added the Octopus.Agent.ProgramDirectoryPath environment variable
  • 3023 - Octopus Server's configure command no longer needs access to the master database to determine if the Octopus Database has been initialized
  • 3030 - Fixed issue where re-registering a polling tentacle with a new certificate caused it to be uncontactable
  • 3033 - Improve exception messages when server thumbprint does not match
  • 3038 - When adding Variable Templates the user should only require VariableEdit instead of ActionTemplateEdit permission
  • 3046 - Fixed issue with event group and category not showing in audit filters when scoped to projects
  • 3052 - Default IIS Deployment Type to WebSite if type is not set

Changes in Octopus Server 3.7.11

  • 3025 - Adding an index to the event table to fix performance issues on the audit screen
  • 3026 - Fixed some bugs in Octostache causing deployments to fail with an ArgumentNullException when evaluating certain variable expressions
  • 3027 - Fixed a bug where Octopus would attempt to sync external security groups even if the user account is not related to an external identity
  • 3031 - Improve performance of connectivity check when configuring a polling Tentacle

Changes in Octopus Server 3.7.10

  • 2995 - Allow teams with project group permissions to clone projects in those project groups
  • 3003 - Include project groups in team permission test
  • 3005 - Teams restricted to project groups are now not able to view, edit or delete other project groups

Changes in Octopus Server 3.7.9

  • 2854 - Add ability to select specific machines to exclude from a deployment
  • 2910 - Adding configurable timezone for dates shown in subscription emails
  • 2938 - Fix to subscription and machine policy timespan properties to properly support days, hours and minutes
  • 2983 - Adding license configuration options for administrators to control the bullhorn/update notifications
  • 3011 - 'Send an email' step now includes the ability to select teams
  • 3018 - Calamari is now versioned correctly and reports the correct version number in the Task Logs

Changes in Octopus Server 3.7.8

  • 2978 - Fixed ellipsis css and added tool tip for viewing longer names
  • 3014 - Added strikethrough to make non-matching versions clearer in channel ‘design version rule’ dialog
  • 3015 - Subscription edit screen will only show a warning about SMTP configuration if the SMTP configuration is truly incomplete
  • 3019 - Published Octopus Server and Tentacle DSC to|

Changes in Octopus Server 3.7.7

  • 2335 - Active Directory group search and security group loading working when Trusted Domains are being used. Users in trusted domains will need to log out/in of Octopus after patch to get security groups loading
  • 2969 - Email addresses assigned directly in Octopus will not be cleared if an external authentication provider doesn't provide an email for the user
  • 2988 - The Azure AD authentication provider now uses email then upn to find the matching Octopus User
  • 3016 - Create user correctly assigns password for new non-service accounts

Changes in Octopus Server 3.7.6

  • 3001 - Fix users being unable to delete Accounts if their AccountDelete permission is restricted to an Environment
  • 3004 - Retry cleaning the temporary directory after accepting a pushed package
  • 3008 - Fix deployment failing on Windows Server 2003 R2 if the nupkg file has files with % in their name
  • 3009 - Fixed broken in 3.7.0 Previous step name dropdown

Changes in Octopus Server 3.7.5

  • 2981 - Tenant tags are now spaced correctly on the Tenants page
  • 2996 - Tag Sets can no longer be named with /, \, ? or " characters.
  • 2997 - Fix deployment steps being run twice in some cases where there are disabled steps before them
  • 3000 - Linked templates have now their version updated correctly

Changes in Octopus Server 3.7.4

  • 2673 - Handle unexpected indexes on the Octopus database for a smoother database upgrade experience
  • 2926 - Fixed a bug preventing external NuGet feeds from working via a proxy server
  • 2975 - Display complete error message when testing Azure account
  • 2986 - Add variable path to exception msg when recursive-loop encountered
  • 2987 - Gracefully handle error evaluating package ID when applying retention policy

Changes in Octopus Server 3.7.3

  • 2913 - New authentication providers handle paths correctly when Octopus Server is behind a reverse proxy / load balancer. Fixes issues including Http 404 error when trying to add AD groups to Teams.
  • 2980 - Fixed an issue where retrying a failed save due to network error could delete the wrong variables
  • 2982 - Fixed hitting tab when creating a new variable moving selection to the first row of the variable editor

Changes in Octopus Server 3.7.2

  • 2979 - Step templates will be linked even if the version doesn't match

Changes in Octopus Server 3.7.1

  • 2928 - Improvements to High Availability logging when a new node becomes leader
  • 2940 - Tentacle Manager now includes support for API keys during Polling Tentacle registration
  • 2977 - The upgrade notification now deep links directly to the Octopus Deploy version comparison page making it easier to understand what an upgrade actually means to each customer

Changes in Octopus Server 3.7.0

  • 2698 - Improved step template management and enabled direct integration with the Community Library

Changes in Octopus Server 3.6.2

  • 2974 - Fixed a problem which prevented registering Polling Tentacles when the ActiveDirectory authentication provider was used

Changes in Octopus Server 3.6.1

  • 763 - Permissions can now be assigned based on project groups
  • 2881 - Added helpful documentation link to the "licence limits exceeded" message

