Released: Tuesday, June 6, 2023

What's new in 2023.2

These are the most important features you'll get by upgrading.

Octopus 2023.2

The latest release of Octopus has new features to make your deployments faster and easier to manage, including:

  • Better visibility across tenants with the redesigned tenant overview dashboard
  • Live updates of Kubernetes objects during deployment
  • Increased success rate of steps with automatic retries
  • More powerful metrics with DevOps Insights improvements
  • Easier deployments to Azure resources with ‘Deploy a Bicep Template’ Step
  • Enhanced security API key security
  • Common components for easier bulk administration and visibility
  • Improved UI performance and navigation in the Octopus portal
  • Polling tentacles over standard ports for reduced complexity
  • Configurable Audit log retention limit for Cloud customers

The release is available on Octopus Cloud and ready for download by our self-hosted customers.

Release notes

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.13580

  • 8540 - Added telemetry on Tentacle versions

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.13456

  • 8532 - Reduced default concurrent message pumps to alleviate thread pool pressure

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.13440

  • 8449 - ReferenceIds on StepFramework steps are incorrectly updated when updating step versions, this leads to a mismatch between the referenceId and StepPackageInputsReferenceId causing deployment failures

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.13412

  • 8411 - Improve transaction names in diagnostic reports
  • 8412 - Added validation for the auth session timeout to prevent setting it to a value that is too short
  • 7382 - Fixed issue with deploying zip files to Azure when executing within the built-in worker
  • 8362 - Fixed issue with accessing additional files in a helm package with a nested path
  • 8398 - When redeploying a tenanted deployment and selecting a tenant tag the skip tenant panel is displayed and allows deploying to tenants that already have the release as their current version
  • 7498 - Use run condition of child step when cloning to a different project
  • 8353 - Fixed an issue where some azure deployments did not respect proxy configured in Octopus
  • 8360 - Include full SSL Cert Chain in deployed SSL cert for Nginx

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.13311

  • 8353 - Fixed an issue where some azure deployments did not respect proxy configured in Octopus

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.13239

  • 8309 - LTS backport to remove the usage of --short flag from kubectl since it has been deprecated

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.13224

  • 8183 - Allow supplying arguments to container runtime when using action execution containers
  • 8291 - Revert change to runbook tenant selector that caused the Run button to be disabled until unchecking Skip tenants option

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.13175

  • 8272 - Fix redeploy tenanted release issue where the option to skip tenants where release is current for a tenant isn't available after explicitly selecting tenants
  • 8267 - Fix tentacle version checking when installed version is higher than the server comes with

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.13151

  • 8268 - Deprecation warnings added to health checks & tasks on Windows 2003 Targets & Workers

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.13113

  • 8252 - Fix issue where step with single conditional action will be evaluated correctly
  • 8250 - Added a default timeout for machine health checks

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.12998

  • 8249 - Octopus Server on Linux will no longer attempt to run HTTP.sys in extensions

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.12982

  • 8165 - Name search for Deployment Targets is now case insensitive

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.12868

  • 8242 - Improved performance of deployment preview

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.12836

  • 8219 - Fixed issue with Kubernetes Object Status tab not displaying status of objects in Kubernetes that were being updated from child steps

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.12795

  • 8238 - Fix error when migrating inputs for package step

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.12643

  • 8218 - Add variable Octopus.Deployment.WorkerLeaseCap to manage worker lease cap

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.12513

  • 7961 - The side effects of deleting and renaming a step in the same operation now occur correctly. This includes updating channel rules and project version settings

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.12482

  • 8211 - Fix possible null reference exception when cancelling interrupted server tasks

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.12426

  • 8201 - Fixed an issue with project search; it now works correctly for projects without descriptions

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.12416

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.12331

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.12209

  • 8189 - Rename of Kubernetes output variables to prevent clashing with customer variables
  • 8171 - Calling the tasks/{id}/details REST endpoint will now return all valid log entries before invalid JSON is detected in a log file. This fix also ensures Task Log Aggregation does not aggregate task log files that contain invalid JSON entries, and leaves related task logs in their original unaggregated form
  • 8184 - Improved response time when requesting projects by slug
  • 8185 - Fixed a regression that was causing stale worker leases when tasks were cancelled

Changes in Octopus Server 2023.2.12046

  • 8120 - Display Kubernetes Objects Status During Deployment
  • 8180 - Fix the new space switcher not ordering spaces in alphabetical order
  • 8178 - Tasks that rely on mono will start logging warning messages
  • 8152 - Fixed an issue where the top navigation bar crashes the UI when a user has no permissions
  • 8147 - Auto deployments of change-controlled projects no longer fail to start
  • 8149 - Introduced page-specific endpoint to improve load time on the view single Release page
  • 8151 - Introduced page-specific endpoint to improve Deployment Preview load time on Create Deployment page
  • 8144 - Fixed an issue where release creation can be slow from waiting for Package Notes
  • 7861 - Fix tenant variable removal when removing environments from projection connection
  • 8150 - Improved View Releases page load time
  • 8140 - Overhauled the Tenants overview page to improve the visibility of all available Tenants and their respective tags and project/environment connections
  • 8139 - Improved aesthetics and visual hierarchy for the top navigation bar
  • 8137 - Only display build information linked to the package that is being viewed
  • 8118 - Connectivity checks running indefinitely blocking execution on a deployment target
  • 8241 - All nodes must be shut down before upgrading Octopus
  • 8045 - Fix release notes overflow on Task Summary page
  • 8129 - Fixing UserId filtering for audit logs
  • 8126 - Fixes an issue with upstream DockerHub auth where tokens requested with "registry:catalog:" no longer grant access. Updated to use "registry:"
  • 8123 - Steps can be configured to automatically retry when they fail
  • 7968 - Updated warning on failed Always Run steps to suggest retrying where safe to do so
  • 8121 - Configure audit stream button now shows up correctly
  • 8110 - Improved performance of the interruptions list API
  • 8109 - Individual channels can now be included on Insights Reports
  • 8107 - Fixed an issue where Bash scripts can reveal secret values
  • 8104 - Improve performance of filtering deployment targets
  • 8099 - Fixed an issue where GET /workers did not respect filtering by worker pool IDs
  • 8087 - Reduce unnecessary server requests when viewing environments and deployment targets
  • 8096 - Added ability to perform simple calculations in Variable Substitution
  • 8094 - Rolled back extra permission requirements when viewing API keys
  • 8185 - Fixed a regression that was causing stale worker leases when tasks were cancelled
  • 8077 - Fixed a persistence issue on ForcePackageDownload option for Runbooks
  • 8071 - API key generation can be restricted to allow only Service Accounts
  • 8061 - Structure variable configuration replacement available in Deploy raw YAML step
  • 8052 - Unique name constraint error when cloning a project
  • 8043 - Fixed an issue where SilentProcessRunner could hang while waiting for a zombie process to finish on Windows
  • 7609 - Fixed an issue with Deploy Kubernetes Raw YAML step not showing any errors on attempting to save when provided with an invalid YAML

Unsure which version is a compatible upgrade? Compare releases.

Looking for older versions of Octopus? Download older versions.