Compare releases

Compare releases and check for compatibility between your existing Octopus Server and new releases.

Release notes

These are the features and fixes you'll get by upgrading from 2018.6.15 to 2018.7.7.

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.7.7

  • 4750 - Fixed issue where Deployment Target Triggers didn't trigger for projects with Deploy a release steps
  • 4759 - Removed the extra logging blocks in the deployment log when delta compression is performed
  • 4760 - UI refining both the accounts list and on-boarding panels and reintroducing our green primary buttons (#WooHoo)
  • 4762 - Performance improvements to Project Dashboard query

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.7.6

  • 4761 - Halved the performance impact of the project dashboard for instances with many deployments

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.7.5

  • 4513 - Fixed exception when setting up a scheduled trigger for a specific day of the month
  • 4714 - Reduced the CPU usage when deploying to many machine in parallel within the same deployment
  • 4733 - Fixed preservation of JAR manifest info during deployment
  • 4748 - Reduced the amount of data that is retrieved from the database throughout the application
  • 4749 - UI adding an overflow menu option from various documents to the auditing screen
  • 4752 - Fixed Azure Web App deployment failure when no Resource Group is provided
  • 4753 - Run package scripts during Azure Resource Group deployment
  • 4754 - Fixed a bug which limited trial licenses to a single worker and worker pool, when trials are meant to get unlimited workers and worker pools
  • 4755 - Target retention during deployment no longer retrieves all the machines multiple times
  • 4757 - Send additional licensing and usage details back to in addition to existing telemetry
  • 4758 - The proxy selection is no longer cleared when expanding the proxy section on the Tentacle details page

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.7.4

  • 4708 - Fixed bug preventing cancelling a deployment that is waiting for manual intervention
  • 4718 - Reduced the amount of data retrieved from the database server for the the project dashboard and process pages, which reduces load on the database server and makes those pages faster when there are many environments
  • 4719 - Fixed a rare issue where equal variable scopes were not be considered equal leading to a variable being added instead of replaced
  • 4727 - UI adding a "HasWarningsOrErrors" flag to the tasks screen filters
  • 4745 - Added an index to the User table
  • 4747 - Fix an issue where OctopusUseBundledAzureModules variable was being ignored

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.7.3

  • 4599 - Fixed issue where using Network Service or Local Service account for Windows Service accounts didn't work on non-English systems
  • 4704 - UI indication of default values in project variable templates
  • 4711 - Improved auditing on actions performed by the node command line operation
  • 4715 - Manual intervention completion time is now recorded and logged
  • 4716 - UI fix for environment vs target name filtering on the environments screen
  • 4722 - Fix a bug where leading zero of a certificate's SerialNumber is truncated
  • 4724 - Default to last version during deployment when no valid semver versions exist
  • 4725 - Fixed compatibility issues in our Calamari update script using the -Directory parameter on the Get-ChildItem cmdlet on PowerShell 2.0
  • 4726 - Fixed compatibility issues in Calamari using unsupported security protocols on servers that only have .NET 4.0 installed
  • 4729 - UI adding a delete option to the release overview screen's overflow menu
  • 4730 - Fix a bug where project variables not included in binding dropdowns in Start/Stop App in Tomcat step
  • 4732 - Fix a bug where a null reference exception is thrown when try to save a project in add project dialog before all data are fully loaded
  • 4734 - Fixed Dashboard error "Cannot read property 'projectIndex' of undefined"
  • 4737 - Fix for UI bug in channel design rules
  • 4740 - Fixed script syntax warning message in Azure and AWS PowerShell steps

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.7.2

  • 4742 - Fixed a bug preventing upgrades to Octopus Server 2018.7.0 or 2018.7.1 with a message like Unrecognised document prefix Accounts- - please upgrade directly to 2018.7.2 or newer
  • 4743 - Fixed a bug which mistakenly deleted non-orphaned library variable set snapshots when upgrading to Octopus Server 2018.7.0 or 2018.7.1 - please upgrade to 2018.7.2 or newer

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.7.1

  • 4739 - Fixed a bug preventing upgrades from Octopus Server 2018.5.7 or earlier directly to 2018.7.0 - please upgrade directly to 2018.7.1 or newer

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.7.0

  • 4158 - Octopus now allows multiple external workers, grouped into pools
  • 4561 - Added support for specifying slots on Azure Web App targets and steps
  • 4634 - Fixed query performance for Azure Web Apps
  • 4710 - Fixing an edge-case with Service Fabric targets to deal with self-signed (and password-protected) certificates
  • 4712 - Changed S3 multi file selections bucket key prefix to be optional
  • 4622 - Increased the speed of the Account Usage query

Changes in Octopus Server 2018.6.15

  • 4436 - UI improvements to removable list components (for consistency and easy-of-use)
  • 4546 - Cloudformation and Terraform inline script permission required changed to ProcessEdit
  • 4647 - Fixed an issue where legacy variable Octopus.Action.Azure.UseBundledAzurePowerShellModule wasn't being honoured
  • 4669 - Add an option to exclude a machine from the rest of the deployment when using guided failure
  • 4700 - UI improvements to update variable snapshot to make this feature more accessible
  • 4705 - Fixed issue where randomly getting "Cannot read property 'projectIndex' of undefined" error
  • 4706 - Fixed issue where urls referenced in task logs were converted to lowercase during render