Changes in Octopus Server 3.6.0

  • 2829 - Unhealthy machines will be displayed as Unhealthy even when Tentacle or Calamari need updating
  • 2887 - Adding environment information logging (verbose level) to both Octopus and Calamari
  • 2901 - Allow selection of specific events when configuring automatic deployment triggers
  • 2917 - Updated wording on subscriptions page to better reflect e-mail and web hooks options
  • 2968 - Correct a grammatical mistake in the integrity check logs
  • 2970 - Fixed issue with wildcard config transforms when wildcard was not at the start of the filename

Changes in Octopus Server 3.5.9

  • 2804 - Allow editing of library variable set variables when the user has LibraryVariableSetEdit permissions (previously needed VariableEdit permissions also)
  • 2872 - Fix to only include pre-release packages for the latest package if the channel rules specify that is should include pre-releases
  • 2965 - Fixed crash of the server on start-up if the database server is configured with a case-sensitive collation
  • 2967 - Allowed the use of channel scoped variables for version templates

Changes in Octopus Server 3.5.8

  • 2964 - Do not include disabled child steps in a deployment

Changes in Octopus Server 3.5.7

  • 2957 - Support moving steps into and out of rolling deployments

Changes in Octopus Server 3.5.6

  • 2750 - Updated Azure dependencies used in re-packaging Azure Cloud Services
  • 2950 - Fixed an issue that was preventing ARM template parameters from saving when an array parameter had a default value
  • 2961 - Fixed an error viewing the node configuration page

Changes in Octopus Server 3.5.5

  • 2956 - Fixed incorrect reference in interruptions created in version 3.4.2 of Octopus
  • 2958 - Added ability to disable steps in a deployment process

Changes in Octopus Server 3.5.4

  • 2807 - Fixed some issues with the scrollbars on the Project Overview screen
  • 2831 - Only validate accounts and feeds on actions that will actually run as part of the deployment
  • 2878 - You can now Register a Listening Tentacle via a proxy which was previously not possible
  • 2880 - Improved the warning message when configuration transform is not applied
  • 2889 - The Octopus Server Manager will now configure the Octopus Server service to depend on SQL Server if using a local SQL database which will help prevent problems when starting Octopus Server
  • 2898 - OctoPack now uses a custom build of nuget.exe which preserves the version as intended when creating packages
  • 2924 - Fixed a bug which prevented automatic registration of a Tentacle via a custom proxy when using Octopus API key authentication
  • 2933 - Fixed the link to the Tenant Overview from the Tenant Project Variable page when a project hasn’t been connected to any environments
  • 2934 - Fixed a typo on the Library > Packages page
  • 2935 - Fixed a bug which prevented users from signing in after putting the Octopus Server into Maintenance Mode
  • 2936 - Improved responsiveness of the packages on the Releases page
  • 2939 - Added username formatting requirements to Server Manager and the admin command when handling AD usernames
  • 2941 - octo.exe now uses a custom build of the NuGet libraries which preserve the version as intended when creating packages
  • 2942 - Added a notice that the Red Gate Database Deployment feature has been replaced by DLM Automation
  • 2944 - Allow users to be created without a password, as it is not required by some authentication providers
  • 2946 - Removed the dependency on our custom NuGet.Versioning package from Octopus.Client which was preventing it from being installed successfully
  • 2947 - Fixed a bug on the Sign In page which would render a JSON representation of the certain errors instead of a friendly error message
  • 2949 - Fixed a problem preventing OctoPack 3.4.3 from creating NuGet packages when Microsoft.Build.Framework, Version= isn’t available on the computer
  • 2952 - Deployment action upgrade works now with template parameters missing 'ControlType'

Changes in Octopus Server 3.5.2

  • 2810 - Improved UI messaging around Automatic Release Creation
  • 2818 - Corrected issue where DSC was unable to download Tentacle msi
  • 2870 - Failed deployments with Manual Intervention and/or Guided Failure mode don't break Retention policy anymore
  • 2888 - Fixed issue where zip files containing one or more zip files failed to extract correctly
  • 2893 - Deep link context for Active Directory logins is no longer being blocked
  • 2900 - Active Directory auto login is now triggering correctly
  • 2903 - Corrected interruptions link for tasks on REST API
  • 2907 - Validation for creating service accounts corrected to ignore password data
  • 2909 - Added a Timeout option to the OctopusAsyncClient helper library
  • 2918 - Fixed issue where feeds were not falling back to the default NuGet type when imported using migrator
  • 2941 - octo.exe now uses a custom build of the NuGet libraries which preserve the version as intended when creating packages

Changes in Octo.exe 4.0.7

  • 97 - Fixed bug causing export to silently fail and not not perform export process.

Changes in Octopus Server 3.5.1

  • 2593 - An Azure AD authentication provider is included as a standard server extension
  • 2680 - Open sourced Octopus.Client and implemented an async version of the API
  • 2718 - Introducing Subscriptions, a new feature that allows you to subscribe to events happening within Octopus and be notified by email or webhook
  • 2721 - A GoogleApps authentication provider is included as a standard server extension
  • 2793 - Fixed incorrect reference in interruptions created in version 3.4.2 of Octopus
  • 2815 - Resolved issue with parallel deployments failing under mono
  • 2817 - Improving performance of pagination queries
  • 2874 - Provide ability to perform basic Docker Engine commands
  • 2877 - Closed database and network connections when an error occurs formatting the response
  • 1938 - Library Variable Set page no longer includes Script Modules when paging through the list
  • 2193 - Step template summary view in a deployment process now renders the configured values in the step
  • 2860 - Auto-deploy performance improvements to better handle long-running deployments (you can also deploy to more than 2100 machines now)
  • 2884 - Fixed a problem that would cause random Invalid Nonce errors when signing in with an OpenID Connect authentication provider
  • 2890 - Improved how we were accessing the HomeDirectory when starting Octopus
  • 2894 - Resolved spurious exception 'An attempt to parse the variable symbol {variable-name} appears to have resulted in a self referencing loop. Ensure that recursive loops do not exist in the variable values'
  • 2896 - Image and API urls are now correctly resolved when Octopus Server is hosted using a virtual directory (this was a bug introduced in 3.5.0)

