
Blog posts

Kubernetes testing with KIND

KIND offers a new solution for spinning up Kubernetes clusters for testing and development

Checking Kubernetes pod CPU and memory

Learn how to check a pod's resource usage in Kubernetes.

Testing Kubernetes locally

Learn about the tools available for developers testing Kubernetes on their local machines.

Creating test Kubernetes clusters with Kind

Learn how to integrate a test cluster created with Kind with Octopus

Ingress and Ingress Controllers demo

Learn how to deploy an Ingress Controller and expose services via Ingress resources, as part of our Kubernetes training series.

Getting started with Kind and Octopus

Learn how to perform your first Kubernetes deployment with Kind and Octopus

Using local images with minikube

Learn how to deploy locally built Docker images to minikube.

Enterprise deployment patterns reference implementation

Learn how to deploy the example reference implementation demonstrating the enterprise patterns.

How to install a Jenkins instance with Helm

As part of our series about Continuous Integration and build servers, learn how to install Jenkins via Helm.

Custom kubectl scripting in Octopus

Learn some of the tricks for scripting against kubectl in Octopus

Using dynamic build agents to automate scaling in Jenkins

With some setup, Jenkins can automatically react to your processing needs, creating extra nodes to manage processes. This post explains 2 setup methods.

The ultimate guide to rolling deployments

What are rolling deployments and why are they useful? This post covers the rolling deployment pattern and practical examples of how to implement it with different tooling.

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