Changes in Octopus Server 3.4.15

  • 2828 - Creating a new role no longer adds the text (custom 'new' role) to the role
  • 2858 - Tentacle upgrade now only blocks if there is a deployment running that affects the Tentacle being upgraded
  • 2861 - Steps that were manually skipped during a deployment will also be skipped during subsequent automatic deployments
  • 2862 - All steps applicable to a deployment target, based on roles, will be run during an automatic deployment, even if some of those roles do not form part of the trigger's event filter
  • 2863 - Run steps that are scoped to multiple roles during automatic deployments if the deployment target has any of those roles
  • 2864 - The deploy screen now shows a warning about the impact of manually skipping steps when the project has any auto-deploy triggers
  • 2865 - Temporarily removed auto-deploy trigger steps preview, which could be misleading in certain scenarios, and replaced it with a more accurate description and link to documentation
  • 2869 - When a step targets roles, but there are no matching machines available during package acquisition, the package will no longer be (mistakenly) downloaded to the Octopus Server

Changes in Octopus Server 3.4.14

  • 2789 - When downloading a package directly on the Tentacle, and the download fails, we now clean up the partially downloaded package file
  • 2797 - The package cache clean task now run on all nodes in an HA environment
  • 2823 - Show an info box that running a PowerShell script as part of Azure steps require PowerShell 3
  • 2839 - Improved the error messages shown when the new IIS Web Site/Application/Virtual Directory Step finds unexpected content in IIS
  • 2840 - Improved usability of the new IIS Web Site and Application Step
  • 2846 - Converting an existing physical directory to either a Virtual Directory or Web Application in IIS now works, just like it used to in the old Step Templates

Changes in Octopus Server 3.4.13

  • 2600 - When variable templates are converted from sensitive to insensitive and vice versa, any variables based on the templates will also be converted
  • 2645 - Accounts are now imported when using the Octopus migrator
  • 2792 - Ensure a release goes through the correct Lifecycle phases for a tenant, even if the release has progressed past a phase for another tenant
  • 2819 - Add support for tables and strikethrough where Markdown can be used
  • 2820 - Ensure package is downloaded on the Octopus server for steps that use a package and executes on the server
  • 2821 - Package push instructions are now shown if a user has BuiltInFeedPush and they are scoped to project(s) or environment(s)

Changes in Octopus Server 3.4.12

  • 2442 - Automatic release creation now works for step template package steps
  • 2498 - Queue a Tentacle upgrade task if there are currently deployments running on the Tentacle
  • 2619 - Added delete button to server nodes UI
  • 2634 - Improved data integrity of teams scoped to environments and/or tenants
  • 2714 - Correct Azure subscription written to the task log when multiple subscriptions exist
  • 2762 - Variable scope dropdown is now correctly positioned when opened when editing a variable far down a long list of variables
  • 2763 - Fail a deployment if a custom install directory has been specified but we can’t properly evaluate the path or it is a relative path
  • 2777 - Include project triggers when cloning a project
  • 2788 - The sysdiagrams table is now ignored by the system integrity check
  • 2790 - Fix releases and projects that reference channels irrelevant to the release or project
  • 2791 - Fixed an error that occured when performing JSON transforms with a value of null
  • 2794 - Packages used by package steps based on step templates now follow package retention rules when being considered for removal from the built-in NuGet feed
  • 2796 - The 2.6 to 3 importer now ignores orphaned attachments when mapping documents
  • 2799 - Fix number of retries for package download to match number of attempts shown in log
  • 2803 - Ensure releases are created in a channel appropriate for the project
  • 2806 - Migrator can now import LibraryVariableSets when the VariableSet has an Id longer than 50 characters
  • 2808 - Azure scripts no longer fail if the Octopus working directory has a space in it

Changes in Octopus Server 3.4.11

  • 2620 - Support passing array, object and secureObject type parameter values into ARM templates
  • 2655 - Package acquisition for upgraded Azure steps should now work again
  • 2746 - Increase the amount of time spent retrying downloads from external package feeds
  • 2764 - Only machines applicable to the deployment should be listed when selecting specific deployment targets
  • 2778 - Prevent disabled projects from causing automatic deployments
  • 2779 - Prevent variable that had ever been scoped to steps and then the scope removed from being deleted when the deployment process is saved
  • 2781 - Fixed import order so now deployments with missing channel don't block channels from being imported
  • 2782 - Ensure new polling Tentacles using a proxy make their server registration calls through the proxy

Changes in Octopus Server 3.4.10

  • 2669 - Tenant drop down variables from projects and library variable sets now properly displays the default value if one has been set
  • 2686 - When deploying using the Deploy to all (or the Deploy on an individual Tenant) option from the Project Overview only include the applicable Tenant(s)
  • 2748 - Replacing SQL triggers with code-based triggers (to help us track future deadlock issues)
  • 2760 - Fixed recursive variable definitions causing a stack overflow
  • 2766 - Include variables, scoped variables and all system variable in auto-complete drop-down
  • 2774 - Fixed Tentacles not correctly loading custom proxy settings

Changes in Octopus Server 3.4.9

  • 2684 - Restore missing variables in binding auto-complete list
  • 2749 - Apply health check cleanup per machine policy
  • 2751 - Fix child actions which run on the server on behalf of a role not running for all machines
  • 2757 - Fixed trigger concurrency exception when automatically deleting multiple machines

Changes in Octopus Server 3.4.8

  • 2608 - Set KeepAliveInterval to 30 sec on SSH connections to keep connection to server open during long uploads.
  • 2719 - Avoid reading and writing variables at the same time
  • 2743 - Project Group selector on the Dashboard now sorts alphanumerically
  • 2744 - Log exception stack trace when a deployment action fails
  • 2745 - Populate the variables Octopus.Action.Status.Error and Octopus.Action.Status.ErrorDetail when an action running in parallel fails
  • 2752 - Physical path of IIS Website can be set on OS with PowerShell v2

Changes in Octopus Server 3.4.7

  • 2699 - Exposed IIS and Windows Service functionality as separate built-in steps
  • 2700 - Added Virtual Directory support to Package Deployment step
  • 2704 - Allow scoping library variable set variables to tenant tags when multi-tenancy is enabled

Changes in Octopus Server 3.4.6

  • 2661 - Added machine scoping to output variables that are set by a step that runs on the server on behalf of targets
  • 2705 - Reduce log level of the high number of transaction message
  • 2712 - Now returning the correct HTTP headers when a 401 Unauthorised response is returned
  • 2717 - Channels on project overview is now sorted by default channel and then alphabetically
  • 2720 - Improved error message when pushing a package to the built in repository with a non-SemVer 2.0.0 compliant version
  • 2724 - Health Check Steps now require Target Roles to be specified

Changes in Octopus Server 3.4.5

  • 2685 - Tenanted deployments can now progress through lifecycle phases when the minimum environment phase requirement has been satisfied
  • 2692 - Removed tenant information from triggers when not applicable
  • 2695 - Cascade environment deletion to tenant connections, tenant variables and triggers
  • 2713 - Fixed chocolatey packages by adding checksum information to the chocolateyInstaller.ps1 file
  • 2715 - Prevent the addition of project variable templates from clearing related tenant variables in some circumstances

Changes in Octopus Server 3.4.4

  • 2674 - Prevent incorrect environments from displaying in trigger summary
  • 2677 - Added support to set a custom deployment label for Azure cloud service steps
  • 2681 - Resolved issue downloading package with SemVer 2.0 versions on Tentacle from file-system feeds
  • 2687 - Fixed FilePathTooLong exception when extracting NuGet packages where file names contain unicode characters
  • 2697 - Resolved error deploying packages with SemVer 2.0 versions from remote NuGet feeds

Changes in Octopus Server 3.4.3

  • 2676 - Fixed an error that prevented deploying a release when the user is part of a team with Tenant restrictions set
  • 2679 - NuGetPackageId variable will now be correctly populated for steps after the first deployment step.
  • 2689 - Octopus.Client returns PackageFromBuiltInFeedResource instead of PackageResource for operations involving the built-in package feed
  • 2690 - Resolved error executing script Script0043 - Increase Package Column Widths.sql during 3.4 upgrade.
  • 2691 - Reverted changes to Octopus.Client that caused manual intervention steps to fail if they were awaiting approval before upgrading to 3.4.2
  • 2642 - Prevent automatic deployments to tenanted targets when the tenant has been disconnected from the project or environment
  • 2643 - Prevent automatic deployments to tenanted or untenanted targets when a project is toggled to only tenanted or untenanted mode
  • 2664 - Resolved packages with different SemVer 2.0 metadata conflicting
  • 2665 - Reimplemented OctopusSuppressNestedScriptWarning variable
  • 2666 - Log a friendlier message if the health status of a machine is null when running our DB migrations
  • 2670 - Resolved issue downloading NuGet packages with 4-part versions from file-system feeds.

Changes in Octopus Server 3.4.1

  • 2372 - Automatic Release Creation settings will no longer be hidden if they have values
  • 2648 - Fixed an issue with VSTS/TFS creating releases
  • 2650 - Link to deployment triggers troubleshooting documentation is now more pronounced
  • 2652 - Update Step Template variables to use new generic package variable names
  • 2654 - Project triggers can be accessed with ProcessView and ProcessEdit permissions rather than ProjectEdit permissions
  • 2657 - Fixing edge case in auto-deploy regarding skipped deployment steps
  • 2658 - Ensure TenantView permission is given to all built-in project roles
  • 2659 - Tenants and TenantTags fields are now visible in the TeamCity plugin
  • 2660 - Fixed a bug which prevented editing Accounts if the multi-tenant deployments feature was not enabled

Changes in Octopus Server 3.4.0

  • 1963 - You can now manage tenants and tenanted deployments with Octopus Deploy
  • 2246 - Fixed issues around event table deadlocks
  • 2295 - Releases by channels are now shaded appropriately by channel on the project dashboard
  • 2367 - Octopus Server now requires a minimum .NET version of 4.5.1, to enable the SQL connection resiliency features in ADO.NET, Tentacles have not changed
  • 2401 - Warning we will deprecate Azure Targets in 3.4
  • 2419 - Octopus Server now returns 409 Conflict instead of 400 Bad Request when pushing duplicate package to the built-in package feed
  • 2422 - Upgrade to WebDeploy 3.6
  • 2428 - Upgrade NuGet libraries to 3.0
  • 2440 - Cloud Region target type
  • 2445 - You can now manage elastic and transient environments more easily with Octopus Deploy
  • 2479 - Improvements around SQL query plan caching
  • 2490 - Expanded proxy support to allow proxies in Tentacle communications
  • 2644 - Support for SSH connection through proxies
  • 2517 - Support SemVer 2.0
  • 2538 - ScriptCS scripts work now on Win 2012 R2 when FIPS is enabled, ScriptCS has been updated to version 0.16.1 which works only on Mono >= 4.0
  • 2549 - You can now write custom scripts using F# (.fsx)
  • 2565 - Update to Tentacle registration to account for new MachineResources changes
  • 2594 - Project overview dashboard filtering, grouping and empty state improvements
  • 2597 - Only download a package once on a machine when it is used multiple times
  • 2602 - Remove project permission restrictions on health checks for environments
  • 2609 - Updated Azure PowerShell modules to version 1.6.0
  • 2613 - [DeployedBy] field on [Deployment] set to non nullable and deployment will fail if instigating user is undefined

Changes in Octopus Server 3.4.0-beta0001

  • 1963 - You can now manage tenants and tenanted deployments with Octopus Deploy
  • 2246 - Fixed issues around event table deadlocks
  • 2422 - Upgrade to WebDeploy 3.6
  • 2440 - Cloud Region target type
  • 2445 - You can now manage elastic and transient environments more easily with Octopus Deploy
  • 2479 - Improved around SQL query plan caching
  • 2490 - Expanded proxy support to allow proxies in Tentacle communications
  • 2538 - ScriptCS scripts work now on Win 2012 R2 when FIPS is enabled, ScriptCS has been updated to version 0.16.1 which works only on Mono >= 4.0
  • 2565 - Update to Tentacle registration to account for new MachineResources changes

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.27

  • 2623 - When performing variable substitution on a file, try to continue when a parse error occurs rather than not performing any substitutions
  • 2629 - Patching our SQL alias generator to use predictable strings instead of random strings

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.26

  • 2621 - Add thumbprint-only option to the show-thumbprint command to suppress explanatory text
  • 2627 - Ensure System Administrator role gets updated at server start to have all new permissions

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.25

  • 2330 - When registering Tentacles, we now have validation to ensure the Tentacle+Server versions are compatible
  • 2441 - Added ability to handle long (> 100 characters) paths in .tar files
  • 2526 - Added a new permission AuditView to view audit log page (instead of requiring AdministerSystem permission)
  • 2536 - Added Azure Key Vault support to Azure Resource Group step
  • 2585 - Prevent [enter] on bound fields from showing the variable pop-up
  • 2596 - Refresh views to fix schema integrity check failing for some customers
  • 2611 - Show configuration menu for users who have audit/team permissions
  • 2614 - Handle absolute paths in config transforms
  • 2624 - Add additional logging to Tentacle to help diagnose startup issues

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.24

  • 2499 - Clarify help text for skipping previously deployed packages

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.23

  • 2302 - OctoStache update to include variable use in indexer and conditional comparison changes (see issue for usage)
  • 2323 - Filter environments shown on the Promote button according to the users permissions
  • 2337 - Don't alter variables when sanitizing entered hostnames for IIS bindings
  • 2453 - Octopus now supports substituting objects, arrays, boolean and numeric values in JSON files
  • 2492 - Octopus now supports substituting properties with colons in their name in JSON files
  • 2554 - Azure Web App step now supports specifying Resource Group
  • 2573 - Fix running Powershell tasks blocking the Tentacle port if Tentacle restarts
  • 2599 - Fix Calamari saving ASCII files as UTF-8 with a BOM when doing substitutions on Linux
  • 2604 - Block deletion of Environments that have deployment steps scoped to them, rather than removing the steps

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.22

  • 2570 - Adding flags to the migrator to allow exporting and importing of task logs
  • 2592 - Errors are now logged more consistently regardless of whether the failed deployment step was running on a Deployment Target or the Octopus Server

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.21

  • 2296 - Allow the Deployments API endpoint to be filtered by ChannelId and return ChannelId in the result
  • 2418 - Retention policies now retain the correct number of undeployed Releases for each individual Channel
  • 2495 - Fail deployment when an included Script Module has a syntax error
  • 2502 - Added ability to pass parameters to custom script files
  • 2524 - Fixed an issue with Halibut that would cause Polling Tentacle upgrades to stall/freeze under certain conditions
  • 2545 - Set Octopus.Action.PowerShell.ExecuteWithoutProfile to true on a project to not run the Tentacle service account's PowerShell profile script when running PowerShell script steps
  • 2569 - Updates to the 'Configure dashboard’ screen to be more user-friendly with long project names
  • 2571 - Show projects with running deployments on the dashboard even if they are beyond the 50 project limit
  • 2574 - Release and Task screens correctly retain the page selections for lists (e.g. Artifacts and History)
  • 2577 - The Octopus VSTS plugin now correctly logs deployment progress when Show Deployment Progress is checked
  • 2580 - Removed the time limit for Azure deployment retries, and set it to always retry 3 times
  • 2589 - Tasks that are canceled whilst waiting for other tasks to complete will now cancel when requested

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.20

  • 1872 - Octopus.Deployment.Error now contains better information if a parallel step fails
  • 2332 - Run the Octopus installer from the command line with RUNMANAGERONEXIT=no to prevent the Octopus Manager from running
  • 2527 - Add a note to Azure account selection when a particular Azure account type is required
  • 2548 - Always show projects with failing deployments on the dashboard and allow the limit to be changed
  • 2557 - Octopus displays a message if queuing a system integrity check fails due to permissions
  • 2563 - System integrity check now ignores objects in the sys schema
  • 2564 - Ensured all database tables are in the dbo schema even when the creating user has a different default schema
  • 2566 - Fixed the population of the events list on the deployment status page
  • 2567 - Logged a warning when the result of an XML config transform results in a file without a root node
  • 2568 - Made the temporary file creation and deletion on deployment more robust

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.19

  • 2559 - Fixed an error that occurs during the schema integrity check
  • 2560 - Fix Calamari converting ASCII files to UTF8 during variable substitution

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.18

  • 2475 - Offline deployments now honour retention policies
  • 2520 - Prevent Releases being created when a Project is disabled
  • 2530 - Calamari fixes for file encoding during variable substitution
  • 2533 - Octo.exe now ensures that packageversion, if specified, is a semantic version
  • 2542 - Added additional transaction logging to help investigate potential SQL deadlock situations
  • 2543 - Calamari no longer crashes if Mono fails while finding earlier packages
  • 2544 - Added a system integrity check task that does some basic data and schema validation
  • 2546 - Removed performance bottleneck when evaluating variables after all machines have completed a step
  • 2553 - Database schema fix for potentially incorrect column length
  • 2555 - Fixed an issue where the server would not close SQL connections

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.17

  • 2341 - Added ability to export permissions as a csv file on the Test Permissions page
  • 2506 - Fixed validation on the SMTP Port to prevent the exception when the field is blank

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.16

  • 2516 - Improved error messages for incorrectly named packages
  • 2523 - Fixed HA secondary node servers not trusting newly added polling tentacles
  • 2534 - Fixed slowness when channels referenced a deployment step

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.15

  • 2528 - Fixed a performance problem related to 2484 which could cause Octopus upgrades to 3.3.11 and above to be slow
  • 2529 - Added diagnostics logging for long running requests and queries

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.14

Warning: Some upgrade scripts in this release may take some time to run. Please account for this when you choose your upgrade window.

  • 2347 - Allow Markdown formatting for NuGet package release-notes
  • 2400 - Added example of relative path for script file location in package to on-screen documentation
  • 2424 - Prevent Octopus working files (e.g. variables.json, bootstrap.ps1, etc) from syncing during Azure deployments.
  • 2433 - List all Script Modules rather than only the top 30
  • 2461 - Allow editing of window size for subsequent parallel steps
  • 2472 - Limited the number of projects shown on the dashboard to 50 and added a group and project filter if there are more than 50 projects
  • 2503 - octo.exe now handles cases where there are more than 30 channels in a project (and a few other cases where we neglected to paginate properly) affecting create-channel, create-release, deploy-release, delete-releases, export and import
  • 2504 - The breadcrumb link on Configuration pages now redirects to the correct page
  • 2505 - Modified the dashboard query to resolve timeouts
  • 2510 - Fixed a regression where packages only required on the server in one step, but required on a machine in another step were not being downloaded to the server
  • 2511 - Fail cleanly if environment handed to octo.exe clean-environment is not found
  • 2515 - Added poll-server command to Tentacle to configure polling multiple servers
  • 2518 - You can now set the Octopus.Action.PowerShell.CustomPowerShellVersion variable, and your PowerShell scripts will be invoked with the -version flag

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.12

  • 2351 - Changed Audit filter behaviour to include results that matched all filters provided
  • 2371 - Extended octo.exe delete-releases command to accept one or more --channel parameters
  • 2373 - Fixed the setting of the Octopus.Tentacle.Agent.InstanceName and Octopus.Tentacle.Agent.ProgramDirectoryPath variables and added the TentacleProgramDirectoryPath Environment Variable
  • 2382 - Improved the documentation for the --environment option for tentacle.exe register-with command
  • 2383 - Correctly show port number for listening Tentacles in the Tentacle Manager and updated path information to hyperlinks
  • 2444 - Unnecessary call to /api/reporting/ when rendering /#app/projects
  • 2485 - Fixed semaphore access when running multiple instances of Tentacle as different users
  • 2489 - Fixed the visibility of the paging control on the User Roles page
  • 2493 - Added octo.exe create-channel command to make it easier to create channels from build servers for per-branch channels (like feature branches)
  • 2494 - octo.exe create-release command extended to automatically select the best channel for the release, or fail with details on how to create it successfully

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.11

  • 2342 - Guest user not automatically being added to Everyone
  • 2409 - Long variables overlay history in release page
  • 2436 - Environment restriction from team membership should not override access granted by Administrators membership
  • 2459 - Same package in multiple steps downloads package multiple times on Tentacle
  • 2464 - Pushing a package with NuGet 3.4 causes a 500 error
  • 2465 - The packages api ignores the take and skip parameters
  • 2474 - Bug fixes to importer when encountering key-collisions and updating validation logic for frozen deployment processes and variable sets.
  • 2481 - Fixed issue with upgrader failing when there are orphaned channels
  • 2483 - Tentacle.exe to allow TLS 1.2 comms
  • 2484 - Related to 2417 we will automatically fix broken channel references in cloned projects, by linking to a channel with the exact same name, and delete any references which cannot be fixed automatically so you can fix them yourself

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.10

  • 2329 - No longer use $key as a variable name in bootstrap scripts so we don't clash with customer scripts.
  • 2473 - Fixed issue where existing script step templates caused validation errors when adding them to a step

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.9

  • 2191 - Fixed issue with the client deserializing VariableValues sent from pre-3.1.6 servers
  • 2462 - Improved the date bounds checking when determining the creation date of a nupkg or zip archive
  • 2466 - Note in the Version validation error message that pre-release tags starting with a number are not allowed
  • 2467 - Service deployment fail if directory or service name contains spaces

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.8

  • 2300 - Add new variable Octopus.Action.Package.InstallationDirectoryPath as replacement for Package.InstallationDirectoryPath
  • 2438 - Switching a script step from "script in package" to "inline script" should not attempt to download the package
  • 2443 - Add support for "No Managed code" for App Pool .NET CLR
  • 2446 - Allow parallel SSH tasks to take place on targets with different fingerprints.
  • 2451 - Audit event references should be mapped to to the new IDs
  • 2452 - When steps are deleted or renamed, the channel rule references to them should update
  • 2457 - Bugfix for variables grid not expanding to full width
  • 2460 - 3.3.7 Upgrade fails on script steps with sensitive variables

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.6

  • 2434 - Allowing packages deployed to SSH targets to exceed 2GB in size

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.5

  • 2432 - Fix to allow custom expressions in Nuget feeds for projects on import/export
  • 2439 - Authentication token no longer expires during long running Azure Resource Group deployments

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.4

  • 2278 - An additional warning will be logged if a release is not automatically created due to the package version being the greatest/maximum
  • 2312 - Variables link not added to Deployment resource if variable-set is no longer available.
  • 2396 - Configured scripts in package steps now support Unicode characters.
  • 2399 - Importing scripts now succeeds even if the project has the same name as something else (such as lifecycle or project group)
  • 2429 - Tentacle Manager now supports all TLS versions
  • 2430 - Task start time displayed on hover incorrectly shows queued time rather than start time
  • 2431 - The “Run on” radio button in a script template step now retains its selection after updating to a new version of the template
  • 2437 - Fixed a bug that broke Project cloning in certain circumstances with an ArgumentNullException

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.3

  • 2392 - You can now configure your Authentication Mode (Username/Password or Active Directory) when adding a node to an Octopus HA cluster using the wizard
  • 2403 - You can now choose whether to use Timestamp or Checksum for WebDeploy to Azure Web App, and the default has been changed to Timestamp when creating new Azure Web App steps
  • 2415 - When creating a deployment channels will now be taken into account when validating the deployment process
  • 2417 - When cloning a Project the Channels will now be correctly re-mapped for Project Variables and Automatic Release Creation
  • 2423 - Fixed an issue that prevented you from saving Azure Web App deployment targets with the error 'Web Space' should not be empty
  • 2426 - Prevent integer-overflow error during long-running Azure Resource Group deployments.
  • 2427 - Octo.exe Update channels information in steps that have been scoped to a channel when importing a project

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.2

  • 2391 - Add missing repositories (Channels, Accounts, Retention Policies, Defects and Server Nodes) to OctopusRepository in Octopus.Client
  • 2404 - Fix Javascript error preventing uploading of custom Azure Resource Manager certificates
  • 2405 - Removed paging from channels so that more than 30 can be used at a time
  • 2407 - Allow script steps that run on the server to be run across roles as a standalone step or as the first action in a rolling deployment
  • 2410 - Octo.exe Import and export project channels when running the project import and export commands
  • 2411 - Add push command to Octo.exe and a push package build runner to the Octopus Deploy TeamCity plugin
  • 2412 - When the NuGetFeed for a Package Step is set to a channel-scoped variable, it will now be resolved correctly when creating a release in those channels
  • 2414 - Adds support for TLS protocols for Octo.exe to communicate with TLS-only installations of Octopus Server

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.1

  • 2376 - Fixed scenarios that were failing when the host server is required to be FIPS 140 compliant
  • 2390 - On-screen help text added to Azure PowerShell step explaining Service Management cmdlets can't be used with Service Principal accounts and Resource Manager cmdlets can't be used with Management Certificate accounts
  • 2395 - Immediately executing code in Script Modules now have access to Octopus Variables
  • 2398 - Exporting a step template is now prevented until any changes are saved
  • 2402 - Fixed an issue that was preventing Calamari from updating on multiple SSH endpoints due to a file lock

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.0

  • 641 - Email, Manual Steps and Azure Powershell steps can now be executed in a rolling step. Also added support to run a PowerShell Script on the Octopus Server.
  • 2069 - Enable Azure Active Directory auth for Azure Accounts
  • 2091 - Show warning if file is missing during config transformation
  • 2133 - Azure Resource Group deployment step type
  • 2183 - Support .zip and .tar.gz package formats
  • 2189 - Script step embedded in a NuGet package
  • 2304 - Support for ASP.NET Core

Changes in Octopus Server 3.3.0-beta0002

  • 2345 - Corrected instructions for pushing packages via the api to the built-in repository
  • 2354 - Improve the error message when using the JSON config feature and a folder is specified as the target file
  • 2355 - Delete parameters that have been renamed/removed from the action properties collection
  • 2356 - The selected Resource Group in the “Deploy an Azure Resource Group” step now binds correctly when editing an existing step
  • 2357 - The display of long parameter names for Azure Resource Manager templates will now wrap instead of overflowing underneath the input control
  • 2359 - The display of Web Apps in the select list has been updated to display the Region and Resource Group (where available)
  • 2363 - The http://ASP.NET|ASP.NET Core JSON AppSettings feature is now the JSON configuration variables feature
  • 2364 - JSON config feature only replaces variables it can find instead of inserting all available project variables
  • 2374 - Invoke Set-AzureRmContext when authenticating with service-principal

Changes in Octopus Server 3.2.24

  • 2231 - The Active Directory user groups cache will now be invalidated for a user when they explicitly Sign Out from the Octopus Server, forcing a foreground refresh on their next Sign In
  • 2318 - Added ability to delete Octopus Server high-availability nodes via the API
  • 2334 - The Octopus data importer/migrator is now more reliable when detecting duplicate historical data with key collisions
  • 2362 - Updated the Octopus Server node screen to properly report task counts
  • 2384 - Fixed open redirect bug in the Octopus web portal integrated authentication process

Changes in Octopus Server 3.2.23

  • 2288 - Audit page date selector now displays correctly
  • 2298 - Changes made to certain documents will now show correctly in the audit log
  • 2324 - .bmp logos can now be migrated from previous versions of Octopus
  • 2325 - Octopus Server will now send the X-Frame-Options: DENY HTTP header, which can be overridden by changing the xFrameOptionAllowFrom configuration value
  • 2338 - The migration process is now split into two stages, the first to import data, and the second to import task logs, making it easier to migrate very large backups from previous versions of Octopus
  • 2353 - You can now provide the --nooverwrite parameter for migrator.exe to skip existing documents
  • 2358 - Retention policy for custom versions of Calamari will no longer delete the active version
  • 2360 - You can now use octo.exe to list and clean machines that are in a particular state in an environment which is useful for cleaning up cloud/transient/ephemeral machines that are Offline

Changes in Octopus Server 3.2.22

  • 2255 - Child steps now display their status correctly when they have errors or warnings.
  • 2266 - Tentacle upgrade process now displays and handles errors and warnings correctly.
  • 2280 - octo.exe imports with validation errors now return a non-zero exit code
  • 2281 - Provide --nologs and --onlylogs option for migrator process to seperate loading raw task logs from main server data for increased performance
  • 2336 - Variable expressions are now correctly persisted for sensitive fields in step templates.

Changes in Octopus Server 3.2.21

  • 2279 - Package Cache Retention Policy now removes .octosig and .octodelta files
  • 2303 - Fix bug when user provided variables that are made up of output variables are accessed in later steps.
  • 2316 - Now using new SHA2 Code Signing Certificate and signing installers/assemblies using SHA256 algorithm.
  • 2319 - Removed limitations on a number of queries that would stop running when the related document count exceeded 2100 documents.
  • 2327 - Only test for permission changes to environments used in an existing variable set scope when that variable set is updated.
  • 2328 - Fixed an edge case where config transforms were being run twice.

Changes in Octopus Server 3.2.20

  • 2313 - Prevent sensitive variables for deployment process returning from API call
  • 2317 - Show deploy buttons when project SparseBoard is shown.
  • 2320 - Show the username the Tentacle is running under when performing health checks.

Changes in Octopus Server 3.2.19

  • 2282 - Octopus Migrator now imports Release that were associated with deleted variable sets
  • 2291 - Add special variables OctopusSkipFreeDiskSpaceCheck and OctopusFreeDiskSpaceOverrideInMegaBytes to allow for skipping the free disk space check and to specify a custom free space threshold.
  • 2293 - Correct the documentation link for channel version rule tags on the Design Rule dialog
  • 2299 - Fixed issue with new Tentacle upgrade button on connectivity page

Changes in Octopus Server 3.2.17

  • 2126 - Added Verbose Logging when duplicate variables exist between Step Template vars and Project/VariableSet vars.
  • 2237 - Provide mechanism to lock current Tentacle version in place and dismiss upgrade reminder.
  • 2243 - Add retention policy for old Calamari versions when upgrading to a new version.
  • 2251 - Environment list in variable scope selection and on dashboard configuration page sorted as per environment sort order.
  • 2254 - Updated octo.exe octopus.client library to work with the latest release
  • 2276 - Removed a limitation on the number of deployments that can be created/displayed for a release.
  • 2277 - Increase default SQL connection timeout to mitigate transaction commit timeouts.
  • 2285 - Channel variables made available to release version template
  • 2286 - Removed a restriction that prevented config transform files from being applied to multiple target files (eg transform.config => *.config).
  • 2287 - Added paging to the task queue in the task summary view.
  • 2289 - Removed timeout from manual intervention steps that are a part of a scheduled deployment.